Afghanistan has never been a bastion of liberal thought. But for a while there we were hopeful, women were going to schools, their dress code (apart from Covid requirements) did not require a face covering, and a certain tolerance for women’s rights was growing.
All of that is done now.
The Taliban will quickly implement Sharia law, and 14 million women will descend into servitude, be required to cover themselves completely, they will not be allowed to go out of the house without a male member of the household with them. They will likely not be able to drive, they will not be able to hold public office, they will be bought and traded as chattel by the men. If they are foolish enough to be raped, it will be their fault. They will be outcasts, and they could be stoned. That is the reality of Sharia law, even in 2021.
Note that Sharia law does not affect the men very much. They still can go about their business freely and do what they like. That is one of the reasons the Afghanis gave up so easily to the Taliban. They have little to lose.
But where are the feminists on this? Where is the outrage?
This sets back women’s rights in the world by decades, the Biden Administration has allowed a society of emerging freedoms for women to be enslaved once again.
This is over 14 MILLION women.
I don’t see protests in the streets in America. I don’t see prominent politicians pleading for support of these women.
I don’t see the liberal media chastising the Biden Administration for giving up so easily. They barely cover the pleadings of Afghan women asking the western world for help. Many of them, especially those who speak out, will be killed. Sharia law is intolerant of dissidence of any kind.
No particular champion for these women has emerged. Aside from a luke warm sound bite by Nancy Pelosi before the event, there is nothing, no political support at all.
I’m not saying I have a solution, or that we should have left troops in Afghanistan. That is not the point.
But 14 million women are about to be permanently forced into, in my opinion, the worst possible life.
I’m just surprised that America’s feminists don’t care.