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Meacham and Beschloss: Historian hacks

Meacham and Beschloss: Historian hacks

Jon Meacham and Michael Beschloss are billed as “historians.”  They have the academic credentials and professional resumes to legitimatize those labels.  More importantly, however, they are partisan political operatives who examine history through very biased partisan lenses.  That is why I refer to them as political “hacks.”  One does not have to be a “dese-does-and-dem” pot-bellied ward heeler to be a hack.  

These guys are high-class hacks, who speak with great eloquence and trained authority.  It is their devotion to the Democratic Party script and narratives as the foundation of their historical analysis and opinions that makes them more political publicity merchants than an objective analysis of history.  Their view of history is jaded by political allegiance.  They are more the academic propagandists than educators – as we usually think of those we call “historians.”

Make no mistake about it.  Their bias is the reason they are so richly paid to appear regularly on the most left-wing cable news networks.  For obvious reasons, they are most frequently seen on MSNBC.  Well duh!

I have previously commented on Meacham – and his hardcore political and media career prior to his being transformed into an academic historian.  The fact that he taught history at his alma mater, the University of the South, does not make a difference.  Academia is overrun with political hacks posing as professors.

Meacham has been a regular donor to Democrat candidates and organizations.  He makes no secret of his longtime close personal friendship with President Biden, who he lavishes with high praise.  Beacham was fired as a paid contributor to MSNBC in 2020, when he failed to disclose that he was actively involved in the Biden campaign – and served as a speechwriter, including the drafting of Biden’s victory speech.  He was quietly re-hired a short time later.

Beschloss is less coy or more obvious in his political leanings.  His analysis of current events is more extreme and strident than Meacham’s.

Beschloss wallows in speculation as history.  Of course, he is in high praise of the work of the January 6th Committee – calling it the most important congressional hearing in American history.  He proffers the Democrats’ argument that American democracy was on the precipice of extinction on January 6, 2021. 

Like all fearmongering propagandists, Beschloss bolsters his opinion with baseless speculation.  In a recent bobble-head appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Beschloss talked about all the things that did not happen on January 6th.  We could have seen assassinations … the taking of hostages … the toppling of the government.  Those are not the judicious comments of a real and objective historian, but the rants of a political partisan spinning political events … a hack.

And like Meacham and the Democrat/media establishment, Beschloss sees the potential of his inaccurate vision happening again.  What if THEY do what THEY did not do this time next time?  

That is what Beschloss and Meacham put out on a regular basis.  Call it what you like, but it ain’t history.  It is left-wing interpretations of events that is not different than that of Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Schumer, Joe Scarborough, Rachel Maddow, Nicole Wallace and the rest of the MSNBC line-up.  And they are NOT historians.

Meacham and Beschloss operate in the spirit of Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. who — in the days of Kennedy political Camelot – was billed as a “historian.”  In fact, he was the official flattering biographer of President Kennedy and the rest of the clan.  It was his political bias that prevented Schlesinger from maintaining his own place in history as a … historian.  I suspect the same fate awaits both Meacham and Beschloss as real historians write the real history of our times.

Footnote:  I referred to Beschloss as a bobblehead.  Those who have seen him on the telly will know why.  He emphatically bobs his head in the affirmative at virtually every comment attacking Trump, Republicans, and conservatives by other panelists.  In case you wondered.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Tom

    Hard for me to comment because I do not know either of them nor do I watch MSNBC. It seems like Beschloss is all wrapped up in one-sided probabilities where he only looks at “what if” and does not look at “what if not”. As far as Meacham, seems like his real passion is being a political opine, not teaching history. Teaching history seems to be an aside from his passion based on what you are saying. Nothing wrong with passionate opining as long as it is not mislabeled as history.

    As for this Independent thinker, I believe true historians are not biased and simply present facts and if they want to extrapolate they use historical data to draw inference, and then simply present it as a possibility based on data, not opinion.

    I will be interested in Frank’s view on this one!

  2. frank stetson

    Parody Alert – heavy sarcasm ahead….

