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Democrat mayors engage in hypocritical whining

Democrat mayors engage in hypocritical whining

Thousands of migrants who have crossed the American border are being sent to several major northern cities, and the local mayors are taking to the airwaves with hypocritical pity stories.  They are complaining that they do not have adequate physical facilities and money to accommodate the new arrivals.

They place the blame on southern governors like Greg Abbott, of Texas, and Ron DeSantis, of Florida, for sending the migrants to their cities.  They call it heartless — and an endangerment to the migrants.  So far, none of the migrants have been injured or died as a result of the travel to their northern destination.  If there is any heartlessness or danger to their wellbeing, it is after they arrive in the new cities.

Mayor Eric Adams, of New York, says that the problem would be solved if officials in the Big Apple would be given advance warning.  Of course, he said that after repeatedly claiming that the number of migrants are the problem — not so much their arrival times.

In a recent telecast, Adams was joined by Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston in mutual bleating over the number of migrants being sent to their communities.  They say it is unsustainable.  The migrant problem is consuming up to 10 percent of the billion-dollar municipal budgets.

According to December 2023 figures, New York has received 161,000 migrants in the past year … Chicago 26,000 (since August 2022) … and Denver 35,000.   This is a very small number of those crossing the border.  Cumulatively, it is only a fraction of the 730,000 migrants who crossed the American border in the last three months – and a pittance of the more than 8 million who entered America illegally since President Biden took office and kicked the border open even further.

These are also the Democrat administrations that have enticed and encourage illegal migrants to come to their cities.  They declared themselves to be “sanctuary cities,” where illegal aliens can live without fear of arrest or deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).  Cities which historically have been offering a range of benefits for migrants entering the United States illegally – such as schooling, welfare, drivers’ licenses and, in some cases, voting rights.

As if that is not enough, the mayor of Denver wants to provide the illegal aliens with work permits so that they would not have to rely on the financial resources of the city – the very thing they offered as an incentive to come to America.

Now that the chickens are starting to roost in their backyard, the mayors are bleating like hungry pigs.  Even though the problem rests mostly with the White House and past and current Democrat policies, they point the finger at Abbott and DeSantis.  Their only issue with Washington is that they want more money – the Democrats’ evergreen cure-all.

Interestingly, neither Adams, Johnson nor Johnston never called for closing the border – stopping the crisis at the source.  They just want two things.  More money from Uncle Same and to have the migrants sent someplace else. 

It is classic hypocritical NIMBY (not in my back yard).  They simply do not want to take responsibility for the crisis they helped cause.  What their huge cities cannot accommodate they want handled by much smaller towns.  They do not want to raise local taxes to address the problem but want to spread the cost over the national taxpayer base by way of money from Washington.  They do not seem interested in stopping the illegal crossings.  And they definitely do not want to point a finger at the one person who could take immediate actions to protect the border …. Joe Biden.

Save your sympathy.  These mayors are getting what they deserve m—and even less than they deserve.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Jim wampler

    It’s all good. Trump will secure the borders and deport illegals. By the way, Trump’s name didn’t come up when the courts unseated the names of perverts who was at Epstein’s island. But bill Clinton was front and center Go figure.

  2. Feank stetson

    You are correct about Clinton being mentioned. Fifty times to be exact. Trump’s name is there too, at least one time. Neither is suspect at this time. Both flew about four times.

    News at 11.

  3. Feank stetson

    IMO, the problem rests with the President and the Congress. It’s been decades.

  4. JPop

    There’s only one reason to go to Pervo Island. And it’s not legitimate fun.

  5. JPop

    They are all Sanctuary Cities. Now they have been given the chance to prove their claim: All are welcome. Its good they are getting a taste of the border towns go through every day.

  6. Sol romain

    You liberal mayors think an open border is ok,so I guess you want all the Southern states to deal with it. They are,you sanctuary cities think this is ok,so you take them in and shut the fuck up!

  7. AC

    Where is your Chicago born now southern good ol’ Florida Boca hospitality? Given your hearts size and your town’s prosperity, the good folks in Boca should have mercy, bless your hearts, and accept those wandering souls. How long could you sit riding a bus to nowhere warm and inviting.
    The term hypocrite sure receives a whole lot of print space under your byline. Considering you reserve leveling your aim for the bad boy democrat run cities. Could be they may seem like they protest to much, but you could see your way clear of cities and pick on Republicans elsewhere with hypocritical tendencies. The conservatives who vote no on every spending bill the Democrats get passed, signed, and fund sent to Republican districts and used to benefit the Republican majority electorate. Wouldn’t you know, the cheap conservative reaps credit rewards from bills Democrats sponsored. Adding up to, who is a real hypocrite? The one speaking from both sides of their mouth.
    You understand the hypocrite’s mind well, whoever coined the saying, “takes one to know one” hit the mark when that coin was tossed. I bet you were around and witness it, But didn’t you think the coin had you likeness stamped on both heads and tails.
    Thinking about your pinning blame for what you say is the open boarder between US and them, Mexico, narrowly on one Administration exclusive of former administrations running back decades. Republican and Democrat administrations repeatedly kicked that old can to the next administration, no matter the party receiving the kick. There are Republican and Democrat Commander and Chief honchoes who appeared in the WH before Biden. But the old grudge you nurse for the man give off the shakes that drive your poison pen passed your usual anti-Democrat slurry and beyond.
    Frustration must fuel what your mind concocts, for all the venom you post naming Biden the supposed mastermind, not one syllable makes it way near influence level communication.

