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Covid-19 Fearmongering at the Youfit Gym

The Covid-19 emergency is over in Florida. Governor DeSantis signed a proclamation that it was no longer necessary to wear masks in the State of Florida and further, that local governments were not allowed to pass their own laws reinstating any of this. It’s over.

But a number of businesses chose to continue the mask policy for quite a while after the emergency was over. Youfit was one of these.

I arrived at Youfit several days ago and was told summarily that I could not enter without a mask. (Full disclosure, the person at the desk was rude to me, and I reciprocated. I am no longer a member of Youfit).

Yes, it is true that private companies can do what they like. But then again, I had a contract with Youfit. I would never have signed a contract requiring me to wear a mask. The rule requiring a mask was imposed upon them by the State and I understand that, but once the emergency was over, they should have immediately reverted back to the original rules. Any court would find that rule unreasonable.

But let’s examine the motives here.

Do you think that Youfit corporate knew something about the virus that the State of Florida did not?

Was there some particular bio-hazard present in Youfit facilities that is not present in the hundreds of bars and restaurants that were fully open at the time?

If either was the case, I will gladly print a retraction. But no, I don’t think so.

Youfit wanted its members to know that they “care” about them, right?

In other words, they wanted to propagate the terror of Covid-19 by making people wear masks – strictly for public relations purposes.

They didn’t want their members to go back to a normal life, they didn’t want to alleviate the stress of Covid-19, they wanted Youfit facilities still under lockdown emergency members to show how much they “cared” about their members.


And strictly for their own marketing purposes?


I can’t claim to be in the heads of Youfit managers. Perhaps they are Democrats and wanted to disagree with our Republican Governor? Plenty of that going around. Perhaps Youfit managers do not believe in democracy, and have a problem with our Governor making theses decisions – our duly elected Governor who was elected specifically to make these kinds of decisions for our State?

You can probably tell that I am disgusted with Youfit. And I am disgusted with all of those other businesses who claim “an abundance of caution” and such BS. When in reality it is their own hides they are looking after, not their customers.

Complete BS.

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