    Larry Horist is bills himself as “businessman, conservative writer and political strategist with an extensive background in economics and public policy.” A jack of all trades, master of none, he has yet to spell anyone’s name right, twice in a row. That’s journalism for you. He has his Knox-knox who’s there, academic credentials and eclectic professional resume to legitimatize those labels. He is an award-winning debater, self-proclaimed master-debator which means he practices alone a lot. Most important, he is a failed politician turned active partisan political operative who examines history through very biased partisan lenses. That is why I refer to Larry as a political “hack.” One does not have to be a “1/6 insurrectionist” pot-bellied burger tossing Trumplicant ward heeler to be a hack.

    This guy is a high-class hack wannabe who speaks with great typos and a trained authority of the weasel word as deflection. It is his devotion to the Trumplicant Party script and narratives as the foundation of his hysterically unhistorical analysis and anti-Democratic opinions that makes him more a political pom pom ponce than a cheerleader for objective analysis. His views are jaded by his Trumplicant political allegiance where he feigns personal disgust while cheerleading his victories in policy. At any cost. He is more propagandist than educator – as we usually think of those who avoid facts while postulating conclusions.

    Make no mistake about it. His bias is the reason he is still working. His talent is why he is featured on hard right-wing blogosphere media. For obvious reasons, they are most frequently seen on PBP. Well duh!

    I have previously commented on Whoreist – and his hardcore political and failed political career prior to his being transformed into the conservative sage of Boca Raton. The fact that he taught, or at least spoke, at various schools not only shows his difficulty in holding a job, but that there’s a sucker born every minutes. Academia is overrun with political hacks posing as professors. I was on TV once, then my Mom told be to get down from there.

    Hornyst has been a regular donor to losing candidates and organizations, including his own. He won’t tell you, but he owns Trump Trading Cards, three sets. He makes a HUGE secret of his longtime close personal friendship with Disney’s Mickey Mouse, who he lavishes with high praise as a great role model for kids.

    Harpist wallows in speculation as history. Of course, his knickers are double knotted over the fantastic work of the January 6th Committee – calling it a political sideshow with no value whatsoever. A nothing burger he can just toss at the wall. He proffers the Trumpliciant argument that American democracy was in no danger as they hunted down Pence and Pelosi for execution, pissed on the Capitol, and injured over 140 brave patriots struggling to protect our government. He thinks it’s just a protest got fisty. He knows where the buck stops too: Pelosi he says should have defended against Trump better.

    Like all fearmongering Trumplicants, Horist bolsters his opinion with baseless speculation upon estimation on top of exaggeration. Larry likes to shun (tion). He figures his readers already agree with him so why bother with actual facts. In a recent bubble-head appearance on PBP Blows Against the Empire’s Institutions, Homoist ranted on about all the things that did not happen on January 6th, the spew of a paid political partisan spinning actual events even though caught on tape … a hack.

    And like the Trumplicant media establishment, Leary sees the profitable potential of his fake blindness happening again. What if THEY don’t what THEY did do this time they didn’t next time and then do anyway the time after that?

    That is what Loppy spews on a regular basis. Because his reader’s love it and it’s all about love. Pecuniary love. Call it what you like, but it ain’t facts. It is right-wing Trumplicant interpretations of events that is not different than what vomit MT Greene, Dr. Oz, Kari Lake, Jim Jordan, and Herschel Walker, Tucker, Shawn and Laura upchuck daily. They are NOT historians.

    Hardon operates in the spirit of Herschel Walker who — in the waning days of Trump’s political crash n burn disaster – was billed as a “thought leader.” In fact, he was the official flattering commentor of Donald Trump and the rest of the Trumplicant clan with a touch of criticism tossed for relevance. It was his political bias that prevented Horisp from maintaining his own place in history as a failed politician. I suspect the same fate awaits Horisk as real historians write the real history of our times. He is and will be, ignored.

    Footnote: I referred to Horist as a bubblehead. Those who have seen his bio will know why. He has a head described best as a “rough road” meaning lots of miles, plenty of potholes, and in serious need of Biden’s Build Back Better Inyourface plan. In case you wondered.

    There tis hit

    • frank stetson

      Larry, all kidding aside, Happy Hannukah and Habari Gani to you and yours as you celebrate the holidays. And Merry Christmas too.

      • larry Horist

        Frank Stetson … Ah … now that is sarcasm.

    • Tom

      Frank, as an independent, I rely on you to push back against Larry’s assertions. You did not do this. All you did was attack Larry. I learned nothing from your post which saddens me. I am very disappointed in your response. I had hoped for better from you, as I was relying on your informed input minus the venom.