  8. larry Horist

    AC …. You write…”Where is your Chicago born now southern good ol’ Florida Boca hospitality? Given your hearts size and your town’s prosperity, the good folks in Boca should have mercy, bless your hearts, and accept those wandering souls. How long could you sit riding a bus to nowhere warm and inviting.” Do you have any idea how irrational and nonsensical your writing is? Whether you are compromised by age or alcohol when you write, I do not know, but your word salads like this make no sense whatsoever. Perhaps you can find a friend to read your writings before you upload them.

    • Mike f

      Larry, while not as eloquent perhaps as some of your more urbane responders (I’m thinking Dan Tyree here), I understood the point AC was making. Probably due to your inability to understand anything that doesn’t fit your neat categorization of world affairs, you appeared not to, and instead resorted to your normal childish insults of those who dare to disagree with you. The point AC made was: immigration is a federal government responsibility, and this has been a problem for a long time. Both democrat and republican administrations have kicked this can down the road. The Trump administration chose to deal with this issue with a series of potentially illegal EO’s and policies, Biden has taken a different path and followed the law as written. Some governors (thinking mainly texass and your own idiot in chief in florida) have chosen to make this an issue for political gain by shipping migrants to more liberal cities. Clearly, any area dealing with these migrants need’s assistance from the federal government to address this issue-equally clearly they should be hammering on their senators and representatives to work this issue-I don’t see congress working to update the laws impacting immigrants. As an aside-it is pure pettiness for governors to ship migrants north with no notice provided to those responsible at the destination-definitely shows the maturity (lack thereof) of the governors performing the actions. And the similar stunts by your own governor to ship migrants from Texas north-using your tax dollars in an attempt to boost his viability as a presidential candidate-should raise a big red flag among you fools that have supported him, but I suspect that is not the case.

      • larry Horist

        Mike f… I showed AC’s comments to a writer friend of mine. He found them incomprehensible. So, thanks for the translation.

        • Mike f

          Larry, I guess since i understood what AC said and neither you nor your writer friend did-that means I am smarter than either of you and perhaps you should stop being so arrogant and simply admit you don’t know shit?

          • larry Horist

            Mike f… I will concede your point. You obviously know shit a lot better than me.

