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Who is the real Joe Biden?

There once was a television quiz show that challenged a panel to guess which of three people was the real one first described by the host.  That closing line was, “Will the real (person described) please stand up.”

I was reminded of that show when thinking about President Biden’s loooong list of resume lies.  You may be familiar with a few of his more famous ones.  Such as: He graduated at the top of his law class when he was near the bottom.  He won recognition as an outstanding political science student.  Never happened. He had a modest middle-class childhood.  He actually was chill of privilege – attending one of the most prestigious and expensive high schools in Delaware. 

CNN fact checkers debunked a number of Biden’s more outrageous resume lies.  Such as … “I used to drive an 18-wheeler, man.” Never had a trucker license or membership in the Teamsters Union.  Total fabrication.  As was Biden’s claim he drove a school bus as a summer job.  Not true.  To puff up his international credentials, Biden said he traveled 17,000 miles with Chinese President Xi Jinping.  Not even close according to CNN.

CNN also debunked Biden’s claim to have been arrested when protesting for civil rights.  Following the shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue, Biden repeatedly told audiences of his visit to the site.  Never went there.

Biden often spoke of his friendship with the Amtrak train porter, Angelo Negri, in his frequent travels between Wilmington and Washington.  In bragging about his world travels, then Vice President Biden said he told Negri of his 1.5 million miles logged on Air Force One – a fete Biden achieved long after Negri had died.  

There are a LOT more of his habitual flagrant prevarications that are not so well known – and this litany does NOT cover the thousands of his policy and issue misstatements, misinformation and outright lies.   

Here are quotes from his various recorded speeches.  You can only imagine the lies he tells in private.  A shout out to the BlackConservative podcast for compiling much of this information.

According to Biden:

“I had a close relationship with the Greek community. I am Joe Bidenopolous.”  That looks like ethnic appropriation to me.

“I grew up in a heavily Italian/Polish Community.”  I did not know there was such a thing in those days.

“I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community.”  And he does not speak Spanish???  And what happened to the Italians and Poles?

“I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic Community.”  Apparently, the influence wore off. – and what happened to the Italians and Poles?

“Everyone in town was either Italian or Polish. I grew up feeling self-conscious.  My name didn’t end in S-K-I.”

And in a doff of the tam to the Italians, Biden once said, “I grew up feeling self-conscious that my name did not end with an ‘O’.”

I came out of the Black community.”  Maybe he meant “running?

“When I say I was raised in a Black Church, he (?) knows I am not kidding.”   No, Joe.  You are not kidding.  You are lying.

“As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to shul more than many of you.”  Maybe he is confused with owning a Persian rug.  And as far as attending “shul,” that is Yiddish word for a for Jewish school.  So, he went to a Jewish school to learn Persian culture?

“The background of my family is Irish American, not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people.”  This from a “student of Persian culture?”  In case you are not a student of Persian culture, you should know – and so should Joe — that Palestine was part of the Persian Empire during the Achaemenid Period – and Persian/Palestinian cultures have very few similarities to the Irish culture.

“I might say I was raised in the synagogues of my state.”  Old Joe might say that, but he would be … ah …  fibbing.

When asked to name the HBCU in his state he affiliated with, Biden responded: “Let me tell you … (pause) Forget about it.  That’s where I got raised.”  I guess Biden could not recall the name of the Black university he attended.  Visited?  Or at least drove past.

“Just like Rabbis, synagogues or Jewish community centers in our hometown.  And that’s the tradition I got raised.”    Biden was raised in the culture and tradition of a rabbi?  Let’s go Cantor!

Speaking recently to the graduates of West Point, Biden again told one of his favorite whoppers.  He told the students:

“I was appointed by a fella I ran against (Republican Senator Cale Boggs) when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy.  I was one of ten.  I wanted to play football.  I found out … that they had a quarterback named Roger Staubach and a halfback named Joe Bellino. I said ‘oh, I’m not going there.’  I went to Delaware.” 

Fact-checkers found no evidence that Biden had ever been appointed to the Navel Academy — and none was presented by Biden or found in Bogg’s Senate records.

And the beat goes on … and on …  and on. It is obvious that Biden has built a long history of resume lies for one purpose – to ingratiate himself with whoever he is speaking to.    When talking to auto workers, he grew up in a car culture … “raised on GM.”  When addressing religious groups, he claims to have been raise by “a righteous Christian.”

Biden has made so many false claims about his childhood and upbringing that it is impossible to catalog them all.  What can be said for sure is that he was raised by Irish parents in predominantly Irish communities.  His schooling was in a Catholic elementary school and an elitist Jesuit high school. He has been a high-ranking member of the Democrat political establishment in Washington for more than 50 years.  And despite his sales pitch about his working-class upbringing, the man has never held of job outside of government.

Those are the facts that form Biden’s personality – and where he learned to make lying a fundamental political tool.  You know there is a better than 50/50 chance he is lying when he concludes with “that’s the truth” … or “I’m not kidding” or “seriously folks.”

Given the Irish tradition of telling tall tales (malarky, as they say) – and the political tradition of lying – perhaps we should go easy on Biden.  He just cannot help himself. 

In terms of self-identity, I did get a chuckle out of a meme that has Jill Biden saying, “Quit it, please.  He now thinks his name is Brandon.”

When it comes to resume lies, Biden is the Congressman George Santos of his Party.  If I were Biden’s handler, I would not book him to speak at a transgender conference or he might claim that he was raised as a woman.  

So, there ‘tis.

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