      But Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you blog buddy!

      • frank stetson

        it twas the night before Christmas and parody was in the air.

        Parody: “an imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.”

        they were a mirror-image of Larry’s piece, a lot of his own words….. Parody.

        and AN Merry Independent Christmas to you and yours.

        • frank Stetson

          And to all, a good night —– enjoy the day without more of me!

          • Tom

            CHRISTMAS ODE TO FRANK AND LARRY by Independent Tom

            Twas the night before Christmas when all through the air,

            Was my liberal friend Frankie and his Horist mean glare!

            Frank’s stockings were hung on his chimney with care,

            Hoping liberal policy would make him, a billionaire!

            When all of a sudden Frank heard such a clatter.

            He rushed to his screen to see what’s the matter!

            Away to Punching Bag Post,

            his fingers typed like a flash,

            He donned his bifocals and lit up his hash.

            On the hairs of his mustache there laid snorted snow,

            It gave Frank a luster with each passing blow.

            When too his bug eyes there did appear,

            Another Horist post for Frankie to smear.

            With each speeding moment, Frank typed quips of wit,

            All fully knowing, Horist don’t give a shit!

            More rapid than eagles his venom did spew,

            As Frankie gave names to his diabolical view!

            “On abortion! On tax hikes! On Transgendered vixens!

            Damn GOP!! He screamed with conviction!

            To the top of his porch, and in anger did call,

            He screamed bloody murder, about Trumps big fat wall!!

            Then to Frank’s surprise, a fleeting moment of truth,

            There came an Independent, a real data sleuth!

            In kindness and respect, he caressed Frank’s blood soaked heart,

            In the hopes common sense and logic,

            In Frank’s brain would start!

            Frank argued and insulted Horist with might,

            Dodging the issues with more words of blight!

            He spoke many words, and spun Horist’s work,

            With perverted logic, he spoke like “The Jerk”.

            And laying his finger aside of his nose,

            Up the lib ladder, he rose and he rose!

            All the while thinking his venom was right,

            As he wished Merry Christmas and to all a good night!


    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … you warn of parade and sarcasm and then produce nothing of the kind — just another looooong ad hominin attack. You obviously do not know the meaning of the words or how to deploy the concepts. And virtually all of your slings and arrows are untrue … made up … lies. Parody and sarcasm have to have seed of truth.. You really need to get a grip.

      • Tom

        I agree Larry!! But with Frank’s last Merry Christmas quip and his long angry diatribe, it did inspire me to write a poem in the theme Frank used, “The Night Before Christmas”. Here it is:

        CHRISTMAS ODE TO FRANK AND LARRY by Independent Tom

        Twas the night before Christmas when all through the air,

        Was my liberal friend Frankie and his Horist mean glare!

        Frank’s stockings were hung on his chimney with care,

        Hoping liberal policy would make him, a billionaire!

        When all of a sudden Frank heard such a clatter.

        He rushed to his screen to see what’s the matter!

        Away to Punching Bag Post,

        his fingers typed like a flash,

        He donned his bifocals and lit up his hash.

        On the hairs of his mustache there laid snorted snow,

        It gave Frank a luster with each passing blow.

        When too his bug eyes there did appear,

        Another Horist post for Frankie to smear.

        With each speeding moment, Frank typed quips of wit,

        All fully knowing, Horist don’t give a shit!

        More rapid than eagles his venom did spew,

        As Frankie gave names to his diabolical view!

        “On abortion! On tax hikes! On Transgendered vixens!

        Damn GOP!! He screamed with conviction!

        To the top of his porch, and in anger did call,

        He screamed bloody murder, about Trumps big fat wall!!

        Then to Frank’s surprise, a fleeting moment of truth,

        There came an Independent, a real data sleuth!

        In kindness and respect, he caressed Frank’s blood soaked heart,

        In the hopes common sense and logic,

        In Frank’s brain would start!

        Frank argued and insulted Horist with might,

        Dodging the issues with more words of blight!

        He spoke many words, and spun Horist’s work,

        With perverted logic, he spoke like “The Jerk”.

        And laying his finger aside of his nose,

        Up the lib ladder, he rose and he rose!

        All the while thinking his venom was right,

        As he wished Merry Christmas and to all a good night!

      • larry Horist

        Frank Stetson. Ooops! I slipped into self inflicted parody with the auto correct “parade.” I thought I should get to that before you make it a capital offense.