        • AC

          “Your writer friend” is hardly proof. This person friend no doubt is of a mind that agrees with you and has the same inability reading plain text.
          Your wise cracks sliding to senior age moments, mental acuity, and foolishness is you making uneducated guesses. These guesses you use in forming your unfounded assumptions. False assumptions, then, are your evidence making a case for judgement . This you do under cover of darkness which is your opinion. Opinion is your court chamber where you cram judgement down on those you put in your personal judgement seat.
          I trust you do not need a picture drawn.
          As to the age reference. My age does not bother me. I have none of your so called senior moments. Alcohol of any sort crosses my lips, it is a substance that my physicians determined while I was in the early adult years, happened to be one more of the several items my metabolism could not process.
          You, don’t know me, nor understand how I see this world and comprehend it ably though a radically different opinion framework than the particular opinion you built for yourself.
          Additionally, one’s opinion is, or should be, in a state of constant processing and adapting to change that occurs constantly. As it happens, adjustments to change are necessary for personal wellbeing. Many changes are forced mandates. No one wants to change something in their life. Forced mandated change feels worse. Most people fight change and resist making adjustments.
          One’s opinion is personal. It’s the identity that defines the person. It isn’t a mystery when one bridles and reacts when they feel attacks being made against their opinions. The attacks are always begin when different opinions collide. Soon, exchanging academics on the opinion level is not satisfactory, so words come out that bring things past thinking and on down into the personal level. When at the personal level stage civility, if it ever existed previously, is cast aside. And then, mean and ugly tactics swallow up all thoughts the attacker professed about their ethical and moral character and righteous indignation. That hate for anyone was not in their person. No error in opinion or perception not naturally solid.
          After all, is not the one to whom is endowed greatness in wisdom, knowledge, and judgement justified when the occasion presents opportunity. That the occasion seemed to warrant an attempted assault on another person’s dignity and integrity should bring a multitude of inquires in readers’ minds. Is there any good purpose accomplished in Larry’s resorting to dehumanizing tactics on persons he abhors? No good at all can possibly come from bullying and character assassination. Elementary school yard bad behavior bullying is still alive and frequently seen in practice here on Larry’s assumed turf.
          An example of a pathetic senior citizen attempting command over some small patch of media ground. On this space much beating on the chest while with audacious gesturing in words and accusatory pointing of fingers takes place.
          The space here that for a time Larry may play at commanding appears to be practical. In that he writes his opinion commentary relative to people and events primarily happening in the Democrat camp. His derogatory slant to Democrat politics and Democrats personally stirs the PBP hornets nest into a fighting furry. What may seem practical is the exercise had by people posting personal commentary from an assortment of view points.
          American democracy attempting its taking to flight.
          Unfortunately, authoritarian ego on Larry’s part hinders much flying. Maybe three acolytes of Larry’s have privilege and not subjected to the taunts and slurs received by others.
          On the subject of age and the advanced aged, Larry is in the latter category. Really typical of him is his being hypocritical. The truth is, he has nothing he can stand on, he is within a child’s hand toss of 80 years. Possibly, he is two years short of 80.
          Sharing in number of years, he shares what he derides in Biden. Also, Trump and Larry come close, in comparing age.
          As my case appears in Larry’s comments on my account. My senior status does He is neither he embarrass me, yet. I do feel my hackles rise when some like Larry are more aged than I Hypocritically mock me personally. My opinion mocked is expected from Larry’s typical characterization of opinions other than his own. But, it’s a bridge to far he goes with personal jibes and alcohol abuse accusations.
          These actions he brags are some right he claims are ample proof, he is neither gentleman nor scholar. He shows he is the pompous ass I have known since my youth. Each character identified themself as a proud Republican and a conservative.

          So, that’s, that.

      • AC

        Thanks for support,
        Larry does not get it.
        He appears to not care except for himself.
        To himself he is true.
        Truth itself, for him is a fancy and not of merit.


      Yeah, AC, what a “moran,” probably lives in Main. Oye. Glasses houses Larry, glass houses.

      • AC

        “Your writer friend” is hardly proof. This person friend no doubt is of a mind that agrees with you and has the same inability reading plain text.
        Your wise cracks sliding to senior age moments, mental acuity, and foolishness is you making uneducated guesses. These guesses you use in forming your unfounded assumptions. False assumptions, then, are your evidence making a case for judgement . This you do under cover of darkness which is your opinion. Opinion is your court chamber where you cram judgement down on those you put in your personal judgement seat.
        I trust you do not need a picture drawn.
        As to the age reference. My age does not bother me. I have none of your so called senior moments. Alcohol of any sort crosses my lips, it is a substance that my physicians determined while I was in the early adult years, happened to be one more of the several items my metabolism could not process.
        You, don’t know me, nor understand how I see this world and comprehend it ably though a radically different opinion framework than the particular opinion you built for yourself.
        Additionally, one’s opinion is, or should be, in a state of constant processing and adapting to change that occurs constantly. As it happens, adjustments to change are necessary for personal wellbeing. Many changes are forced mandates. No one wants to change something in their life. Forced mandated change feels worse. Most people fight change and resist making adjustments.
        One’s opinion is personal. It’s the identity that defines the person. It isn’t a mystery when one bridles and reacts when they feel attacks being made against their opinions. The attacks are always begin when different opinions collide. Soon, exchanging academics on the opinion level is not satisfactory, so words come out that bring things past thinking and on down into the personal level. When at the personal level stage civility, if it ever existed previously, is cast aside. And then, mean and ugly tactics swallow up all thoughts the attacker professed about their ethical and moral character and righteous indignation. That hate for anyone was not in their person. No error in opinion or perception not naturally solid.
        After all, is not the one to whom is endowed greatness in wisdom, knowledge, and judgement justified when the occasion presents opportunity. That the occasion seemed to warrant an attempted assault on another person’s dignity and integrity should bring a multitude of inquires in readers’ minds. Is there any good purpose accomplished in Larry’s resorting to dehumanizing tactics on persons he abhors? No good at all can possibly come from bullying and character assassination. Elementary school yard bad behavior bullying is still alive and frequently seen in practice here on Larry’s assumed turf.
        An example of a pathetic senior citizen attempting command over some small patch of media ground. On this space much beating on the chest while with audacious gesturing in words and accusatory pointing of fingers takes place.
        The space here that for a time Larry may play at commanding appears to be practical. In that he writes his opinion commentary relative to people and events primarily happening in the Democrat camp. His derogatory slant to Democrat politics and Democrats personally stirs the PBP hornets nest into a fighting furry. What may seem practical is the exercise had by people posting personal commentary from an assortment of view points.
        American democracy attempting its taking to flight.
        Unfortunately, authoritarian ego on Larry’s part hinders much flying. Maybe three acolytes of Larry’s have privilege and not subjected to the taunts and slurs received by others.
        On the subject of age and the advanced aged, Larry is in the latter category. Really typical of him is his being hypocritical. The truth is, he has nothing he can stand on, he is within a child’s hand toss of 80 years. Possibly, he is two years short of 80.
        Sharing in number of years, he shares what he derides in Biden. Also, Trump and Larry come close, in comparing age.
        As my case appears in Larry’s comments on my account. My senior status does He is neither he embarrass me, yet. I do feel my hackles rise when some like Larry are more aged than I Hypocritically mock me personally. My opinion mocked is expected from Larry’s typical characterization of opinions other than his own. But, it’s a bridge to far he goes with personal jibes and alcohol abuse accusations.
        These actions he brags are some right he claims are ample proof, he is neither gentleman nor scholar. He shows he is the pompous ass I have known since my youth. Each character identified themself as a proud Republican and a conservative.

