Biden dons Trump MAGA cap while visiting 9/11 memorial service

While attending the 9/11 memorial services in Pennsylvania, President Biden briefly donned a red Trump MAGA cap. It was a photo op moment.
As one can expect, the left-wing press largely ignored it. Biden would have been on a serial loop throughout the left-wing media sphere had he been licking an ice cream cone. But the political atmosphere is too charged with progressive animosity to allow even for a bit of lighthearted humor.
Perhaps they feared that folks back home would not see Biden’s antics as lighthearted, but as lightheaded. Or perhaps they fear that folks seeing the photo might think that Biden is now backing Trump. That is because those on the left see those on the other side as mindless idiots. Furthermore, progressives are not known for their sense of humor.
Biden wound up wearing the Trump cap because he was given it by a Trump supporter among the family members attending the service. Those in attendance got the joke – and seemed to appreciate it as seen in the applause and the round of laughter. So did Biden, who flashed a major grin as he posed with the Trump headgear.
The White House communication office issued a quick explanation, lest voters be fooled into believing that Biden was endorsing Trump. Of course, folks who can believe that riots are insurrections … that American democracy ends (if not the world) if Trump wins … or that half the American public are democracy-hating morons… can believe damn near anything.
Personally, I thought it was very funny. I know that Biden was hamming it up for the laugh – and good for him. Not everything political needs to be humorless. After all, the entire 2024 election is shaping up as a television sitcom.
It was a small moment, but kind of fun.
So, there ‘tis
If it was funny, why are you so serious?
It was all over MSM, how could you miss it? Took a second, most filed under fact-checkers.
At least you sort of explained the reasoning. However, the affair started when Biden gave a Trump supporter a hat; the Trump supporter returned the favor with a Trump hat respectfully asking Joe to put it on which, in the spirit of unity, he did.
UNITY. we should all try a bit more of it at some level.
I agree, no fun in mudsville this year. Like I said, it’s gonna be a hot summer. It is. There’s still more left, it’s gonna get hotter. It has. We still have more to go. As I said for mass shootings, there’s a good chance we will need to have a real wildfire before we all pitch in to build the backfire we need.
Frank Stetson … If is what you read or what you are taking. I made light of the entire event. I said it was for fun and even credited Biden with joking around — said ‘good for him.” You obsession to counter everything I write is making a little nutty. And it is not going to BE a hot summer. Its already over in a few days. What planet are you living on these days?
I am sorry, Larry I did not call out your humor and only called out the fact there was so much serious stuff. It was hard to laugh.
I don’t think I countered anything, I just reflected what I thought when I read your passage.
I mean, it was a funny event, it seems strange that you had to inject so much serious stuff into it. And neither of us mentioned the fact that wow Biden could pull this off, you would never see Trump do anything close to anything like this. Talk about serious.
I was watching the celebrity roast of Dean Martin the other day. Both Barry Goldwater and Hubert Humphrey were on the dias., Those were the days, they made fun of each other, they made fun of their trade, and they even made a little fun of Dean. I never thought I’d watch a celebrity roast, see two politicians, and yearn for the decorum that was shown there. And they were funny and never serious.Just saying.
Horist: actually, factually, it IS a hot summer. And it will be a hot summer. And while you may think summer is over in a few days according to your religion, the weather says it’s not over yet. If you haven’t noticed, summer has slipped into fall and spring has slipped into summer, at least in the Northeast for almost a decade. But, of course, I was speaking figuratively as to the temperature of the nation, which I can gather, you have noticed is a touch to the warm side. And it is not done yet. Like your mass shootings, I think we may have to sink deeper before we can rise again.
AC: yes, humorless, yes, can’t take even hearing opposing views without going on the personal attack instead of attacking the issues. It’s too bad, it’s a nice forum for discussion, they are free speech extremists but beyond the propaganda, rehashing old grievances, and bashing people, many have very little to say, either in defense or affirming their ideas.
I expected more, but am saddened by the way personal attacks are honored as much as a vigorous discussion of the issues of the day.
I endeavor to persevere because I find this a nice way to learn about the issues, express my thoughts which helps my thinking. And I get to read your guy’s spin too, although I would love more of a issues-tussle from the other side versus the normal AmericaFirst style of “debate” that is proffered most often.
