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Was It Too Much to Gun Down Two Climate Protesters for Blocking the Highway?

Was It Too Much to Gun Down Two Climate Protesters for Blocking the Highway?

The past week saw a man named Kenneth Darlington become famous, or infamous, worldwide after he reportedly shot dead two climate protesters in Panama. And not all reactions to the shooting have been sympathetic to those killed.

The incident, widely reported in all major news sources, was caught on video and media ran clips of the shooting with a Graphic Content warning. Kenneth Darlington, a 77-year-old attorney with dual citizenship of United States and Panama, was seen walking up to the climate protesters who were blocking the Pan-American Highway on Tuesday. He argued with the group of activists before losing his cool to draw out his gun and shoot at the protesters.

As reported in The New York Post, one of the protesters died on spot and the other succumbed to the bullet wounds at a local hospital. Darlington was arrested and taken away in handcuffs by the police. Per the details of the incident, blocking the highway was part of the broader series of protests that climate activists in Panama launched three weeks ago in reaction to a large mining contract awarded by the Panama’s government to a Canadian mining company.

The media coverage of the shooting of climate protesters by Darlington depicted the shooter as an aggressive vigilante. But many blamed the climate protesters for inciting such violent reactions from civilians who can’t take such disruption of their lives anymore.

One Twitter/X post called the protesters “climate kooks” and included FAFO (Fuck around and find out) in his post to blame the dead for the way they ended.

(the Twitter link was deleted…)

Another went further and hinted that the incident gives Europeans an idea of how deal with “Just Stop Oil” protests.

Well-known and at times controversial libertarian commentator Andrew Tate invited some backlash after he posted Darlington’s picture on Twitter/X with a comment that many took for an approval of Darlington’s action.

Darlington is not the first person to get violent with protesters blocking a highway. On 1st November, a foreign national ran over and killed one of the protesters blocking a street in western Panama.

Similar incidents have made news in America over the past several years, particularly during the Donald Trump’s presidency when leftist protesters blocked streets in different parts of the country. In August 2017, a woman died in Charlottesville, Virginia, after a car rammed into an Antifa protest and ran her over. In December 2020, a car plowed into a crowd of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters in New York City and left six people injured.

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  1. CapnJack

    You want to protest? Keep it on the sidewalk don’t try to block cars. If you assault my car with me and my family in it, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

    • NavVet

      Agreed CapnJack

  2. CapnJack

    Tisk, Tisk. Don’t block the road.

    • Dan tyree

      Don’t make me fear for my life or other”s or else

  3. joe

    How do you get so stupid that you can’t understand that the climate has been changing for millions of years and there isn’t anything man can do about it!

    • NavVet

      True. Climate change is a hoax.

  4. Oldclimber

    I “like” how the New York protester were “ploughed” into. Since it was Antifa I am assuming they were trying to make the driver fear for his/her life. Well, I guess they succeeded.

  5. Oldclimber

    Your header states “WAS IT TOO MUCH TO GUN DOWN TWO CLIMATE PROTESTERS FOR BLOCKING THE HIGHWAY?”. Answer” Yes it was. It was only a matter of time before someone opposed to those disruptive tactics on the part of the “climatistas” chose as extreme action as they had.

  6. DonRS

    “Protesting” is OUT-OF-CONTROL! The right to protest ends when the protesters invade the space of others. They then become RIOTERS and deserve to be JAILED!

    • frank stetson

      Good for you DonRS although invading the space can be a bit squishy as a legal definition, but I get it. Like Jordan invades my space every time he issues another “impeach Biden for sure” lie. That makes all the jail time given to the 1.6.2021 Republican Violent Insurrection at the Nation’s Capitol proper as was the shooting of Babbit.

      Glad for your support of law and order.

  7. frank stetson

    Dumpster is a minor player in the conservative cocksucker quest to hypnotize you to hate while pocketing some cash for themselves for the effort. He makes you hate and then stands back to watch what he incented you to do while he counts his money. He lies, he fabricates, he does not follow any rules of journalism. He just wants you to hate and give him cash. And if you take action based on his lies, he makes more money writing you up too. Here’s his latest which, for the life of me, cannot figure out why a publisher would run. Free speech does not abrogate the rules of journalism, and this piece follows no journalistic guidelines whatsoever while breaking many. The Dumpster is the douche bag of journalism when he utters:
    “The past week saw a man named Kenneth Darlington become famous, or infamous,” as if the Dumpster is questioning which it is, you know, some say potato, others potaaaaato…… Only a person of low birth and lower morals like the Dumpster would question cold-blooded murder as potentially justified. I mean, fuck, they were in the road, they pissed him off and Dumpster says that makes you famous or infamous, could be either. Dumpster askes the question: “WAS IT TOO MUCH TO GUN DOWN TWO CLIMATE PROTESTERS FOR BLOCKING THE HIGHWAY?

