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Winsome Sears has the makings of a GOP superstar

Among the various specific results of the November 2nd election that are under-reported by the left-leaning news media is the election of Winsome Earle Sears to the office of Lt. Governor in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

You would likely have seen and heard a lot more about her election if she was a Democrat.  But nooo.  Sears is a REPIBLICAN … a BLACK Republican … a black FEMALE Republican … a black female CONSERVATIVE Republican.  In fact, Sears is the first black woman – the first woman, period — to win statewide election in Virginia … ever.  The first foreign born woman.  She – like my own daughter – was born in Jamaica.  And she is a former Marine.

Those bits of reality garner limited attention from CNN and MSNBC because they throw a lot of cold water on the left’s narrative that the GOP has no appeal to black Americans – or any minority American.  That blacks are monolithically liberal Democrats – so sayeth … Democrats.

She may be a newcomer to the national spotlight, but she has been making waves in Virginia in the past.  In 2002, she joined the House of Delegates by defeating twenty-year incumbent Billy Robinson, Jr. – who was figuratively given the seat when his daddy, Billy Robinson, Sr., died in 1981.  Sears ended 40 years of Robinson family dynasty in the House of Delegates.

Upon being sworn in as a Delegate back in 2002, Sears was the first Jamaican, first female veteran, and the first naturalized citizen to serve in the Virginia House of Delegates.

If you did happen to see her on FOX, you are likely to believe that Winsome Sears will not be so easily ignored in the future.  She is a dynamo – a tour-de-force.  She could be a formidable senate candidate in 2024, when incumbent Democrat Senator Tim Kaine would be up for re-election.

Having served as Vice President of the Virginia Board of Education and a presidential appointee to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Sears could be a Cabinet member in a future Republican administration.

If Republicans miss the chance to give her a role in reaching out to black and minority voters, the GOP will again be trying to prove that they are the stupid Party in American politics.  Even the GOP cannot be that stupid.  Right?

In the meantime, keep an eye on Winsome Sears.

So, there ‘tis.

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