I’m no fan of Chris Cuomo, I think he is massively biased, a poor journalist and a liar. But he was not fired for any of this.
And he was not fired because of his collusion with his brother, stepping over the bounds of propriety for independent journalism and advising him in his troubles (as any brother would do), as has been claimed. CNN had allowed this for a long time, for YEARS in fact.
This was about the fight within the Democratic Party to oust his brother Andrew from his governorship. Andrew had become an embarrassment and a severe danger to the Party.
While ostensibly this was about multiple allegations of sexual harassment, this issue was actually small potatoes.
The real issue was that Andrew Cuomo had required that elderly COVID patients be returned to their nursing homes causing the needless deaths of thousands, maybe tens of thousands of vulnerable seniors. This is the most heinous of crimes, and should have resulted in billions of dollars in lawsuits and the destruction of careers (and perhaps even jail time) for a great many people. Then part two is that his administration covered up and lied about those deaths. It was starting to come out. The Democratic Party just could not become “the party of death.”
So, as every conservative commentator in American knew, the sexual harassment allegations were a smokescreen, blown out of proportion by a cooperative liberal media. This should have easily been weathered by the Governor. It took the entire Democratic establishment pushing against Cuomo to finally bring him down.
Chris Cuomo was a loose end. He was the most popular commentator on CNN, with a huge voice (formerly a loyally biased liberal voice). And with that capability, he is now in a position to talk about the unfairness of his brother’s treatment.
And here is the fatal blow. He might even be in a position to help his brother rehabilitate his political career. The Democratic Party cannot afford this, given the time and effort they have taken to cover up his heinous crimes, and the potential that they would spill over into the Party in general.
So Jeff Zucker got a call from the Party. Chris Cuomo is fired.
If Andrew Cuomo had won his fight, Chris Cuomo would still have a job.