    I guess ED sees a moral ambiguity in cold-blooded murder IF they are environmentalists blocking a road. “Was it too much?” he asks. He apparently does not know and must ask. That’s just a fucking sad excuse for a human being.

    THIS IS THE POINT: Ernest is earnest wants you to not only to hate, but to feel such actions are normalized because of what you hate, and maybe incite some action that he can write about later. In this case, environmentalists blocking a road. Environmentalism — vermin! Whattya do with vermin?

    But he’s got the proof, he’s got the stuff, this ain’t no imagining….. Like:

    “And not all reactions to the shooting have been sympathetic to those killed,” says the Dumpster proving he is NOT ALONE, there are others like him. He does not offer statistics, just a few twitter dudes he read…. And Dumpster believes everything he reads in the blogosphere like Twitter. Here — Dempsey douche bag —— read this hand signal. Get the picture?

    So what is the problem: A guy walks up to a protest blocking the road, argues, pulls his gun and shoots one dead, another is hit and dies shortly thereafter. They were not armed. They did not approach him. Does the Dumpster mention that? No, he goes to: “many blamed the climate protesters for inciting such violent reactions from civilians who can’t take such disruption of their lives anymore.” Many? Disruption? Protestors incited it? Dumpster is wondering out loud….is this OK? Is it the new normal? Yeah, you bet Dumpster is perplexed. I mean cold-blooded murder. But they were vermin.

    He’s got sources:

    “One Twitter/X post called the protester” who the fuck cares what a twitter post says…. Dumpster do, dat who.
    “Another went further and hinted that” no one the fuck still cares what a second twitter post says….. Dumpster do two, hoo, hoo, dat who.

    WE NEED A REAL SOURCE: Dumpster goes deep to: “Well-known and at times controversial libertarian commentator Andrew Tate” who is actually a former kickboxer turned media oft-banned social media big mouth accused of sex trafficking in Romania, under house arrest there currently, but able to tour the country…… That’s a Dumpster QUALITY source for sure. What’s next, communing with the ghost of Charley Manson?

    Then he lists a number of other cases of this happening by Trumplicants mowing down BLM, Antifa, and someone who just did not like racism. And that’s it. Get mad, run em down, source twitter, source a sex trafficker, and Dumpster seem to have no issue with it.

    This article is bullshit. Fire dumpster for incompetence.

  8. Robin w boyd

    No, it is not acceptable to kill someone over blocking a road. If government authorities did their job properly, it would never escalate to a frustration limit where citizens feel we must take the law into our own hands. Those protesters should have been dispersed or jailed long before it became the issue it became.

  9. frank stetson

    Robin, don’t let the Dumpster fog your logic with his plea that you follow him like a pied piper of hate. He is using you to make more money.

    You say “Those protesters should have been dispersed or jailed long before it became the issue it became.” No where does Dumpster say they were doing anything illegal. Or that the cops did not do their jobs. We just don’t know but Dumpster wants you to guess that you do.

    Then you say: “it would never escalate to a frustration limit where citizens feel we must take the law into our own hands” which is how the Dumpster hypnotizes you to believe violence is normal when you are pushed over the limit.

    There is nothing here saying they were doing anything illegal, that police fell down on the job, or that citizens must rise up in armed aggression against other citizens because they deserve it. That’s the trap Dumpster has laid hoping you will take the bait, hate, and maybe even physically lash out against your neighbor so Dumpster can write it up and make more money.

    He’s a fraudulent journalist attempting to make money by hypnotizing you into hating others, often for no provable reason as his latest POS illuminates once again.

    • navvet

      Do you have anything of ” FACT” to post or do you just run your mouth to make yourself feel good. What a moron.

  10. Darren

    Every action happening in our country has been created by ALLOWING BAD EXAMPLES TO EXHIST WITH NO CONSEQUENCES!
    The Democrat’s have allowed Rioters to Riot!
    The Democrat’s have allowed NO JAIL, NO BAIL!
    The Democrat’s have allowed a two tier system of Justice!
    The Democrat’s have argued that Oil is bad for the world!
    The Democrat’s have misled a whole generation of Idiots into foul actions!
    The fact this current Government is allowed to LIE, Steal, And KILL sets president over an entire world of Idiots!
    Thank you again Biden.
    Did I forget Murder, do not want to leave Hillary out of this!

  11. Frank stetson

    1.6 sure sound like we sent rioters away. Plus, plenty of summer of floyd protestors went to jail. We convicted Republicans for election fraud. Cash bail just means the poor get treated like the rich. Don’t know what you mean about two tiers. Oil is bad for rhe world, sun, wind, and water, much better. What murders?

    Still 1,000 trump orphans not reunited with parents.

    Over 1,000,000 million dead on Trumps watch, worst covid record of any developed nation.

    Worst gdp growth since hoover, he’s no business maven unless he cheats.

    Digital rape, he’s good at that

  12. JoeyP

    I think those CLIMATE Protesters should have been Tarred and feathered – NOT gunned down. That was a little TOO extreme.

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…