Who won the 2020 election is a phony campaign issue

Vice President Harris campaigns on a theme of “not going back.” And yet, her number one campaign issue are the events of January 6, 2021.
Democrats and the left-wing crony media have replaced “were you better off four years ago” with “who won the 2020 election”. Asking the question is touted by those on the left as the key moment in the vice presidential candidates’ debate. Team Harris sees that latter as the quintessential gotcha question. According to the left, give the wrong answer in their view – or simply refuse to answer – and you are automatically disqualified to be elected dog catcher in Keokuk, Iowa.
Understandably, Harris and Democrats dodge all questions regarding the border crisis, the economic hardship of the American people and the high rate of crime – even denying that crimes are crimes by refusal to prosecute. That is because they have an abysmal record and no plan to fix the things that really impact on we the people. Rather, Harris has avoided answering questions and presenting detailed proposals in favor of empty promises and meaningless platitudes that she has no ability to unilaterally impose – and even the platitudes are reversals of her previous statements.
The fact that Trump is in a dead heat against Harris shows that the public has already put the 2020 election in the rearview mirror. They are more concerned with the issues that are affecting their lives today – and will in the future. The previous election is not among the top concerns of voters despite the fact that the left has hammered that issue over and over on a daily basis for the past four years. They are beating a dead horse that has already turned to dust.
Who won the 2020 election is not an issue. It is a campaign narrative.
I have previously written Trump should stop the whining about the 2020 election. Whether you believe he lost fair and square or had the election snatched from him through skullduggery does not matter in terms of this election and the truly critical issues.
Whether President Biden won the popular vote honestly or otherwise is only an academic question. He was selected as President of the United States by the all-important Electoral College – and that vote was certified by the United States Congress. Like it or not, that makes Biden the legitimate President… period. And he has served in that office for almost four years, exercising the full powers of the presidency – badly, I might note.
The ingenious benefit of the Electoral College is that it settles all conflicts over a presidential election – and spares America prolonged election court battles that could otherwise inhibit the peaceful transition of power from one person to another.
The question of who won the 2020 election is a phony campaign issue because there is no question who won. It is the guy sitting in the Oval Office for the next few months. Who won is irrefutable. How he might have won is merely fodder for debate among aging politicians and pundits – like old generals reminiscing over past battles. It has no real impact on the lives of today’s voters.
Yes … vote fraud is a legitimate concern in EVERY election, because – despite the Pollyanna claims from the left – it exists to some degree in some places in EVERY election. Since it is hard to pinpoint perpetrators of vote fraud, it is especially important that our election procedures are preventative in nature – and eliminate weakness in the chain of ballot custody. However, … that issue stands apart from any debate over the 2020 election.
In many ways, the Democrat strategy reminds me of the adage that “if your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like nails. The who-won-in-2020 question — and the concomitant general demonization of Trump and Republican voters – may not be a winning strategy, but it is the only one Democrats have to campaign on. So, they hammer away.
So, there ‘tis.
I quote from James Howard Kunstler: “About thirty seconds after “Joe Biden” vowed to stay in the 2024 race, a delegation of these panicked pols paid him a call and passed him the black spot, knowing he could not credibly front for the massive election cheat underway. He was barely able to front for the previous one in 2020, when every lever of power got pulled to-the-max to conceal the truth about the steal, and to severely punish those who dared to murmur doubts about the election’s freeness and fairness.”
The so called election steal is still top of mind for the Right. They cannot let go of it. Every time Trump opens his ass, “election steal” flows out like diarrhea. That’s about all he can talk about.
His base firmly believes him. The rest of us? We will see on November 5.
Trump is the ULTIMATE Sore Loser.
Andrew Gutterman … We both agree that Trump talks about the 2020 election too much .. to his own disadvantage politically. But … Democrats are engaging in desperation propaganda in trying to make it a major decision issue for this election. They are just distracting from the real major issues … and their failures on the economy, the border, crime and foreign policy.. 2020 is not what most voters will vote on. The Dems focus on 2020 and their absurd “end of democracy” narrative is all they have. Yes they have the upper hand on abortion and climate change, but neither of those are the top issues as voters tell us.
I can understand why the author does not want to litigate 1/6/2021, but we are NOT re-litigating it, we are still trying to get it into court. It’s weird that the law and order crowd wants to avoid law and order for this man.
I cannot understand why any citizen, before they vote, would not want to see the DC, FL, and GA cases in court. Let’s find the facts that either totally exonerate him or put him away. But voting for a question mark? That’s so strange.
What’s the status of the 2024 Presidential election? The author said: “Over? Yes … essentially over.” Now he laments: “And yet, her number one campaign issue are the events of January 6, 2021.” Is this the archetype example of “beating a dead Horist?” I mean is it over or are we still talking about weird stuff?
