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AOC Uses Junk Science to Torpedo Proposed Ammo Legislation!

AOC Uses Junk Science to Torpedo Proposed Ammo Legislation!

Left-Wing firebrand Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez has ticked off hunters, conservationists, and 2A supporters alike with her uneducated and “junk science” stab at traditional lead ammo.

AOC was directing her comments to a sensible bipartisan bill — Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act (H.R. 615) – which has been passed by the House and now on it’s way to the Senate. The Bill would require the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture to provide “site-specific peer-reviewed scientific data that demonstrates traditional lead ammunition or fishing tackle is causing detrimental wildlife population impacts before prohibiting their use on federal lands.”

In her floor comments against the Bill, AOC continued to use a disproven left-wing accusation that traditional lead ammo and lead fishing tackle “poison everything.”

“H.R. 615 would prohibit the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, and the Fish and Wildlife Service from prohibiting or regulating lead ammunition or tackle on federal lands and waters – even though alternatives do exist that do not poison everything in sight,” AOC said.

She continued, “Republicans on the Natural Resources Committee are putting forward an agenda brought to you by G.O.P. – guns, oil, and polluters.”

The problem with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s argument is that her so-called “facts” come from gun control activists and anti-hunting alarmists set on eliminating hunting and restricting gun use, data and science be damned. Her two-pronged assessment is wrong on both accounts.

Numerous studies have shown that requiring the use of alternative ammunition would put a significant cost barrier to participation in hunting and fishing on public lands. Alternative ammunition is, on average, 25 percent more expensive than traditional ammunition and less available to find on retail counters. That barrier would “price out” many hunters and anglers and decrease the excise tax funding paid by firearm and ammunition manufacturers they support. And it’s not just an American issue, either. Data from the European Shooting Sports Forum in 2021 revealed that if a near-total ban on lead ammunition were instituted there, approximately one in four hunters would completely stop participating in hunting.

And that right there is the ultimate goal of AOC and her ilk. Alternative ammunition is so fervently pushed by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and her anti-hunting, anti-gun allies because they know it would lead to dramatically fewer hunters. That’s their endgame.

The Congresswoman’s “poison everything in sight” remark is false as well. The facts are clear – traditional ammunition has been used in North America for over 400 years, and there has never been one case of an individual suffering lead poisoning due to the consumption of wild game taken with lead ammunition.

Despite what the uninformed and agenda-driven AOC spouts, the science is crystal clear: American wildlife populations are healthy, and American hunters – using traditional ammunition – have played the most significant role in that development.

Thankfully, cooler and more knowledgeable heads prevailed, and the Bill, sponsored by outdoor advocate and House Natural Resources Committee member Rep. Rob Wittman (R-Va.), is moving on to the Senate.

Pushing to eliminate hunting and fishing on public lands – activities which are enjoyed by Americans who own the public lands – is anti-science, anti-hunting and anti-outdoors.

About The Author


  1. R. Hamilton

    Some scavenger species may be at risk from lead bullets; wouldn’t want to be using them near anything endangered like the California condor, for instance.

    But a few exceptions aside (why the bill proposes that restrictions be specific to an area where there’s a demonstrated concern rather than everywhere), it’s not a big problem.

    Except that people doing anything they don’t approve of is poisonous to ignorant extreme leftists. Let’s all play Indian Love Call (“Mars Attacks!”) loudly and hope it gets rid of them.

  2. Concerned

    Alexandria Ocasión Cortez is stupid on so many levels.

  3. Darren

    We should probably take a poll of all the waitresses at Hooters & Chilies’ and
    get their highly educated opinion as well.

  4. Tom

    R. Hamilton and Darren, this is a significant issue. I have nothing against hunting because I used to hunt. I am also an Independent so I do not patronize either party or any of their fringe elements like AOC or MTG.

    R. Hamilton, AOC most likely got her info from this National Parks Study of many federal parks. What she is saying is true. I would suggest before you label her as using junk science, please read the report at If you feel this report is junk science, please post your counter report that says this report is junk science. To this Independent, the report seems rather sensible.

    Darren, it is so “Trumpian” to suggest Hooters for your research. This is exactly what Trump would do.

