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Why is Biden-Harris Administration Going After Eric Adams?

Why is Biden-Harris Administration Going After Eric Adams?

If a black elected official were targeted for prosecution by the federal government under a Trump administration, the leftist minority rights activists would be up in arms and flooding the streets across the country. But the federal indictment of prominent black Democrat Eric Adams – Mayor of New York City – is seeing no reaction from the left. So why is Adams being targeted by the Biden administration?

Media widely reported on the indictment of Mayor Adams on Wednesday evening (September 25) by a grand jury on federal criminal charges. The exact nature of the charges was not immediately revealed by the authorities and at the time of this writing they are still undisclosed. Media has been speculating that the charges are related to allegations of corruption, particularly an alleged kickback scheme that illegally funneled money into Adams’ 2021 mayoral campaign and involving the government of Turkey.

Politico reported on Wednesday that the indictment of Adams comes after a nearly year-long investigation by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The exact charges are expected to be disclosed sometime on Thursday. Before the charges are made public, however, the question of why the Biden-Harris administration would turn on a member of their own Democrat – an elected black official who used to be a liberal political sweetheart – is abuzz on social media. And many on the right side of the political divide or among independents seem to think the reason is Adams’ complaints against the invasion of illegal aliens on New York City.

In a video widely circulated on social media sites, Eric Adams is seen responding to the indictment. Adams addressed the New Yorkers to state that the federal government intends to charge him criminally and if so, those charges will be “false” and “based on lies.” He added that it wouldn’t be a surprise because he always knew that if he stood his ground, he would be a target. He also resolved to fight the injustices against him with all his strength and spirit. He went on to criticize the broken immigration policies of the federal government.

“I put the people of New York before party and politics,” Adams said.

Maria Bartiromo of Fox News invited former FBI official Chris Swecker to comment on the indictment of Adams and the possible motive behind it. She said these issues about Adams were known for years yet the decision of the federal government to charge him now hints at interesting timing. She also mentioned that Adams has been seeing this legal pursuit by the feds since he became vocal against the impact of the illegal aliens on New York City.

Bill Ackman posted on X (Twitter) that he is not sure whether Adams is innocent or guilty as of now but that Adams certainly spoke the truth on the migrant problem in NYC.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton’s comment on Adams’ video statement also agreed as it wrote of Adams: “Suggests he is being targeted in political retaliation for complaining about the Biden-Harris border invasion decimating the city.”

Conservative commentator Michael Vass of Bronx, NY, posted his short video comment on X saying that Adams landed on the wrong side of Democrats when he spoke up against illegal immigration breaking the New York City. Vass said that Democrats are shutting down Adams and making an example of him so as to shut down any other Democrat who’s thinking of speaking up.

Media all over the country are posting live updates on the federal charges against Adams who has defied the calls by his fellow Democrats to resign.

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  1. CPO Bill

    They’re after him because he dared to complain about the illegals biden sent him and effed up his city.

  2. Patty

    Agree! He had the audacity to speak the truth! The DEMONrats just cannot have that! So, they decide to treat him like they have been treating Trump! You don’t dare speak out against illegal immigration if you are a politician! The DEMONrats will crucify you publicly! Their bogus charges against him will destroy his political career, which is their intent. How many other politicians have accepted money, gifts, special treatment from foregin entities , Too many to count! But—- they will cover it up to make themselves appear innocent. Liars all of them! I’m betting the “ cadaver in chief” is getting major kickbacks from Zelinsky for the billions Biden is sending him!