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Trump Faces Off With Univision Journalist

Trump Faces Off  With Univision Journalist

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a press conference in Dubuque, Iowa Tuesday evening. Despite the record setting audience and discussion of an array of issues, the main highlight came from a hostile interruption from Univision reporter Jorge Ramos.

After interrupting Donald Trump with a loaded barrage of questions without being called on, Jorge Ramos was escorted from the news conference.

“You haven’t been called,” Trump retorted to Ramos who insisted he had a right to ask a question. “Go back to Univision.”

“He was totally out of line last night,” Trump told TODAY’s Matt Lauer. “I was asking and being asked a question from another reporter. I would have gotten to (Ramos) very quickly. He stood up and started ranting and raving like a madman.”

Never shy from accepting a challenge, Donald Trump later would invite the journalist back to the room, sparring over the topic of immigration for several minutes.

Ramos asked Trump how he would erect a 1900-mile long border, to which Trump responded “Can I tell you what’s more complicated? What’s more complicated is building a building that’s 95 stories tall.”

In a time where politicians have prepared answers for a chosen list of pre-arranged questions, Donald Trump has proven to be able to think on the spot, coming off confidently and direct. 

In a statement on Tuesday after the exchange, Fusion CEO and Univision head of news Isaac Lee said: “We’d love for Mr. Trump to sit down for an in-depth interview with Jorge to talk about the specifics of his proposals.”

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