Trump Appeals to Cops as Dems Are Blind to Massive Crime Wave

Kamala Harris may paint herself as a former “top cop” who is tough on crime. However, she and her fellow Dems are blind to the massive crime wave that is gripping most of the nation and threatening the lives of law enforcement.
Donald Trump knows otherwise, and at a recent rally, he let cops know he has their backs!
The former president has pledged to shield police officers from legal accountability if he is re-elected as president after stating that the US is in the grip of a wave of violent crime that is largely due to people crossing the Mexican border and the “defund the police” activist groups like Black Lives Matter.
Speaking to a group of police officers in Michigan, Trump squarely laid the blame for his view of rampant crime squarely at the feet of his Democratic opponent, Kamala Harris, whom he characterized as being a “Marxist district attorney” with a record of being anti-police and pro-criminal during her term as the San Francisco DA in the 2000s.
At the same time, Trump lamented his own legal difficulties, including his criminal convictions for fraud in New York and other looming prosecutions.
“They go after guys like me, but they don’t go after guys that kill people,” he said.
Flanked by local sheriffs in Howell, a small city in greater Detroit, Trump painted a picture of Americans living in fear of leaving their homes because of “Kamala-crime.”
“It’s just insane, but you can’t walk across the street to get a loaf of bread. You get shot, you get mugged, you get raped, you get … whatever it may be,” he said.
The former president said this horrific crime wave began when Joe Biden and Harris took office – and has only skyrocketed since.
“Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office, her administration’s crime statistics show she’s presided over a 43% increase in violent crime. These are all government numbers,” he claimed.
He pledged to the crowd of cheering police officers to “crack down on local Marxist DAs who refuse to enforce the law” while, he said, ruining the lives of police officers for doing their jobs.
“Over the past four years, the Marxist left has waged a vicious war on law enforcement in our country. They’ve taken away the dignity and the spirit and the life of some of these police officers, and that’s why you see it – the crime is so out of control in our country,” he claimed.
Trump said that the police “have a lot of difficulty with the laws of our land.”
“We’re going to get rid of that difficulty because they shouldn’t have difficulty, our police,” he said. “We’re going to be guaranteeing immunities.”
The former president then touted Harris’s “pro-crime, anti-police record.”
“She repeatedly endorsed defunding the police,” he said. “If she ever had a chance, she would do whatever she could to defund the police because that’s where her spirit is, that’s where her heart is, and we can’t have a president like that.”
“Since Comrade Kamala Harris took office, her administration’s crime statistics show she’s presided over a 43% increase in violent crime. These are all government numbers,” Trump claimed.
How can any competent journalist let that obvious lie stand without question?
Do you not question ANYTHING this consistent liar says?
Just so it’s known. In the unlikely event that kameltoes wins, we have plans to secure the borders whether she likes it or not. Enough is enough.
When KAMALA beats Dim Tramp within an inch of his short, tragic, political life just keep it legal and “we” don’t care wtf you do or go.
Break the law and “we” will find room for you like the 1.6.2021 Trumplicants chilling heels at club Fed. They heard, they listened, they obeyed, and in jail they stay. And stay.
“We” will just cheer this man we beat will an old, demented, broken-down warhorse and then beat him again with a black asian indian woman. Not to mention Hillary taking the popular vote and creaming him in two different mid-terms. We know what that would get his personal rating on The Apprentice.
You motherfuckers ain’t gonna do shit. For one thing your mongrel cunt is going to lose. And we will control the border even if your mulatto wins. I’m damned serious about millions of us not being governed by the bitch. And she, you or nobody else can do anything about it. We are sovereign citizens and will stay that way. No laws are being broken here. We just won’t accept a Marxist bitch for a leader. And fuck Hillary. She lost. And if the killer bitch got the so called popular vote, who fucking cares? Most likely illegal voting and other voter fraud. But the electoral college is what counts. So maybe you whiny little pussys can try to change that. And then see what happens. Hillary raised hell at her campaign headquarters when she lost. Hahaha. I would have paid t have seen that
Archie: you have every right to vent away. I hope it helps but doubt it will. If it’s to be, it’s up to me and ragging on others for your problems will never solve them.
Just don’t know why you are so afraid of women, race, and skin tone. Everyone has color, everything has gender, every race is equal in the eyes of God, and mine.
And yes, I expect you to bitch, moan, and follow the law just like you are under Biden/Harris like the good little citizen you are who HATES half the people in his country as “motherfuckers.” How you can leave your abode surrounded by evil motherfuckers is beyond me. I am guessing you are not urban or suburban. Good luck on your hermitage.
You seem really upset and angry. It’s tough when you blame half the people in your country for your problems. Frustrating too to see them get ahead too. They got to vote, they got the Senate, the Presidency, the goverNment, the media, the schools, the libraries, and you got Trump entertainment and The Pillow Guy, and he’s being sued for millions. And you got the House and all it’s loser investigations, four years of nothing, and your life surrounded by motherfuckers pretending you will do something at the border. Mullions of you. Yeah, right, sure. .
