Will Ron DeSantis Be The Next President?

It never seems too early to look at the next presidential election – the next one in 2024. It may be too early to make any definitive predictions, but we can speculate on the likely contenders on the GOP side.
There is the usual crowd of past candidates – Texas Senator Ted Cruz, Florida Senator Marco Rubio and Utah Senator Mitt Romney among the more obvious. There are a couple of potential newcomers – former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – and one qualified newcomer, former Vice President Pence.
Of course, the current king-of-the-mountain is former President Trump.
Despite all the media angst over a return of their nemesis, Trump does have a path to the presidency. On the other hand, there is no certainty that he will choose to run – even if he chooses to remain a Republican force to be reckoned with.
Perhaps the one with the best chance of assuming the Oval Office in 2025 is a guy just edging into the speculative spotlight. It is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. At this moment, Ron DeSantis has all the positive assets to become president.
Let’s start with the all-important superficial characteristic. He is movie star handsome — with a wife so beautiful that she could be one of those television news ladies. Oh … she was. Like all the best First Ladies, Casey would be an activist.
More than looks alone, the couple have great public images because they have truly pleasant personalities on or off the platform. When DeSantis comes to the camera, he presents an air of confidence and competence.
He has had both Washington experience – as a former congressman – and closer to home experience – as Governor of one of the larger states – a state with exceptional importance in presidential elections.
By all measures, DeSantis has done an outstanding job as governor. Some polls award him the highest favorable rating among all of America’s governors.
DeSantis also has a military background as a Lt. Commander in the Navy – in the Judge Advocate Corps.
There is something Reaganesque about DeSantis. He holds to solid conservative principles without a contentious edge.
DeSantis has been a supporter of the Trump agenda without getting embroiled in the former president’s more controversial personality issues. In short, he is a favorite of Trump’s without alienating the anti-Trump establishmentarians in the Republican Party. Virtually all the aforementioned potential candidates have had an on-again-off-again-on-again-off-again relationship with Trump. There is a significant portion of the Republican base that does not like them.
Ron DeSantis has many paths to become president. He would be a formidable candidate if Trump decides against a second term in 2024. He could be Trump’s vice-presidential pick if the former President runs. And DeSantis is young enough to be a candidate in 2028 and beyond.
Because he is a Republican … a conservative … and a Trump supporter, the left-wing press has made him a target of their corrupt one-sided narrative. But DeSantis is not so easy to demonize. We can only recall how the east coast media attempted to demonize Reagan. The late President flew through that flak to become one of the must successful and popular presidents in American history.
DeSantis may be the best hope of unifying the Republican Party – and that alone may clear his path to the presidency.
So, there ‘tis.
Intersting column! I think a big test will be Ron’s reelection race for governor next year. Obviously, if he loses, he is likely out. If he wins narrowly, maybe not. If he wins by 5 percentage points or a bit higher, he has a pretty good shot. And if he wins by up around 10 percentage points. he has a great shot. He won a very narrow victory in 2018. It was less than 1 percent. However, if Trump runs, Ron will probably sit out 2024, even if his propects were excellent. On a personal note, he is presently not my first choice for 2024, but he could be!
Perhaps Mr. Trump’s running mate
I will only vote for President Trump !
… which won’t be an option, because he’ll be in a federal prison.
I don’t know enough about him to make a “wise” guess but I will say a definite NO to Romney. Regarding Cruz and Rubio, only if they become stronger and be able to stand up to the Democrats since the Democrats need someone to be “in their face” and able to stand up to them and their lies/antics and tell it the way it is! With the exception of Trump, the Republicans have not been strong enough and if it means “fighting fire with fire” then do it!!!!
Ron will make a good future president, but in these turbulent times I support Mike Pompeo. He is a fighter. He has the international experience and physical presence to effectively stand up against China, Russia and Iran. He has little patience for the EU BS.and has a genuine conservative outlook He is not afraid of a fight and plays to win, which we need here at home against the moronic Democrats and the international terrorists. In my judgement, Mike with a good women VP. e.g. Nikkey Haley, or Kristi Noem,would be an unbeatable ticket that would put this Country back on the track established by our Founding Fathers.
I agree 100%…Not too sure about Nikki Haley she turned on Trump.
Pompeo is tainted by Trump’s Ukrainian bribery/extortion scandal. He’s likely to be prosecuted for it, long before the next election.
Not a snowball’s chance in Hell… He got a little bump in recognition at the GQP Nazi CPAC convention, but that was just home-state advantage because it was held in Florida… Most people see him as he is – another corrupt Trump wannabee. When Trump is indicted on multiple tax fraud charges in New York, and DeSantis tries to block Trump’s extradition (and he’ll have no choice, as he’s a made member of Trump’s cult/mafia), it will win him LOTS of press, but almost entirely negative. Like a school boy poking a stick at a skunk along the road, he’s covered with Trump’s corrupt and racist stench. At some point, he’ll have to comment on Trump’s traitorous coup attempt, and his answer will turn either Trump (and his 30% of the Seditionist Party) or the remaining roughly 85% of the population against him. Live by the Trump, die by the Trump.
No full-on racist seditionist Trumpist member of the Grand Q-Anon Party is going stand a chance of getting re-elected or winning the Presidency… not that the Republicans aren’t stupid enough to nominate one.