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“2000 Mules” is the Smoking Gun for 2020 Voter Fraud

I watched the Dinesh D’Souza today “2000 Mules” today which talks about election fraud in the 2020 election.  I expect to get banned from Facebook for posting this – but screw them.

It is horrifying.

Based on this movie, I’m convinced that the 2020 elections were stolen –  a fraud conceived, funded, organized and implemented by the Democrats and liberal non-profits.

The organization that did this investigation,, has gathered location data from cell phones around the vote drop boxes in the key swing states.  They collected 10 petabytes of this information and then sorted for phones that had visited more than 10 ballot boxes in the time leading up to the election.

They compiled the data looking for fraud patterns and found 2000 “mules” (people who go from box to box depositing fraudulent votes) who averaged visits to 38 ballot boxes. They were careful about this analysis, excluding any possibility of coincidental visits. And these are just the mules who are obviously and notoriously doing this. If they lower the criteria to 5 ballot boxes, the number goes up to 54,000 mules.   

This is not just anecdotal data, this is a comprehensive measurement of vote fraud that, I am convinced, won this election for Joe Biden.

In the diagram below, we see an example pattern of an individual who visited 28 ballot boxes (some of which were well off the beaten path, and 5 different liberal organizations  – ALL IN A SINGLE DAY

This is a 24 hour path, the orange dots are ballot boxes, the large blue dots are liberal organizations visited.

In one case, in a given period of time between vote collections, they found about 200 phone signatures around a dropbox. The records show that over 1900 votes were collected from this box at the end of this period. 

They also gathered over 4 million minutes of ballot box video surveillance and showed some mules clearly depositing multiple ballots in a box (mules, who visited other ballot boxes on the same day).  In every state, it is illegal to gather or deposit ballots into a ballot box except for yourself and your family members.

Philadelphia had over 1100 mules, averaging visits to more than 50 dropboxes, many of them coming over from New Jersey.

2000 mules x 38 poll places visited x 5 votes each total to  380,000 illegal votes in the swing states.

Their analysis is as follows:

With just these figures, Trump would have won the election 279 to 259. But remember these are the cases where the statistics are obvious, where the signal-to-noise ratios are very high.  If you loosen the criteria, Trump would have taken all of these states, and won 305 to 233.

During one of the debates before the election, Donald Trump said that mail-in voting was a disaster and that we would see the worst fraud in history.

He was correct.

So now we have the identifying information and phone location data of 2000 operatives who illegally manipulated our voting system to change an election. It would be very nice to have the FBI take that list, arrest people and start questioning them about what they did. We need to find their bosses.  We need to find their funding sources.  People need to go to jail.

And by the way, here some supposed “fact checkers” comments:

Denver Post – “false assumptions about the precision of cellphone tracking data” Really? It’s GPS guys, very very precise. This article is a series of gratuitous denials – much like the ones I make below,except that theirs are way less likely and far more whiny. But is it not surprising that THIS IS THE TOP SEARCH RESULT IN GOOGLE when searching for the movie.

The Orange County Register – Same as the Denver Post. “Gaping holes” they say. It is always amazing to me how journalists will claim “faulty analysis” when a) they have not looked at the data, and b) they know nothing about analysis. The documentary does not claim to be able to present evidence in court to throw 2000 people in jail (that would be the FBI’s job). But the statistical evidence is proof beyond doubt – subject to my own disclaimers below.


As a natural skeptic, I want to make the following disclaimers.

The result of this methodology if followed rigorously is solid evidence. But I was not personally involved and can’t guarantee that these guys have followed the methodology they claim. I’m assuming they were able to correlate and eliminate the normal patterns associated with servicing the ballot boxes. These were professional analysts, so it is likely they took this and much more into account. I believe the next move is for federal investigators to verify the data and the methodology, and then arrest and interview the 2000 mules.  Any takers? No? Big surprise…

A lot of the collateral data from the movie is episodic, i.e. individual instances which support the conclusions but do not prove them. A logical fallacy, you can’t go from specific to general.  I’m not saying it is false, I’m saying they don’t contribute directly to the overall case but more as color commentary.  The hard data is the location data and analysis.

One might also claim that the Republicans have done the same. There is no evidence presented to that effect, but it’s a possibility. claims to be non-partisan, and they talked about some cases where Republicans were the culprit.

I will also refrain from commenting on the gross breach of privacy from methods like this. This is the same methodology the FBI used to arrest people for participation in the January 6 protests.

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