Actually it’s the policies of kumala that’s the problem. Since I’ve observed the democrats to go to Marxism for several years I’m serious about not being governed by the bitch. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that the movement is being arranged. No, we ain’t going to attack anyone or create a civil war. But I damned sure would not be led by someone who has disrespect for the laws and constitution. The answer? If she is elected, by fraud or whatever, I would never obey any laws or executive orders from her. She has ruined the San Francisco area by sweetheart deals allowing dangerous criminals back on the streets. Yes, she did vigorously prosecute a few, but it’s her fault that California is now a shit hole. With help from Newsome of course. Now people are running over each other trying to move out. Trump ain’t perfect but he’s got my vote and total respect in spite of what you fucking leftist throw at him
As usual, Felon Trump is lying through his teeth. And also as usual, PBP is reporting Felon Trump’s lies without any verification. If you don’t believe me, you can look up all the reports online. Here are the actual statistics, taken from several year-end reports by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, VIOLENT CRIME SURVEY – NATIONAL TOTALS
End of Obama’s term end of Trump’s term Biden, end of 2023 End of Biden’s term
2016 2020 % change 2023 % change 2024 (preliminary) % change
Homicide 6,957 8,545 22.8 3,783 -55.7 3,124 -63.4
Rape 30,959 28,415 -8.2 14,472 -49.1 13,064 -54.0
Robbery 156,972 14,795 -26.9 48,529 57.7 45,575 -60.3
Aggravated Assault 235,970 290,628 23.2 141,944 -51.2 134,293 -53.8
So, you can see that Felon Trump’s numbers for homicides and aggravated assault went up by more than 20% by the end of his term, and he beat Obama a little bit in the rape and robbery catgories (probably because Felon Trump was busy grifting his donors!)
But the Biden/Harris administration has reduced crime since Felon Trump’s term in every category by 50-60%.
Every time Felon Trump accuses someone of something, it’s because he’s guilty of it himself.
You’re a lying bastard
Jsb has facts. You have name calling.
Put up some facts or stand down.
No facts with a political hack spewing bullshit It’s interesting that the communist convention has been over for a couple days and the media ain’t screaming about kumala getting a “bounce “. Other times that’s all we heard about the democrats. Always a significant bounce in the polls. Not so much this time. I wonder why??? Maybe she should release her plans for her platform. Or is it going to be like Nancy Pelosi aka nasty pussy said about Obama care? Do the voters elect the bitch to find out? And you idiots expect me to be governed by them assholes.
Archie, I do not know why, but it seems Republicans would rather be losers since whining about persecution, conspiracies against them by BIG whatever or DEEP so n so, and playing the victim seems your stock and trade.
Kamala’s ascension has you so energized as you whine about her gender, her race, her husband, her experience, her DEI and sleeping her way to the top —– I gotta say, I’m loving it.
And I agree, she gets the shot at the brass ring without a primary where you would get all sorts of ammo for your ground assault on her. And now you whine about no enough debates, not fast enough. You whine about her lack of a platform. You whine about her not doing press interviews. The press stuff is really delicious from the party that killed routine pressers from the Trump House for over 300 days in a row. From people who declare the press is not worth listening to being all liberal and all that entails. Suddenly, your their handmaiden trying to get them work…..
On this we agree: we’re going to vote for her and then we will read her platform. It is the curse of Pelosi so suck it up, buttercup. You might lose having nothing to do with who’s running against Trump. Yeah, he might be thaaaat bad. I think it’s brilliant that you picked up on this; I just noted it to my wife last night. With laughter. In glee.
BUT —– here’s what really should keep you up at night: what if demented, old man, stupid Joe planned it including duffing the debate. That would be Machiavellian and is the one conspiracy theory that should keep Republicans up nights. What if this was the plan to allow KAMALA to become President without clearing all those hurdles that stop so many so much more experienced at competent than she. Now that’s a rigging job!!!!
But we’re just stupid commies with an old, broken-down,, demented, warhorse that can’t even find his way on or off stage, much less utter a coherent speech. I mean he could have never faked that debate. Right.
Wink-wink, nudge-nudge, yup, couldn’t happen. He couldn’t be that GOOD. heh, heh.
Archie, I am with you. Those influencers on this channel are so far left they are pathetic., J, T, and F are true influencers that show their absolute hate every time they post. This is a Conservative channel, and they all hijacked this site. They work overtime to show how awful Trump is, yet Trump keeps getting exonerated as the real truth comes out and more and more Democrats get arrested. They cannot stand it. They don’t have the intelligence to even look the information up we talk about. Who saves information from online, anyway? It’s all on You Tube or Rumble.They can’t even carry on normal conversation without being so dictatorial. An even sided conversation would have been welcomed so everyone could have learned things. They could have been accepting for others’ thoughts or knowledge. They try so hard to put us down to the point of abuse. Human abuse. Crimes against humanity. They all know they are being unfair and nasty. This is a conservative site, yet they try to take it over like an overthrow, to the Liberal side. They can’t stand it that Trump is the Commander in Chief and the legal President of the Republic of the United States. He is not President of Washington, DC as the fake Joe Biden was. No matter what any of us say, they all gang up to destroy decent human beings like us. That is the disgust of this site.
another try at formatting:
…………………………..End of Obama’s term…… end of Trump’s term……. Biden, end of 2023……….. End of Biden’s term
………………………………….. 2016…………………….. 2020 …….% change ……….2023 …… % change … 2024 (preliminary) …% change
Homicide ………………….. 6,957 …………………….8,545 ……….22.8 …………….3,783 ………-55.7 ……….. 3,124 ………………..-63.4
Rape ………………………….30,959 …………………..28,415 ……..-8.2 ……………..14,472 ……..-49.1 ………..13,064 ………………-54.0
Robbery ……………………156,972 …………………..14,795 …… -26.9 ……………48,529 ………-57.7 ………..45,575 ………………-60.3
Aggravated Assault ……235,970 …………………290,628 …….23.2 …………..141,944 ……..-51.2 ……….134,293 ……………..-53.8
Those that complain the loudest are also guilty.
It has been said that those that complain the loudest are also guilty of the same.