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Trump dangerously wrong on Ukraine

I have repeatedly written that I supported President Trump in the past three General Elections (not primaries) because of the issues as opposed to his pugnacious personality.  I also understand that one does not always get everything one might want in any specific politician.  That applies Trump.

The issue that has distressed me most with Trump is Ukraine.  Since Putin first surrounded Ukraine with troops, I have been consistent in my opinion that the Madman of Moscow must be defeated – and that means he stops his aggression, removes all troops from Ukrainian soil, issues an official declaration recognizing the independence and sovereignty or Ukraine, pays reparations for the loss of life and physical damage he caused, and Ukraine be admitted into NATO immediately.  Putin abdicating would be the cherry on the cake, but that would seem unachievable – but he still could stand trial as a war criminal.

I have been consistently critical of President Biden’s overly cautious too little/too late policy in terms of military support and sanctions.  I firmly believe that had Biden stared down Putin instead of yielding to the bully, Putin would have been defeated early on.  A tough stance may have even prevented the invasion.

Unfortunately, even Biden’s too little/too late policies seem like serious commitment compared to Trump’s apparent position with regard to Ukraine.  He has made no secret that he believes the war can be ended by withholding military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

That is ironic since it was Trump who broke with President Obama’s disastrous policy of withholding military aid – sending only humanitarian aid.  Trump was the first President to send weapons to Ukraine.

Now that Trump is President, it appears that he will curtail aid to Ukraine in order to force a ceasefire.  When Trump recently froze all foreign aid except in critical situations, he proved specific exemptions for Israel and Egypt — but not to Ukraine.  I saw that as a grave mistake in both messaging and the actual execution of the war.

It has been reported that Trump has three conditions for ending the war. 

Ukraine must relinquish any ambition to join NATO.  This is both wrong and an enormous concession to Putin.  Putin is not likely to ever surrender his ambition to reclaim Ukraine for Mother Russia.  It is both foolish and dangerous to accede to Putin’s opposition to NATO membership for his western neighbor.  That should minimally be the price Putin pays for invading a sovereign nation.

The second condition is that there be a withdrawal of troops from certain areas – although who withdraws from what is not clear.  Ukraine from the regions inside Russia they currently occupy.  Or Russia from some or all of the Ukrainian territory it currently occupies?

Though the details have not been revealed, I fear that Ukraine would be required to withdraw from Russian soil and that Putin would withdraw from some Ukrainian territory, but not all – or maybe no withdrawal at all.  If Russia is allowed to occupy – or even worse, annex – it is another victory for Putin.

Trump’s third condition would be the eventual removal of sanctions imposed on Russia over a three year period – with the initial release of all currently seized money, yachts, overseas real estate and other personal and Russian government property.  This smacks of the deal Biden made allow Iran access to billions of dollars previously  frozen by Trump.

If this is Trump’s outline for a peace agreement it is an unmitigated disaster for the United States and the world democracies.  It is a victory for Putin.  He will get virtually everything he wanted short of the complete subjugation of Ukraine.  His wars crimes and his occupation of Ukrainian territory will be rewarded.

Again, the United States will look like a loser in eyes of allies and enemies. I will embolden Putin to aggress again – and embolden other adversaries, such as China, to more aggressively pursue their anti-American agendas.  It will provide Russia with strategic land and enormous natural resources.

In the alleged deal I  see nothing that holds Putin accountable for the invasion, the loss of life and damage to persona property and critical infrastructure and for his war crimes.  It will make Biden’s weak policies seem courageous and forceful – and make Trump look like Neville Chamberlain at Munich.  Not the kind of imagery Trump usually likes to project.

Trump often leads in one direction only to make a last minute course adjustment.  We should all hope and pray that this is one of those times.  Otherwise, it will not end well.

So, there ‘tis.

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