        So, that’s, that.

        • larry Horist

          AC … You need to come out of your imaginary world. Your responses are not only ineloquent and incompressible, you invent you own straw arguments based on fiction. I only read your first couple of paragraphs, but you proved you instability very quickly. Just so you know how ignorant you are, my friend is a successful Hollywood writer whose name appears on a number of top television shows. He is also a New York progressive Jewish Democrat. And then you accuse me of making uneducated guess and assumptions, Look up projection in the dictionary. I think you name is the third preferred definition. You make a fool of yourself when you try to sound smart and knowledgeable.



  10. AC

    Larry, you say such nice things about me. I do appreciate your effort.
    However, I have a sense of humor still intact after your insensitive bullying remarks. I peg you for the narrow minded Republican know it all. Your mind can not conceive anyother perspective than your own. If you think I live in an imaginary world, how would you know. You claim ignorance as to my written text. I am not impressed by your, so called “friend”. Hollywood writer and a progressive Jewish Democrat from New York can not be a friend He, or she, would take greater care in their choice of persons with whom they associate.
    This week I reread your Thanksgiving time November 22. 2018 personal manifesto. It was as I had recalled from reading it in January 2019 and twice since. To my knowledge, you have not posted a revision or an updated more current edition. Perhaps, your are still satisfied with it as it stands, although it has been 5 years and 2 months since you posted those original paragraphs. That’s a long time ago. A lot of history has transpired in that time. Social/ Political changing events reported as being unprecedented in your life time. Have you been true to your words back then, your manifesto. Because, writing out, then posting something like that is a statement of promises. The Larry Horist who projects the image you do in your commentaries and your personal comments in the readers’ comment field show many inconsistencies between that writing and your real life facts witnessed by observation of your behavior writing commentary and relating with your readers’ comments. The facts do not match up with your November 22, 2018 published statement.
    Given your comments made directly about me, preceded by AC, indicate that you appear to struggle with a deficit in your reading comprehension. I believe, my assumption is correct, that any and all comments written by me, AC, will be viewed with extreme prejudice extreme, if in deed you do not entirely ignore this last comment.
    You have treated me, personally. very unjustly. I am convinced, you laugh at me while you deride my character an person as if I am of no consequence or value. Your despicable attitude towards me and others you judge as worthless in your estimation is in direct conflict with your personal statement where you list your many virtues in great detail.
    In summary, I understand you don’t give a damn about me and my opinion. And yet, hear this, you are a spreader of lies in your propaganda promotion business. Comment until your last day behind a screen of virtual anonymity in your own make believe world, and delude yourself into believing your are better than those who consume your rot. ..


      AC, most readers who have a different opinion from Horist, according to Horist, live in imaginary worlds, are faux psychiatrist’s attempting to mind-read Horist (a short story for sure), drink, and are liars. He most often does this by demeaning and defaming his readers without even a semblance of a fact in refutation. He has rarely ever sourced or linked to an expert source since he feels he is “the one,” and what he concludes is common knowledge. It’s common all right. He rarely answers questions, just bloviates instead. He rarely discusses with detractors, he just bashes.

      He is very consistent.

      • larry Horist

        Frank … I am amazed and flattered by how much attention you, AC and Mike f pay attention to moi — even if it is with childish ad hominin insults. Occasionally, I answer one of them, but not to any great length because they have no apparent impact on me or other readers. I am an opinion writing. It seems that when you cannot give an intelligent and relevant response, you guys go for looong repetitious petty and baseless emotional insults. Enjoy the kiddie pool.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…