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2022 Ended as Disaster for America under Biden

Toward the end of 2022, leftist news publication Newsweek wrote that 2022 was a brilliant year for Joe Biden because of legislative victories for Democrats. For Americans living the reality as it really is, however, 2022 was a disaster for the country, thanks to the Biden administration. Here are five of the many big failures that America and its patriotic citizens suffered under Biden.

Economy and Gas Prices

The economic disaster that started since Biden’s first day in the White House continued to get worse and reached its peak in 2022 with the highest inflation rate ever. Under President Trump, the maximum inflation rate was 2.4% in 2018. Under Biden, 2021 saw a 4.7% inflation rate, and in 2022 it reached a historic high of 7.8%. People paid nearly 8 percent more money to buy the same stuff they would get in the previous year. Gas prices also became a real-life horror story for an average American as the national gas price average topped $5 a gallon of gas in summer and ending over $3 at the end of the year, which is where they had started in early 2022. This nightmare continues in 2023.

Ukraine Crisis

The Russo-Ukraine war, starting in February 2022, soon became an American crisis in both cash and kind. While Ukraine is not a NATO ally of America, the Biden administration, with heavy Republican support, gave over $100 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine with no check and balance as to where the money exactly went. The recent FTX scandal involving clandestine funding via cryptocurrency to Ukraine’s government has only made the whole affair worse amid Biden’s controversial and revealing statements against Russia, like attacking the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and his awful prisoner swap deal of the widely slammed Brittney Griner for Viktor Bout. America was never closer to a World War as in 2022, and remains so, while being on the back foot.

Saudi Appeasement    

Biden’s humiliating surrender to the Saudi royalty to get oil amid soaring gas prices became an embarrassment for America like never before. On the campaign trail, Biden had promised to hold the Saudi government accountable for the barbaric murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Instead, Biden ended up visiting the kingdom and meeting the Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman – with the infamous fist-bump making headlines – to ask for oil, only to get snubbed and returned to America with loads of embarrassment. To further bow to the Saudi royalty, Biden administration granted immunity to Prince Salman against any potential prosecution in the United States. It was a disgrace beyond description for a sitting American president and the country’s international image.

Invasion of Illegal Aliens

Per the agenda of Democrats, the country’s borders were opened since day one of Joe Biden in the White House to allow as many illegal aliens invade the country as possible so as to alter the demographics and keep the Democrats in power. The exact numbers of the illegals allowed into the country by the Biden administration are difficult to determine precisely but estimates by some media sources place around 2 million illegal aliens coming via the southern border in 2021 alone. The government is offering various incentives to illegals and were caught flying around minors brought to the country illegally, leading to allegations of child trafficking. 

TwitterGate Exposing Political Censorship

Since Elon Musk bought Twitter in 2022 and ended the political censorship of conservatives that had been going on for at least two years, the social media site has released records of communication between Twitter’s former management and leftist establishment, mainly the FBI and other agencies that bullied the platform into censoring content that exposed Hunter Biden’s many scandals and other stories damaging to the Biden administration. Biden and Democrats have since tried to ignore and suppress the information revealed in the Twitter files, including the questions related to the COVID health emergency that continues to hold Americans hostage throughout 2021 and 2022. Instead of promising probes into the scandal, the Biden-Feds alliance has tried to bully Musk into stopping Twitter from launching truth bombs. 

Health Emergencies

One of the biggest medical scandals in human history, the COVID health emergency, has been dropped by a large number of countries that don’t require COVID shots anymore to fly into the country. However, the Biden administration keeps extending the COVID health emergency every 3 months to continue selling the COVID vaccines with new boosters coming out multiple times a year. The senate hearings revealing the misinformation by CDC, Fauci, and others working for Biden and the pharma industry continued in 2022. As if that wasn’t enough, Biden declared monkeypox a health emergency in 2022 to sell new vaccines for the condition that was never scientifically shown to be a health emergency but globalist forces like the WHO pushed it to the status of an emergency. 

Will 2023 be worse off for America under Biden? Will the Republican-led House be able to stop some of Biden’s anti-American policies? Time will tell.

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