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A tale of two political events – Trump’ at McDonalds versus Harris’ CNN townhall

A tale of two political events – Trump’ at McDonalds versus Harris’ CNN townhall

In recent days, President Trump engaged in a symbolic outreach to the working class – specifically the officially declared “unskilled workers” at an iconic fast food outlet, McDonalds.  Coincidentally, Vice President Harris held a “townhall” meeting with former Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney.

Trump’s event had him working the french fry maker and drive thru window at the fast food outlet.  It was a photo op to reflect Trump’s concern for those working at the bottom of the wage scale.  It was a fun event – with seemingly happy co-workers and drive thru customers.  No one looked happier than Trump – who was smiling and joking throughout the event.  He came across as a fun guy.  By most objective accounts, it was a win for Trump.

That is not how Team Harris and her media cronies saw it, however.  They jumped on it as if Trump was caught robbing a McDonalds rather than working at one.  They called it a staged event.  Well duh!  Presidential campaigns are mostly staged events.

They said that the McDonalds was not really open for business – and that the customers were simply folks recruited to drive up to the drive-thru window.  They said Trump looked silly slipping fries into the little cardboard holders while wearing a white shirt and his iconic red tie.  They put up memes of Trump as Ronald McDonald.  They even claimed that his event was insulting to fast food workers. 

Of course, the event was staged.  Do Democrats really believe that a President – who has had two serious attempts on his life – can walk around in unvetted crowds?  McDonalds had to be shut down from random customers – just as businesses and roads are shut down every time Harris travels someplace.  It is called security.  

The criticism was so intense, I knew Trump’s Micky Dee’s event was a huge political success.  It was an image event – not an issue event.  When it comes to addressing the major issues – and responding to press and voters’ questions – Trump engages in real unscripted events virtually every day. 

Not so with Harris.  She is locked down and isolated more than any candidate in modern American history (with the possible exception of her boss, President Biden).   When they talk about Harris traveling to be with the voters, they do not mean casual or open exchanges.  No. No. No.  She remains in a bubble that is not to be penetrated by random voters.  Hell … she does not even hold press conferences.

The best comparison between the Trump approach and Harris’ was the Vice President’s recently (mis)named town hall meeting with Republican apostate Liz Cheney.  A town hall meeting implies that the candidate will take to the stage to respond to questions generated and asked by average voters.  That does not happen with Harris.

The Harris/Cheney town hall meeting could not have been more staged and scripted if it had been produced as a scene from a movie.  Of course, Cheney and the others on the stage were programmed.  That is not surprising or unusual.  But what made the Harris/Cheney town hall meeting a complete fraud was the fact that all the questions were pre-arranged – pre-scripted.  It was an infomercial billed as a town hall meeting.

We know this because the moderator of the town hall meeting – Kennedy clan-er Maria Shriver (nee Schwarzenegger) – spitted out the truth in a moment of uncontrolled candor.   Just prior to the beginning of the town hall meeting, Shriver was asked by a member of the audience if they would have an opportunity to ask questions.  Shriver said “no” because all the questions were pre-arranged.

That is understandable when you consider how badly Harris flubs questions that are not in the script – questions that require more than a robotic talking-point response.  This becomes more noticeable when the media – usually Fox News – runs a dozen of her appearances in which she says the same exact words at each appearance –and in response to each question.

So … when taking a deeper dive into these two political events, what do we see?  We see one staged event with no pretense of being anything other than a positive photo op – and one event that is designed to appear to be what it is not.

Voters are smart.  They understand that McDonalds’ event was for optics and image.  It was not a serious issue event.  Trump has many of those on a daily basis.  That is true whether one likes or dislikes his stand on the issues – or even his personal style.

The Harris/Cheney event was designed to hopefully fool voters – to make it appear that the Vice President was actually responding to real questions from average voters.  Since one of the questions in the campaign is how well voters know the real Harris, such scripted repetitions of standard talking points add nothing to public knowledge.  It is reasonable to assume that Harris & Company do not want voters to know what she really thinks and what she really would do as President. 

