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Will Dems Try to Disqualify Trump Under the 14th Amendment?

Will Dems Try to Disqualify Trump Under the 14th Amendment?

If their attempts at weaponizing the justice system fail to stop Donald Trump with convictions, are the Dems poised to use the 14th Amendment to keep the former president from running?

Despite an array of indictments and charges, Donald Trump has not faltered one bit in the polls; in fact, he remains on a Juggernaut of a path to become the GOP nominee in 2024, which has prompted many to believe that in their next move, Democrats will try to use the 14th Amendment of the Constitution to derail his campaign.

Leading the pack is former Hillary Clinton running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia, who recently said that he believes a strong legal argument can be made to use the 14th Amendment to remove former President Donald Trump from the ballot in 2024, citing Trump’s actions related to the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol.

Shortly after Jan. 6, Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for inciting an insurrection amid his push to overturn his election loss, with 10 Republicans and all Democrats voting to impeach him.

He denied any wrongdoing, and while seven members of his own party joined Democrats to support his conviction, he was ultimately acquitted by the Senate.

“In my view, the attack on the Capitol that day was designed for a particular purpose at a particular moment, and that was to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power as is laid out in the Constitution,” Kaine said in an interview with ABC “This Week” anchor George Stephanopoulos. “So I think there’s a powerful argument to be made.”

“The language is specific,” Kaine argued, referring to a section of the Amendment that states that someone isn’t eligible for future office if, while they were previously in office, they took an oath to support the Constitution but then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or [gave] aid or comfort to the enemies thereof,” unless they are granted amnesty by a two-thirds vote of Congress.

Some legal scholars and advocacy groups agree that that would include Trump, though similar efforts against other Republicans have failed.

A Trump campaign spokesman previously called the potential use of the 14th Amendment “blatant election interference.”

Kaine also, during the same interview, that his congressional colleagues had debated using the 14th Amendment to remove Trump from office rather than pursuing a second impeachment in the wake of Jan. 6. He said he thought at the time that it might have been “a more productive way to go.”

The failed Vice-Presidential hopeful also slammed many of the 2024 Republican presidential contenders as having a “complete lack of a moral compass” because of their pledge to vote for Trump even if he were to be convicted of a crime.

“If you are unwilling to say that the behavior of Donald Trump trying to overturn the peaceful transfer of power is a disqualifier, if you pledge, despite that, to vote for him, if you pledge, despite that, to pardon him should you be elected — it shows that you don’t have the moral compass that you need to be the leader of the greatest nation in the world,” Kaine said.


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  1. Dan tyree

    Democrats are pushing for election interference. They have always tried to use the courts to fight their battles. The crooked bastards don’t realize how they are damaging the country. At this point nobody has proven that Trump has committed any crimes. And hell yes. The election was stolen.

  2. frank stetson

    uh…..hello, Dan, is there anyone in there? Trump has been proven a criminal liability quite a few times starting just before entering office and recently on being a sexual abusing digital rapist. I have listed them here elsewhere. Just use cheapskate Guberson’s search engine to find :>) Trump is also a co-conspirator on the Trump Hooker Hush Money scandal for which his partner, Michael Cohen, already served time. It’s pretty sure he is going down on that one. And on the documents —- fuck, it’s right in front of your face —- that looks pretty darned certain too.

    Most of the recently incarcerated 1.6.2021 Trump army insurrectionists blamed Trump, in tears, as they were led off to jail. Top count is 22 years. Can’t wait to see the total tally, must be a few hundred years lost for listening to your election fraud task. This top guy previously went to jail where he quickly flipped on his co-conspirators for less time than he’s facing here. If anyone from Team Trump associated with this guy on 1.6, they are peeing pants right now. Given these changes of heart, given the Georgia rats are panicking to get out of the legal maze, sounds like Meadows has flipped, given all that and all the 1.6.2021 charges, Trump has got to be worried someone gonna spill the beans to implicate him.

    So yeah, why not investigate the 14th. After all, it’s as legal as calling Georgia, Ukraine, whatever, and asking for a favor.

  3. Frank stetson

    Isn’t the 14th and other things disqualifying being used by Democrats and Republicans alike?

  4. Dan tyree

    No. We have the 4th box for democrats

    • frank stetson

      Dan self nominates for the FBI terrorist watch list. Nice hate speak Dude. I am sure the NSA word sniffer is tracking you now.

      Nicely played madam.

      • Dan tyree

        I meant a 4th box of chocolate. Lol. They are already here.

        • frank stetson

          I was talking about your first post defaming Democrats, what are you talking about with boxes?

          Oh I see it. Are you just professing your love of all genders including gay and trans as in: * where you go full woke and open up you emotions favoring the liberated, equitable society you want as a proud gay American. There’s even a download so you can play with the boxes yourself now that you are out of the closet.

          Seriously, once again, no matter how you backspin it, everyone knows your coded message and what you intend to do. And yes, based on your behavior, they are already with you on your every utterance. It is your call to take up armed resistance to democracy and Democrats as uttered by extremists since the 1800’s. You can claim stupidity, but that dog don’t hunt. But the FBI can feel free to hunt you down like a dog. Or at least listen a bit harder to what you say.

          Don’t worry, Joe calls your hate speak — free speech and probably feels you’re a bit frisky with your verbiage, some braggadocio, and Joe probably threatens folks all the time like this. And one day we might hear: “he was always a bit of a loner, quiet and nice though.

          • Dan tyree

            I don’t intend to take up arms against anyone you idiot. You know what they say about people who can’t take a joke

  5. Dan tyree

    I recently bought a new gun through a licensed gun dealer. If I were on a terrorist list the sale would have been blocked. And what behavior? I’m sorry Frank. You people don’t get to weaponized the FBI in every case. And you assholes don’t get to dictate what I can say.

  6. MGM

    I gave up arguing with brain dead leftists years ago as a total waste of time. They love big lib govt. telling them how to think. Now they want to have a nazi/communist dictatorship with the FBI as their gestapo. They will all rot in hell.

  7. Darren

    What the Democrat voters do not realize is that anything that sticks to Trump is to become precedent.
    This precedent that becomes law will disqualify every Democrat in both houses sooner or later.
    The Democrat congress along with some Rhinos would be pushing for their own demise.

  8. frank stetson

    Wow, DT’s got the dt’s, he’s off the rails and one brick shy of a wall. Needs an enema to clear his brain.

    Sure, you’re not on the watch list, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, because that would block you from buying a gun, wink-wink, nudge-nudge. You gotta love it when they just don’t even have a clue.

    We can only hope that all this shit that sticks to Trump indeed does set a precedent or, at least, a reminder of what happens when you break these laws. And when you fuck with Democrats, who live by the rule of law, like Hunter, you get the horns. That’s the idea Dan, no problemo.

    Of course, you always have wrestling coach pedophile Jim Jordan who has a JD but can’t practice, and certainly did not learn much as Willis took him to the mat, pinned him, and set him packing. Priceless. Even the NYPost said “Fani Willis rips into Jim Jordan over probe of Trump election case: ‘You lack a basic understanding of the law” Basic understanding of the law. Ouch, that hurts. And he’s your lead House prosecutor. The other Comer is a future farmer of America, not quite of the legal persuasion. No wonder they succeed in the court of FOX but fail in any professional hearings so, so bad.

  9. Mike f

    This post is rather ignorant (aren’t most posts on wind bag post?) because the actual lawsuits that have been filed are at the behest of registered Republicans (and some independents). Note the Colorado lawsuit. So, despite Dan and Bill’s blathering, the evil democrats are not leading the charge here…

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…