Frank Stetson … Factually, it WAS a hot summer. It is over in one day. I go by the official definition — not by my personal belief (religion as you erroneously call it). It is you who declares the seasons by personal feeling and the weather. Actually, summer does not gradually slip into fall. It happens at a moment in time. In your world is 1 am still the previous day because it is still dark and you are still sleeping? Damn that computer that changes the date at midnight. LOL
Ok, you win, I lose.
You can plan based on archaic pagan dates; I will plan based on the actual weather.
FYI; the whole thing was about the political climate but I am sure that subtlety was missed in your desire to win and your perceived factual transgression by me over a nit. Congrats. You win. You uncovered my crooked calendar conspiracy. You got your nit with your wit and you can proclaim your victory over a Democrat across the land.
Back to the issues, please.
You guy’s sure know how to have fun.
Rare indeed have we seen Horist claim to have a sense of humor or an appropriate appreciation of humor when it is from a source other than himself.
On the whole, Horist presents himself as a serious customer who posts his opinions with authority like none other.
Humor is as one perceives it, while the same finds others not a bit amused. It’s a conundrum why. So, good humored sane people will say, “ you had to have been there”. It doubtful that Horist was ever there when humor showed up.
Larry, you are not the only one Frank counters. He just has to have the last word on everything to show up how smart he is and stupid we are. Anyway, I thought it was funny, too about Biden and the hat. I took it as a com. A whole group of us had a great laugh. It actually felt good to laugh with my office people. Besides, what does it matter what kind of hat Biden wore. Men wear hats all the time, not just Biden.
AC Frank does not have a sense of humor even when we say something funny or comical. HE only has a sense of pure hate. You that way too?
Am1st, funny you would write that. There’s funny humor. There’s funny less ironic humor. There’s apologetic humor. There’s clueless humor. There’s mean humor. And there is more humor in this life than people appreciate.
The most selective and misinterpreted humor happens to be, good old political humor. It’s ironic that people take themselves so seriously on this subject is indicative of their ability to be objective in the moment.
Dark humor is not funny. Belittling and demeaning others for their beliefs is not humor or funny. Dark humor is vindictive and personal. Bullying is not funny. Although the bully thinks they are having fun. But, their fun is at another’s expense and that is not real humor or really funny.
PBP authors’ writing is not meant to be
satire. Horist and crew have no intention of creating political satire with their posts. Their belief is, PBP is a ligit conservative blog laying out current topics from that particular perspective. If this blog and its authors inclination is towards political satire, then it would bill itself that way. Their readers should be prepared and know that the article they are about to read is meant as satire.
When Horist decides which words he intends to use for his article’s title. The reader should gather from it which writer’s style Larry uses in this article to make his points clearly heard.
Historically, Larry has not written on PBP in the form of satire, aka a roast. He intends to follow a serious academic approach to give his opinions. As Horist has not, in his previous comments, given his readers the slightest hint of having a sense of humor. Given his subject matter usually covers the political scene and that told from a particular perspective that is predominantly conservative in definition. Which, conservatism, does not leave room for objectivity, therefore, humor, wit, and self deprecation is never seen done nor heard from its protagonist.
In fact, Frank’s send of humor happens to reopen handed and obvious to the objective minded. On the other hand, Horst’s attempts at humor are closed handed and tight fisted. His intent seems like to be more maliciously pointed and meant to settle a score.
At the end of the day, which of the two, Frank or Larry, do PBP readers, have the knack for being legitimately humorous and objectively funny. Objectively funny means, irrespective of the readers political bent, all can see humor equally, agreeing that some subject is a laugh.
My impression, after following PBP for several years and a few election seasons, that PBP writers are serious about the content they produce in their articles. They do not knowingly inject humor into their political ideology statements. Also, the writers don’t receive well comments from a perspective that appears contradictory to the authors’ points in their commentary. Openness to further discussion in even tempered conversational dialogue can not coexist with PNP’s pretense as the presenter of unquestionably true facts and definitive answer provider on all those subjects the weigh in on.
However, there is a reality that stalwarts of one opinion miss altogether. Few, if any, topics concerning human behavior can be defined and boxed up with the matter being concluded with the last word in the final sentence. Nothing that happens organically will come with out some variables. Politics, as it happens, presents many complications and more variables than even PBP (humor) has the deep capacity required to achieve resolution in the case of a single variable out of the many variables attached within a politically loaded subject.in US culture and society.