    I humbly suggest a remedy that might give incentives to both. Why not give a tax deduction for those hunters willing to spend the additional 25% for their ammunition, and, give hunting license breaks for those hunters willing to commit to and show receipts for using alternate ammunition while taxing more heavily for added research those hunters not willing to switch ammo? Consider that we already do this in other markets. We give home mortgage deductions and first home buyer deductions on federal taxes which is a huge incentive for the financial and construction industries. We give EV incentives which is huge for the auto industry. Why not give a tax break to normal working Americans that hunt and are willing to take up a leadership role by using alternative ammo? This would promote alternative ammo and make it more popular while increased consumption of alternative ammo would bring down price?

    Instead of always opposing each other, why not find a way to promote and support each other?

  5. frank Stetson

    Oh my goodness, have Republicans lost their collective brain? Now you say: lead is OK, let’s play? Do you have to disallow every fact science has concluded? On governing the nation, do you have even a scintilla of a notion about how laws are created in America? Why waste the nation’s time of a bill that is DOA in the Senate? They seem to want to turn back decades of science — since the 70’s to say: LEAD: YOU KNOW IT AIN’T THAT BAD AFTERALL. That’s the new GOP plank. Lead, it’s just not for kids anymore……

    For the record, there is no safe amount of lead in your system. Period. Proven.

    “AOC was directing her comments to a sensible bipartisan bill.” The vote was unanimous — most Republicans yea, 3 nay (is that bipartisan?) and 7 Democrats voting yea. So, I guess got it by four. There are no Democratic co-sponsors or writers of the bill, it is NOT a bipartisan written bill, but a bill voted for by both parties. Why would Democrats vote yea? Because they are from Alaska, Texas, Maine, North Carolina and wait — California? Oh yeah, that’s bum fuck Republican CA…. And they know it’s DOA in the Senate.
    Sensible? The bill is about cheap access to Federal lands, the claim being that poor Republicans must use cheaper lead. Then the scientific argument is basically: “I don’t know anyone killed by a lead bullet” which is kind of funny, dark but funny.
    OK—- let’s start at the top.

    1. Lead kills, it is a poison. I think that we are able to agree on that one.
    2. There is no safe level of lead in the body. Republicans don’t agree with science on this one.
    3. I am guessing that most can agree lead is more dangerous to children than adults.
    4. We took it out of paint, dishes, toys, gasoline, and many other products because we concluded it’s dangerous. I am hoping Republicans still agree to that.

    Ask yourself, would anyone with small kids move into a house with lead paint? Would you respect them if they did?

    OK, Republicans want cheapest hunting access to our federal lands independent of possible harm. They say value exceeds harm. Most superfund sites are for lead. Let them hunt there. Lead used to be considered the largest environmental threat to children, now Republicans are JUST SAYING NO to that scientific fact. Bush in 2001 was one of the advocates against lead pollution. Today’s Republicans are embracing lead. Shooting ranges can be ripe with lead which leaches into the nation’s water supplies. Republicans want to extend those benefits to National Parks.

    On my next tome, I will go to amounts. One 12-guage shotgun shell, if lead pellets, could pollute Houston’s water supply for one day’s amount of water consumption. A 22 could do Salt Lake City. A 30-30 could do Seattle. Yes, this is hyperbole since it would require the lead be totally dissolved in the water. Not just shot into the water. But if you can’t see this stuff is uber dangerous, I suggest a career as a puddler. Steel is safe but somehow, you won’t live past 35.

    Thank goodness this House.

    FYI: I came away with Tom’s thought of compromise too. However, that’s up to Republicans to craft. So far, they just want the bill to die so they can be on FOX whining.

    • Dan tyree

      I’ll choose my own ammunition, thank you. And don’t mess with me and my lead bullets won’t hurt you

      • Frank stetson

        So you shoot people who mess with you.

        Just what the founders wanted.

        But you are a liar and wimp based on your own words. Because either you have never shot anyone or you have never been messed with. Or how many have you murdered so far.

        Ntw, I’m just messing wit ya. And I’m still standing.

      • Tom

        I will agree not to mess with your lead bullets if you will agree not to take your lead ammo onto federal and state (the people’s) hunting grounds. OK? By the way, just curious, do you wear a seat belt when you drive? Do you use tobacco? Do you obstain from smoking in restaurants?