    • AC

      Sarcasm has bite when truth of the matter is embedded within.
      Your witty synopsis contains more truth than fiction. It hit the nail on its head, driving the point home.
      Measure for measure it’s all about, if one gives out criticism, then pushback is sure to follow. Then, the measure of one’s humor is tested. Pass or fail, how the pushback is received. Venturing out on a limb with opinion has foreseeable consequences. Not the same as feet on solid ground,
      Glass half empty or half full people, which will it be for 2023.

      • Frank stetson

        Heh, heh reminds me of the ole college peom we scrawled on the sidewalks before the freshies arrived

        Pass or flunk, either way you’re sunk
        So smoke n toke cuz it’s all a joke.

        My glass overflows!

        Just make covid stop killing people over 70…..

        • AC

          Could have guessed your glass over flows. Why shouldn’t it Mine is over flowing, as well. Making so much of issues that it becomes personal seems to over flow perspectives. Glass is viewed less than half full
          Not sure whether the same may be said for our friends on the right in the political spectrum.
          Nothing said by the most vocal sounds positive on the right. Does all one’s life have to revolve around national politics, or politics at all?
          Keep your powder dry in 2023. It’s that gift which keeps one going and the glass overflowing.

          • Frank stetson

            That’s right, and after I drain that overflowing cup, I’m going to Disneyworld!

            Now that the woke have scared all the deplorables away, no lines!

            Plus they provide free bus rides back to the Vineyard!

            Gonna first stock up with some famous Florida straw man handguns and take the ole iron pipeline right on up the coast.

            It’s gonna be wild.

  3. frank stetson

    My, my, Christmas, knickers knotted, and poor Tom repeats himself when under stress of the season, repeats himself under stress.
    He says my in recent piece, if you can call it a piece, more like a POS: “All you did was attack Larry. I learned nothing from your post which saddens me. I am very disappointed….as I was relying on your informed input minus the venom.” Mr. Horist, the author of the original piece said: “you warn of parade and sarcasm and then produce nothing of the kind — just another looooong ad hominin attack. You obviously do not know the meaning of the words or how to deploy the concepts. And virtually all of your slings and arrows are untrue … made up … lies. Parody and sarcasm have to have seed of truth.. You really need to get a grip.”

    To both of your I say, Merry Christmas, you are right, the story is a piece of shit.

    Then again, this POS is about 80% Larry’s own words (thus defined as PARODY) either from the story, his own resume, or things he oft is know to spew, PLUS 20% colorful adjectives to match the ones he launched at the two historians. He claims they are political hacks when each opinion they air comes complete with a supporting cadre of evidence. His story, like most of his stories, is a story, an op ed with absolutely no evidence provided because his audience is wise and educated on the subject. Like Tom who says: “ I do not know either of them nor do I watch MSNBC.” Yeah, sure.

    I agree, ad hominem, long, boring, a shitstorm of opinion masking as journalism. And I even pulled the ripcord early and bailed on Larry’s lament as it went off the rails towards the end.

    My piece was just a mirror, take it for what it’s worth. And you did. It sucks. As does it’s origin.

    • Tom

      Wow Frank, you are really exhibiting post holiday stress disorder buddy! I hope your holidays went well. I was just having a little poem fun. I honestly have never watched MSNBC. My news is mostly CBS Streaming Online and local out of Raleigh or Greensboro. As an Independent, I am not clear on why you are so down on Larry stating something without adequate facts and references, yet you do the same thing all of the time. Of the three of us, I am the one who usually posts the articles and stats where I get my information. I think it would be great if everyone did this!

      • frank stetson

        All I did was reference the fact you repeated yourself.

        Down on Larry; sorry I don’t swing that way :>)

        Sure, it’s OK because I always do it. At least you think so. In your mind. Without factual support. In your dreams.

        I merely parodied his article, using mostly his words, but the difference being Larry-adjectives instead of the crap he threw at these historians. Now if that tightens your scrotal sack, good. Look in the mirror, that’s all I did for his opiniated POS article without one iota of substantiation; the type of substantiation that each of these historians provide before they ding Trump.

        I would think, as an Independent, you could see that as most Independents would IMO.