One of Harris’ cliché phrases is “I want to be very clear” even though the campaign goes to the extreme to prevent her position on critical issues from being very clear.  That was again seen in the Harris/Cheney mock town hall meeting.

The irony of the criticism of the Trump/McDonalds event is that it gave it a lot more exposure over a longer period of time.  It was a good event for Trump that the hapless Harris team’s criticisms turned into a great event.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. stranger danger

    “Of course, the event was staged. Do Democrats really believe that a President – who has had two serious attempts on his life – can walk around in unvetted crowds?” You mean like Biden does, like Clinton does, like Obama does?

    Fact is the place was closed and he pretended to be working a job he has never worked before. You know, work.

    I like Obama’s: “has this guy ever changed a diaper? has this guy ever changed a tire?”

    Well, Kamala has.

    Continue to support the felon fascist who believes I am the evil from within more dangerous than the terrorists streaming across the boarder with bombs, sex-slaves, and fentanyl to take over Springfield, Aurora, and Logansport. Continue to support your sex abusing defamer of women who cheats at business, cheats at taxes, and even steals from the poor by using his charity foundation as a piggy bank.

    He has more of his “most excellent” hires for his administration convicted and behind bars than any other President in US history.

    Many on this 1/6./2021 Insurrection Army blames him, under perjury, for his words that brought the Capitol to it’s knees while Nero fiddled for over three hours watching it on TV, munching burgers, and telling supporters begging for his help: “watch did you expect?”

    Sure, the law and order party. The party of family values and character.

    Lincoln is spinning in his grave.

    • Frank stetson

      Rock Hudson is spinning too. He is looking on from the sidelines wanting Joseph s bruder and Tom to join him

      • Tom

        Tom is here. This article of Larry’s was another word salad hit job on Harris that hides all of the negatives of the orange haired narcissist. Liz is probably spinning with Rock!!! But Shatner will save the day!!! He’s got the Scotty!!!

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Joseph S. Bruder is still alive and kicking too. Just bored of trying to get through the thick skulls of Larry and old Joe G. and the rest of the felon Trump cult.

        • Frank stetson

          Things went smoother when men did all of the voting. And we certainly don’t need a female president. But if it was to be we need one who’s one of us

  2. stranger danger

    “That EBS/EAS signal is supposed to go off this weekend. The disclosure movies will prove everything I have ever said. My advice? When you see those recordings, have a bucket in front of you because you may get sick unless you are part of the elite underground child trafficking sickness which then you won’t need that bucket. Then you will see all the arrests that have happened already and find out who’s next. All your rich elite friends are going to have a new home for a short while. Then they won’t need those homes anymore.”

    It’s Monday, do you know where your EBS signal has gone? Time to reset the conspiracy clock

    Where’s my dinner and a movie followed by arrests announcements? Send in the Marines! Gotta gitmo to get-along. Katie, bar the door, the Trumplicans are coming, the Trumplicans are coming

    When dealing in conspiracies, one must learn that dates and deadlines are anathema to the cause. Once you put a metric in, you will probably lose. Unless of course that the conspriracy turns out to be true.

    But on this one, it looks like our leaders are not clone-based or doubles, that Gitmo is just gitmo, and that the Marines will not be sent in at this time. Generally, most Marines would not attack our own citizens. They put America first, party later. Speaking of which: party on Wayne. Dude, where’d I park my care? Fucking stoners.

    • Tom

      Jesus says that child sex traffickers will not like their final rest home! Jesus says in Matthew 18:6: “But whoever hurts one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea”. Millstones back then were used for grinding grain. Just about every house had one and they were generally around 250 pounds. Imagine the picture here, a 250 pound weight tied around a human neck as they stand on the edge of a dock by a lake. The head will be snapped downward and the toes will follow as gravity swiftly moves the human to the bottom of the lake after the initial snap broke the neck but the person is not yet dead. They get to see their demise!