    • Tom

      This is a perfect example of what the GOP has become and why the Independent voter group has grown. The GOP used to be about sensible laws, government efficiency, and compromise. Now it is all about power and science denial. A damn the environment, full speed ahead with whatever we want to do. This is why I will not join the GOP. I refuse to be associated with a club of rednecks and idiots.

      • Dan tyree

        I don’t smoke. I wear my seatbelt. I use no tobacco. So I’ll keep on being a redneck idiot. lol. My kind of people

        • Tom

          That’s fine. You have that right. As a veteran, I served to make sure you could have that right. I am wondering why you wear a seatbelt? Don’t you consider that the law is infringing on your right to ride in a car the way you choose ? By the way, I asked if you use tobacco. So I assume you chew since most true rednecks do chew. 🙂

          • Dan tyree

            I choose to wear my seat belt because it’s safer to do so. And I don’t use tobacco in any form

  6. frank Stetson

    I’m a bit of a redneck too or at least I can play one on TV…. I quit smoking, picked it up again in my 40’s, quit again, done now. I don’t wear a seatbelt, I will do the time for the crime by given the accidents, the fact I am still here, and each one without a belt, I fear wearing one will kill me. It also has saved me from many an egregious speeding fine as the boys n blue opt for the lesser fine of not wearing. And no points. Thank you Lord.

  7. frank Stetson

    For the safe amounts of lead in our lifetimes. Let’s go to the experts in science and medicine to protect our citizens. According to Desantis’ FL DoH, there is no known acceptable limit for lead. Did you hear that: Desantis says no acceptable lead limit. None. Nada. Zip. According to FL, hobbies that can get you lead include: Casting bullets or fishing sinkers, home remodeling, target shooting at firing ranges, lead soldering, auto repair, and stained glass making. Oh my, he’s talking guns and he know guns, he likes them.

    The funny GOP law states that the FED must prove to the State and comply with State laws potential led poisoning. IOW — the law embraces State’s rights to review science and medicine to arrive at their own conclusion. Next, we will ask the States to tell us: is the sky blue? As in once the Fed proves it to the nation, it then has to go State by State to prove it over and over, and — worse yet — must prove it in light of State laws, whatever the fuck those might be. In Alabama, that means using crayon to make your charts…..That’s efficient and effective: NOT. But Florida itself, the gun toting, gun happy, shoot em if they look at you funny Sunshine State of the Dark Sciences touts CASTING BULLETS AND FISHING SINKERS as the top problem for lead and hobbies. Target shooting is numero three. Go figure, guess they will change that….. guess they forgot to burn that book…..

    Point is even Florida recognizes the dangers of lead and lead poisoning.

    I guess each hunter can protect themselves, and their family, accordingly. Worked for opioids right? But the question remains — how much lead should we put into the soil in our National Parks? The bill did not answer that question for me. But science and medicine for multiple decades has: NONE. THERE IS NO SAFE LIMIT FOR INGRESTION OF LEAD FOR HUMANS.

    And, according to the EPA, the answer is: “EPA defines a soil lead hazard as bare soil on residential real property or on the property of a child-occupied facility that contains total lead equal to or exceeding 400 parts per million (ppm) in a play area, or an average of 1,200 parts per million of bare soil in the rest of the yard based on soil samples.” That’s a hazard that needs remediation.

    OK, so 4lbs of lead would make deadly 4M pounds of dirt. A single shot from a 30-30 Winchester containing 8.1 grams of lead could contaminate about 370 cubic feet of soil to Superfund site contamination levels (the equivalent of about 56 bathtubs filled with Superfund site dirt. Or 1814 divided by 8.1 = 22 bullets to contaminate 4,000,000 tons of soil.

    The bill is BUSTED so thank GOD the Senate will kill and, once again, House Republicans wasted our time and money with their efforts to get time on FOX. Because this bill will get no time in the Senate.

    FYI: I think Tom is right; the only way to do this is to arrange a compromise that lowers the cost of non-lead projectiles on our Federal Lands.

    • Tom

      Yes the science was correct that lead is harmful. What is obvious from several responses: 1) Rednecks will fight the science when it is in their best interest; 2) Rednecks do not consider lead harmful if they are not shot and killed by a bullet; 3) Rednecks do not seem to be able to comprehend food chain where lead finally gets into the things we eat, the water we drink, etc; 4) You and Dan at least have Redneck in common – but I think you and Dan are different classes of redneck with only a few genes in common. 🙂

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