I cannot understand why any citizen, before they vote, would want to see the candidate’s medical health records, his tax records, as well as concluding his court cases. Why give this man a pass you would give to no other?
I cannot understand why any citizen would vote for a sex abusing, digital raping, felon who cheated his university students, used his charity fund as a piggy bank, has 34 felony convictions, his business cheating customers and competitors with over 17 tax fraud felony convictions, and so much more. It boggles the imagination that some think he’s leader-material.
He will be the first commander in chief that cannot own a gun. The first President who could not work for any police in the nation. Nor most schools or hospitals. He is a felon. His business has felonies. And now with the SCOTUS expansion of Presidential criminal powers, is this the man to test the guardrails on that error in juris prudence?
Given his past crimes, I would think citizens would demand the 1/6/2021 case as well as the others, be concluded before they vote for this man. Or vote. Especially given the recent SCOTUS expansion of Presidential criminal boundaries. It’s a travesty, no matter which side of the aisle you are on. On one side, heads in the sand, ignore the convictions, ignore the indictments, leave open issues open, and ignore what so many that he values, that stood so close to his side, are NOW saying about this man.
In the end, character matters, and this felon is sorely lacking any whatsoever.
Both posters above have no compassion nor love for anyone but themselves. Their self-gratifying attitudes are to me, criminal and I think both of them are also felons. I cannot believe otherwise.
What if Trump is NOT guilty of any of those things the two above claims? Their hate for a good and godly man. Perhaps they have criminal backgrounds, too. Be very easy to find out. What if Trump is doing everything to get to the real elite criminals? What if this was and is all a military coup? All of what Trump was and is doing is to take out the child trafficking industries all over the world. Maybe felon Gutterman and Felon Frank Stranger danger are also guilty of trafficking or any rape? I tend to believe they are or would not be saying such disgusting, horrible anti-American lies. They both are total liars. They will not listen to any Marine, White Hat or about the lawsuits against Trump that are disappearing claiming “not guilty”. I believe both of the above are part of the Deep State and need to be arrested by the Marines and taken to Gitmo. No honest human would say the filth they both always say. The 24th and 25th of this month may decide on what to do about that kind of hateful excrement. In due time . . .
This article may be a reprint. Its material is familiar.as read in a previous rendering which also was an attempt at minimizing what is a crime against country. Horist can be called and charged as an accessory to Trump’s criminal act.
Keep plodding along on the same path leading to no where and see if it takes you where you believe it will.
Well if it were not for the FBI , one of the real Puppet Masters lying to Zucker and other Tech
at the time of Election, 28% more of Democrat’s would have voted for Trump rather than letting the Father of the year
and his worthless son in the White House!
As far as I am concerned, the biggest threat to Democracy that has been proven is the FBI.
And with their help, Democrat’s did steal the election!
This is FACT!
Some of us saw through the B.S.
The Sheeple just voted for the Dementia ridden lying fool!
Now Democrat’s are trying to shove a new Fool in front of America.
The real question Larry, is how Stupid are Democrat’s?
This late in the campaign the majority of the electorate has their mind made up on how they will vote. Citizens who regularly vote and have a certain party that they vote for straight ticket in every election cannot be convinced that they should flip and vote for the other party’s candidate. Although, common sense seems to not generate traction as it should. As if politics and common sense thinking were directly correlated in practical terms these days.
I am sure some numbers person could calculate a $/vote number amount for each undecided voter who made up their mind the evening before or the morning of Nov 5. Millions are about to be spent on the undecided minority. Will the money be well spent and worth the marginal voter cost? Has polling indicated the number of those votes and where?
With less than 3 weeks before the showdown, what could Horist crew possibly contribute that could add some new and untold detail that would impress readers with fact backed by credible sources. may add in more words than already they have laid down. Readers are at critical mass just prior to this election and shenanigans being done continually in plain sight and without shame? How does a conservative make outrageous statements and apparently unaware of where he is and to whom he is speaking. Conservatism does not make allowances for loss of composure while speaking at one’s own rally. And afterwords deny having said and did what was recorded on tapes.
Best route, in my estimation, is radio silence for the duration. Whatever Hurist and crew put out on PBP will alter what presently is . Any info received from PBP until 11/6 and 11/7 will be taken for assessment and without comment.
What the heck do we care, says Horist and crew.
I am amending my comment above. I am adding AC to the felon lists.
It took nearly 20 years for the authorities (including historians) to state with certainty that Al Gore won the 2000 election, despite the Supreme Court’s naming George W. Bush the victor. Probably will take as long for those studying thoroughly the election records – of human and machines – to claim with any certainty that Trump or Biden rightfully won the 2020 election.