      What is the name of that Trump movie coming soon? I wonder if Larry will go see it??? Can Larry face the truth after years of investment in Trump’s GOP???

      • Harold blankenship

        Let’s get the democrats to test the mill stone

        • stranger danger

          Harold wants to kill democrats. Sweeet. May your kind statements be returned to you ten-fold.

    • Americafirst

      Stranger danger/Frank, we both settled the EBS/EAS signal conversation yesterday. You are slamming me again for something dead in the water. Why? You can’t stand it, can you? You just have to keep breaking my heart. Did you really have to be that cruel? It’s not my fault you can’t wait for the next opportunity to hurt me. When did you ever think you were born to keep slamming a senior citizen who truly believes what I have reported all these months. I have to hand it to you. You really are a criminal. You and your boyfriends that go along with you! You apologized, now you are reneging on that. Way to go, such a great, true, honest wonderful whatever you are. Why did you have to bring it up again, especially when the article above did not have one word about it. If it makes you so damned happy, go0 ahead and keep slamming me, hurting and being so horribly criminal cruel to me. Show everyone just what you are. Come on, you can do it. You always do. Go ahead and make others hate me because you are so much the creator, God! I really was going to stop replying to your filth, but you had to do it all over again, didn’t you?

      • stranger danger

        AmericaFirst, this is just not true. StrangerDanger has never called you a name, and if you feel attacked, it’s on the facts. If facts get you down, I suggest learn from it. If you feel attacked on your facts, and those facts turn out to be wrong, learn from it. Personally, I love to be proven wrong. It’s how one learns.

        I have listened to you, I have answered your questions honestly. You don’t like my answers and refuse to answer most of my questions, especially the ones for sources and support. You bash me, call me names, and now claim victim status, a traditional fascist ploy to play both victim and aggressor at the same time. Passive-aggressive too to claim the victim while bashing the same time.

        I have checked out your requested sites; you have been weighed, measured, and missed the mark. This is not me, but here’s what I found in your primary source, AMG-news, from Media Bias and Fact Check. Not me, them. And before you say NO, they have sourced proof for each statement. They have validated and verified each and every one of their claims. Without a doubt, AMG-news is the worst site I have ever seen.

        “Overall, we rate American Media Group (AMG-news), right biased and a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery Level Pseudoscience site based on the consistent publication of unsubstantiated or false information.

        Detailed Report

        Factual Reporting: VERY LOW
        Country: Romania
        MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
        Media Type: Website
        Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
        MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

        Founded in 2017, American Media Group ( is a conspiracy and pseudoscience news source based in Romania. The website lacks transparency as they do not provide an about page or disclose ownership. Admin and Madeea Greere post articles. There is little information available on Ms. Greere.

        On the bottom of each page, they disclaim: “AMG-News is dedicated to the truth, true journalism, and the truth movement. The truth will set us free, and it will enlighten, inspire, awaken and unite us.”

        Funded by / Ownership
        American Media Group lacks transparency as they do not disclose ownership. Advertising generates revenue.

        American Media Group ( publishes right-leaning conspiracy and pseudoscience information. The website frequently makes outrageous claims not substantiated by evidence such as this GITMO: Which Presidents Are Going? Deep State, Treason, Military Tribunals, Official Documents, List of Indictments. This article claims that high-level politicians such as Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, George W. Bush, and several other perceived deep state politicians are rumored to be housed at Guantanamo Military Federal Prison. A quote from the article reads:
        The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high-level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there.

        The multiple sources cited in the article appear to be fringe Youtube videos and conspiracy theorist Hal Turner.

        Other topics covered on the website are the new world order, FEMA camps, miracle cancer cures, and vaccine misinformation such as this The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has canceled universal vax. A quote from the article reads, “That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Genetic bioweapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs!” Obviously, this is not true.
        Editorially, they promote QAnon conspiracies that elevate former President Trump as a savior to save the world with stories such as this President Trump and the “Deep State” The Government Strikes Back, and Barack Obama and His Cabal Tools Stole the Election From Donald Trump. In general, AMG-News promotes over-the-top conspiracy theories and quackery level pseudoscience from a right-leaning perspective.