  4. AC

    Meacham and Beschloss, historians, with out a doubt, yes. Alleging the two scholars are hacks does not fit the meaning of the term. A hack makes themself out to be extraordinary at what they do professionally When, truth be told they are merely ordinary, common, run of the mill, dime a dozen at their profession.
    You yourself evidence the opposite is true of these two. They are well recognized, credentialed, published, and well paid for their insights. By all objective criteria they are not what it is that warrants that term,
    This commentary’s title clearly states your opinion regarding these two renowned historians. You allege they are not true historians, using a very restrictive criteria. Objective unbiased non-partisan telling of history as events unfold. Afterwards, historians’ recounting the events, in your view, are seriously remiss if they editorialize. As historians are ethically bound with the historians’ code and merely record and relay information basic information.
    So, are historians as recorders and educators prohibited from including historical context and meaning to history? That’s not thr manner in which it done today or at any previous time in history.
    Given objective reality is by definition subjective bias free, and only the purest of journalists are masters at objective composition. Any one with a brain and is somewhat literate in the days events should pick up the notion that news media has a wide range of bias in its reporting. It’s a fact of life.
    The Cronkite and Rather style reporting does not exit.
    Liberal politics has its historians, legitimate and called on for assessment. Conservative politics has long counted on its historians for legitimate commentary. After all, the right wing conservative bias was responsible for messaging in school textbooks at all levels.
    I know it as s fact. In textbooks throughout the nation children who attended school during the 1950’s, 1960’, 1970’s, and beyond were taught history, civics, geography, and more (Social Study) from the conservative right perspective. Today the term is grooming,
    Growing Up in those years, beginning in the early 50’s we did not realize, as young people can’t, that we were being force fed conservative doctrine.
    Larry, you commented on your coming of age in that time. Did your Catholic School education give objective critical thinking lessons and opportunities that honed skills thinking objectively for critical discernment for life choices? Isn’t it counter intuitive for conservatism in a systems philosophy for education could include objective critical think curricula. That’s as improbable as Otis impossible.
    Your hackles get up thinking about Meacham and Beschloss as legitimate historians with cache translating into cash.
    That’s understandable for you, Your accumulated life’s work, books authored, articles published, college level teaching, time served in consulting , advising those in high office, and always loyal to Republican conservatives ideals.
    It must feel unjust to you. Meacham and Beschloss transgressed academic ethical standards advertising the opposition’s opinion. And, those two attained high status approval doing it.
    It’s the bad boy’s winning for the prize money .
    With this post, like all your posts, the title states the goal intended in the commentary body seems clear, Always there is the
    Soliloquy comprising assertions matter of factly stating facts you take for granted, believe readers all must see these facts are objective and true, and that this caseopen and shut not srgursble.
    Nothing presented that is drenched to the point of drowning in bias toward either conservative or liberal ideology is true or objective fact. But never is there a doubt it is critical, particularly of opposition Al thinking.
    In sum, Larry, thinking of yourself in the true historian mode, objective, neutral, and principled does not add up. Neutrality has never been nor will it been an objective.
    First, the anti- democrat fever obvious to readers, if not to you, renders thinking neutral and objectively impossible, Looking toward neutrality , pick on issues related to any discipline of study, not one is absent of political opinion. Neutral does not compute for you Neutral does not go anywhere. After all, Republican conservatives neutrality as objectivity for dummies.
    Frankly, sir, alleging hackery in the case of Meacham and Beschloss failed the poof test.
    Those literate in Horist and seasoned PBP Consumer’s with powers of political discernment, and know a thing or two of the truth in life through experiential understanding, A common thread is apparent in this commentary, Thay is a devise incorporated to obscure, called projection
    Allegations leveled at others are ones own and too close to home.
    Will the real hack please stand and identify himself?

    Why subject one’s mind to toxic political incantations?
    Why not! Believe you me, not for comic relief.
    So, it’s complicated, the failure to communicate reality to the right.

  5. larry Horist

    Ac …. Just for your edification, here is the online definition of a “political hack.” “”Political hack, also called partisan hack, is a pejorative term describing a person who is more supporting to a particular party than what is ethically right.”

    I would argue that these “historians” so egregiously spin their interpretations of history — and its application to current events — that it is “unethical.” Furthermore, more of their on-air comments come right out of the left-wing Democrat narratives. That is not history. Their approach to history is more in the style of propaganda. Ego… partisan hacks..

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