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Traitor! Romney will Vote to Impeach Trump

Mitt Romney, in a speech to the Senate, said that he will vote to impeach President Trump on the “Abuse of Power” article.

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Romney basically picked up on the Democratic talking points, saying that Trump’s actions were meant to interfere with the 2020 election.

He addressed specifically (and incorrectly) the idea that there was no evidence that Biden had committed a crime. He admitted that Biden has strong-armed the Ukraine to fire a prosecutor, and he admitted that Hunter Biden’s actions were an egregious abuse of his father’s name.

But somehow, Romney was unable to connect the dots that Joe Biden may have interceded into the Ukrainian government to get his son out of trouble.  That an investigation had to be done, especially because Joe Biden was running for President. If Joe Biden were not in a position to be possibly the next President of the United States, why would Trump have bothered?

No evidence? If you have all of the evidence you need, why would you need an investigation?

Trump is indeed set to be acquitted in the Senate. There is no way that 2/3 of the Senate will vote to impeach.  At 4 pm today, this is over.

Author’s commentary: With all of Mitt’s brooding, tears and religious gnashings, these acts are disingenuous. I believe Romney despises Trump for getting elected when he was not.

I think in the back of Romney’s mind, he believes that the President will eventually be impeached and that will open a door for him to run again, and he can prove himself to be the better man.

In the meantime, Romney is a traitor to his party, he has done his part in legitimizing a sham process, ensuring that this will happen again and again.

Mitt Romney’s act is a massive betrayal.

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