        Failed Fact Checks
         “List of Indictments, Arrests, and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles.” – False
         Almost everything on this website is either false or misleading. See examples above.
        Overall, we rate American Media Group (AMG-news), right biased and a Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy and Quackery Level Pseudoscience site based on the consistent publication of unsubstantiated or false information. (D. Van Zandt (10/31/2021) Updated (09/20/2024)”

        And when I told you this, your educated response: “Dangerous man – every damned time I recommend a site, you say it has the worst media bias. Every one so far! From way back. You are the worst excise of a human that ever walked this earth that is if you are even human and not a Democrat plant AI. I would have to shower every time you post, that how bad it is for you.” I guess you did not learn.

        On the EBS, “WE” never agreed on anything. You said it. I showed you it did not happen. You said, ooops, maybe later. It’s Tuesday and no EBS.

  3. Tom

    I watched both events on the news. Trump McD’s event did negatively impress me because I have heard his Generals talk against him, I have listened to his anti-immigrant rhetoric for years, and the fact of the matter is, Trump does not do labor work and never has. So I thought the whole event was stupid. Harris’s interview was informative thought I heard much of it before. So I was mildly impressed in the positive direction.

    Overall, this article gets a Stop The Spin rating of 4. As usual, Larry hides pertinent facts that do not uplift Trump/GOP. Here is why the rating:

    1) This Trump event was not only staged, the restaurant was closed and those asking the questions were paid by the Trump campaign. Larry does not say this.

    2) Larry may consider the McD stunt a success, but most Independents who have listened to Trump for years and know his disregard for low wage workers consider the event stupid and disingenuous. It was more “Trump theater” and nothing more. It did not do anything to change our authoritarian/facist view of Trump.

    3) Larry’s comment about Harris being in an impenetrable bubble is incorrect. She has done town halls that Larry has not mentioned. Also, Larry did not mention the interview with CNN and other interviews have also taken live questions from call in voters.

    4) Larry is incorrect about the town hall meeting with Cheney. Again, Larry wants you to believe he actually knows what a town hall meeting is and that his definition is the only one – which is boldface arrogance that Larry often shows. Trump has been the more highly scripted of the two candidates with regard to meetings. Trump is always surrounded by his minions and nothing more. Think the “bodega rally” during the Manhattan trial, where he actually hired the people who were there and one of them, a black woman, was a high up person in his campaign. And then he went to a NYFD firehouse to supposedly deliver pizza but the pizzas were already there!!! So he too one out of the fire station so he could re-enter with the pizza and be filmed!!!! How stupid was that!!! He did not even pay for the pizzas!!!! Trump stages a photo op with a Gold Star mother/family promising to pay their funeral expenses for their son, and then when the bill was higher than Trump expected (he expects that Mexicans cab be buried at much discounted rates) he refused to pay the bill!!!

    5) Trump is the master of scripting and stage – so much so that he did not want wounded veterans to be in his 2017 military parade! Trump has always been highly scripted and often turns down interviews where they are not scripted. He has turned down three such interviews and one debate!!! Narcisists like Trump always make sure they are scripted, and in Trump’s case, he even pays actors (see #4 above).

    6) Larry is once again being dishonest and disingenuous. Larry talks about how Harris “flubs” questions when they are not scripted. But as an Independent, at least they are honest flubs. WHAT LARRY DOES NOT DISCUSS IS THAT WITH Trump, you get “the weave” which is his way of covering up his FTL Dementia where he goes through many unrelated topics and often never answers the question or lands his weave with relation to the original question. And then Trump calls himself intelligent. As an Independent, I will take the flub. Larry can keep the weave!