PBP through its writers seems ambitious and willing in its endeavors tackling the largest issues, in out nation’s history as some will have us believe. Those better equipped for do big a task have not been found successful, as their vision was rigidly focused and unable to consider a meeting of differing minds to build a solution through diplomatic compromise. No one except an autocratic dictator has authority sufficient to demand one way thinking from one perspective and have all others fall in line. Fool hearty are they who sacrifice the very system that provides freedom and rights that let all voices speak.
But, those of one sided narrow persuasion would force their will as law, whether or not they represent the majority.
PBP itself has its place in a free speech environment. Representing themselves as in past years they have, assumes they occupy a greater place and a larger space than reality shows. Better use of www space would call for a more accommodating approach that ensures the readers they, also, may share personal opinions without fear of reprisal from writers and other readers’ comments.
Practice of genuine democracy on line would be radical departure for PBP, but in keeping with Larry’s declaration that he is a radical free speech advocate. My own personal input is, Walk the Talk guys and hold writers and readers accountable in practice with civility.
Do not get me started on
the topic of civil discourse.
AC … You speak from abysmal ignorance. I have a reputation among friends and family for having an exceptional sense of humor. Perhaps you cannot understand that I see the humor in our politics and in much of what you and others write. I do not take life too serious. I see it as a sitcom. That is why your dark opinion of me is wrong and irrelevant. I literally laugh it off. Perhaps you are just projecting since you seem to be humorless. … as is Tom and Bruder. Frank has a sense of humor. I suspect we would have a lot of laughs in a face to face conversation.
AC and Mr. Horist: God has a miraculous sense of humor.
Horist has an exceptional sense of humor.
I understand God. Hard to imagine Horist sitting round with his friends AND family to hear one pipe up, “you have an exceptional sense of humor……”
But really, that’s not the point. The point was I said: “If it was funny, why are you so serious?” That’s the fountainhead of this little dust-up.
Horist disagreed. OK, the facts, here’s the funny stuff, not. It’s the other stuff, and I quote from what Horist wrote:
“As one can expect, the left-wing press largely ignored it. Biden would have been on a serial loop throughout the left-wing media sphere had he been licking an ice cream cone. But the political atmosphere is too charged with progressive animosity to allow even for a bit of lighthearted humor.” HA HA HAHA HA HA HA but wait, there’ more…..
“Perhaps they feared that folks back home would not see Biden’s antics as lighthearted, but as lightheaded. Or perhaps they fear that folks seeing the photo might think that Biden is now backing Trump. That is because those on the left see those on the other side as mindless idiots. Furthermore, progressives are not known for their sense of humor.” Lightheaded ha ha, mindless idiots ho ho, no sense of humor guffaw. But wait, even more:
“Of course, folks who can believe that riots are insurrections … that American democracy ends (if not the world) if Trump wins … or that half the American public are democracy-hating morons… can believe damn near anything.”
Computer coffee spew alert at Stetsonville. This shit is priceless. And FYI: riot, Congress stopped, that’s insurrection, not amore!
I rest my case. Yes, you got the joke, but you were not delivering humor. You describe the funny, you were not funny. Maybe if you walked a mile in a liberals shoes you would see that they see that you picking on them is just not funny. Ever.
And to you point —– Democrats not known for their sense of humor. Really? If Obama was not so fucking funny at that White House Press Corp dinner roasting Trump, Trump would probably not even run. Delivery and comic content — priceless and still online. If you tallied comedians — your guess — more Democrats or Republicans….
Who’s funnier — Nixon or Carter? Bush Sr or Clinton (I actually find Bush Sr a hoot and Clinton low brow). Come on I know you got the cut ups Gatz, Greene, Comer, Jordan, and the holy roller Johnson. But we got Super Booker — who’s funnier than that? However, you do have a place in the top ten with Reagan. No one can match that act because it was natural. It was uniquely him. Like a snowflake, but the good kind.
There it is, the in-depth behind the comment that launched this dust up. More important, right or wrong, it’s what I saw, it’s what I felt, and it’s what my response was about. You have choice based on that: deny and do nothing, understand and do nothing, understand and modify for better clarity and understanding by a broader audience. If you think me off base, awful, alone, or stupid in my feelings, by all means —– continue as is. Whatever, but at least, at last, you know.
Harris had him booted so he may now like Trump.