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Colorado Democrat Pulls Pet Tax Bill after Backlash

Colorado Democrat Pulls Pet Tax Bill after Backlash

You can always count on Democrats when it comes to finding new ways to rob people of their money. In Colorado, a Democrat lawmaker recently proposed a new bill that would make pet owners pay annually for owning pets.

El Paso County Representative Regina English, a Democrat, introduced the bill HB24-1163 in Colorado State House on January 31. Titled “Pet Animal Registration System,” the bill proposed charging pet owners between $8.50 to $25 annually for renewable registration with the Department of Agriculture and fining those a civil penalty of $100 who fail to comply.

The news of the bill to tax people for owning pets received a good deal of backlash online. Critics of the bill took to social media and slammed the government for tabling such a proposal. One mom posted on Twitter/X that the CO government hates people and apparently animals too.

Some concerned citizens made short videos to sound alarm over the bill and asked for voting out the Democrats if they wanted to retain control of their lives and animals.

Conservative news site BizPac Review called the proposed bill one of those “freedom-stifling bills” through which Colorado Democrats are declaring war on their citizens. The story also condemned the bill SB24-084, proposed by Colorado Democrats, which conservatives say is an attack on free speech and First Amendment rights of citizens.

ABC affiliate KRDO-13 reported on Tuesday (February 6) that Representative Regina English says she has received racist remarks and even death threats over her proposed legislation. Consequently she pulled the bill. The story wrote:

Rep. English was the only sponsor on the piece of legislation, and she says her phone and email have been blowing up over the past couple of days with a variety of death threats and people calling her racist epithets.

The Democrat also sounded apologetic in her comments as she tried to explain the angry reaction of the people. She also tried to distance herself from the proposed legislation:

“It just wasn’t a thoughtful bill, and it was not the bill that I wanted to bring forth. I would never put the people of Colorado in financial distress in any of my letters, any of my legislation.”

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  1. Annette

    If the people in Colorado were smart they would have already voted out the Democrats all they do is pass bad bills

  2. Darren

    I am shocked that Democrats push for clean air. They are missing the Gold Mine of taxation.
    Imagine air being difficult to obtain, then they could TAX you.
    But I guess that would be bad for their customer Base. After all the Family with 9 Kids would be hit the
    hardest, and the Over Weight would be taxed as well.
    I guess that would eliminate the whole Democrat party! LOL

    • Dan tyree

      Colorado should pull the Trump ballot bullshit. I can tell that the SCOTUS ain’t going to allow it. I was encouraged to watch the hearings today. Trump’s winning. Get over it democrats

      • Jim wampler

        The democrats was hoping for a win so that they could disqualify republicans from running in commie blue states.

  3. 3Xe1ioaiNITxtqNW5CaZEzpxpY4ggtEQJVxO4x0v98I=

    that’s what democrat do


    “You can always count on Democrats when it comes to finding new ways to rob people of their money.” Any idiot can say anything here even if, like Khan here, they can’t prove what they spew. Lies are honored at PBP. He did not, and cannot prove this, he’s just playing on your emotions, your blind stereotyping, to incite you so he can with his showy display in order to make a buck. Like a monkey waving his genitals for attention.

    Does Dempsey actually believe that Republicans have never voted to add or raise a tax? Read my lips, buddy. Hell, when it comes to new ways to rob you, Donald J Trump, Dempsey’s love life, takes your hard-earned dollars you donate to his campaign and buys lawyers to fight his legal battles, many of these legal problems which have absolutely nothing to do with his campaign. And you say he’s not a politician…. I don’t think any Democrat has ever attempted that bold a grift.

    All taxes are either a quid pro quo, robbery, or both. This one’s quid did not provide a quo that voters desired. Therefore, it really looks like robbery. The offer was:
    – implementing, maintaining, and administering the pet registration which offers little to voters
    – – creating a designated caregiver database to have backup if owner is not available in emergencies with no need identified
    – connecting pet animals with their owners and designated caregivers when emergencies occur, again with no need identified
    – protecting pet animals by supporting animal shelters as caretakers of last resort. Now, supporting animal shelters via pet registration seems like a great idea to me, but at this point —- too little, too late, and little validation that more shelters are even needed.

    The bill had a sponsor and no co-sponsors: first hint of a mistake. However, I do not think this action calls for all the racial epithets the sponsor received from the racists that don’t exist but appear they do, in Colorado. And once again we realize American is not a racist nation, but in America racists are still all around us. Everywhere. But you know what they say, aka Dempsey’s brilliant lead: “You can always count on Republicans when it comes to finding new ways to demean people with racial epithets, especially Trumplicant deplorables.”

    • Q

      WTF are blabbing on about? You sound like Biden the Blunderer, DOH!! Nut ass Donkey!! Good grief!!

  5. Q

    Maybe they should fine the people that DON’T take proper care of their animals by getting their shots & having them fixed, that’d be a place to start!!

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