    7) Larry is biased and wrong about the design of the Harris/Cheney in Oakdale MI. The design was intended to reach Independent / unafilliated voters and disenfranchised GOP long time voters. Larry claims the design had malicious intentions which is totally false. The design was to show GOP defectors that it is ok to still be GOP and vote for Harris. It was designed to show GOP disenfranchised voters that you can still be GOP overall but find common ground with Dems. This information comes directly from Harris/Cheney when they were asked about this. Larry apparently did not hear this!!! Another display of Larry’s arrogance where he feels he knows everyone’s intentions yet fails to discuss Trump’s intentions!!!

    8) Harris’s answers on issues have been clear. Problem is Larry is very old and needs cartoons (just like Trump) to understand things. Notice how Larry’s articles often come with a marque cartoon. This is by design so Larry can remember which article is which!!! Maybe for Larry, Harris needs to put up cartoons so Larry and Trump will understand them. I would suggest to Harris she uses generationally relevant cartoons, like for Larry, maybe Popeye.

    In the end, I have not heard anyone in my area or sphere of influence talking about the McD’s event. Seems like it went by most like a ship in the night mostly due to the fact that they already know what Trump is like, his behaviors, and his horrible rhetoric. Even Larry has railed against this! Maybe I need to draw a cartoon for Larry?

  4. Darren

    So tell me?
    Would Hilary Clinton or Obama ever consider to
    work at a McDonalds for even 5 Min?
    I think NOT!
    People just wanted to see a presidential candidate do
    the job of an average joe.
    Speaking of Joe, Bidden would fall in the deep fryer
    or just NOT FIND the Window!
    How about Kamala clean a rest room?
    If there is writing on the walls, she could come up with a new speech, ( for the people )!

    • stranger danger

      Darren, so I will tell you: in the mid 1970s, a teenage Obama served ice cream at a Honolulu Baskin-Robbins. It was his first job, and it made him lose his taste for the summer treat. Other years, Obama sold souvenirs in a gift shop and prepared sandwiches at a deli.

      Bite me.

      Clinton landed his first job when he was 13, working in an Arkansas grocery store. There, he convinced the owner to let him sell comic books, and he happily grossed about $100. Another summer, Clinton worked as a camp counselor. He also spent a handful of sunny days attending band camp in the Ozark Mountains, honing his saxophone chops.

      Bite me again.

      Hilary was never President, get over it. She gutted fish at a cannery. Bite me a third time.

      So now you can think so.

      But did Trump ever work for anyone besides his Daddy?

      • Seth

        It’s been said that Obama hung around queer bathhouses. Thus the name bathhouse Barry

        • stranger danger

          The Obama is gay stories, and there are a lot of varieties, are the Republicans way of attracting white macho men who fear alternative life style. “It has been said” is the opening to many a lie of all shapes and sizes. It’s been said that lies like this have hurt many an innocent person and Seth is a guy who spreads them. It has been said that Seth…….

    • Tom

      Hey Darren, you owe stranger danger three bites!! And bite me just for good measure! Trump is an exception in that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth because his grand father (who was an immigrant who first went to Canada) was a successful builder of brothels (whore houses) during the Klondike gold rush.

      Yes, Trump’s grandfather started the family fortune in an adventure that involved the Klondike gold rush, the Mounties, prostitution and twists of fate that pushed him to New York City. Educate yourself with the real Trump history at **

      Trump’s mother was born in Scotland and emigrated to the United States in 1930. His father was born in New York City, the son of German immigrants. Read Trump’s real past at **

      Darren, you really should do some research before you blurt out dumb ass comments. But hey, Trump does the same thing! Your comments help verify why the more educated folks are mostly Dems. I am an independent because I do not like either party.

      • Stranger danger

        Thomas, Don’t forget Trump’s communist party member father-in-law that lives in a cabana at Me-A-Loser right next to the ultra top secret nukie plans.

        After Melanie cheated her way across the border claiming a super model wannabee exemption to waiting her turn in line using the same law that let Einstein jump ahead in line and get in as a Nobel supermodel. The , she and Grumpy used illegal chain migration to bring these communist party members in to live next to the Grmpy National Library of Secrets.

        I guess if Trump gets in, they must be deported. Take that half breed Barron too, he’s not full white-blooded American either.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…