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Toddlers to be Fined for Box Fort

Utah father Jeremy Trentelman thought it would be nice to make something cool for his children to play with. So he built them their own castle out of cardboard boxes in his own yard. Needless to say, the children loved it. Over the course of a few days, Trentelman’s two year old daughter and three year old son spent hours playing in the fort their father made them. The structure was thrown together as a temporary playhouse and meant to be taken down in several days time once his kids had finished playing with it. 

Their HOA has another plan. The city of Ogden has an ordinance stating that “junk or scrap materials may not be stored on the property.” This ordinance apparently applies to children’s box forts. Trentelman stated that he would understand if the cardboard castle had been sitting there for months, but it had only been there for a day when his family found the notice taped to their front door. 
The notice gave them fifteen days to remove the “junk or scrap material” from their yard before a fine would be issued. 
“I’ll be damned; it’s gonna stay up for 14 days,” said Trentleman. None of his neighbors seem to be bothered by it. In fact, several of them have commented that it’s cute or that it’s good to see a father building something with his kids. Other Ogden residents have let their children build box forts in their own yards in a show of report. 

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  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…