Today’s is not your grandfather’s immigration

It is true that America is a nation of immigrants – and that has been our strength. Consequently, we are the most ethnically tolerant and welcoming nation in the world. But part of that truth is largely because most other nations are extremely intolerant and unwelcoming.
America’s open arms to people from other nations and other cultures was recognized early in the life of the Republic. By the time the United States was celebrating its 100th anniversary, the French – America’s longest allies – recognize America’s welcoming culture by gifting the nation with the Statue of Liberty as a monument to the nation’s open arms and open heart.
The story of migration to America is found in every chapter of our nation’s history. BUT …that does not mean that the assimilation of each new group was easy. When the Catholic Irish came to America to escape the potato famine on the Emerald Isle, they were greeted with White Anglo Saxon prejudice. Many from the old sod were greeted with “Irish need not apply” signs when seeking jobs. The most prestigious private clubs excluded Negros, Jews … and Catholics.
Chinese were more or less imported to work on the railroads and other construction projects but became best known as the iconic laundry operator. And even as they came to America, they were denied the rights of citizenship. As late as the 1930s, prejudice against Asians was rampant. President Franklin Roosevelt – a white supremacist – sent Japanese Americans to concentration camps and expressed his belief that “unions” between whites and Asians would result in “unfortunate” offspring.
Jews migrating to America were confined to Jewish ghettoes. In one of the most disgusting acts of prejudice, FDR – also an anti-Semite – forced a shipload of Jews escaping Nazi Germany to be turned away and returned to the horrors of Hitler.
Negroes were never a migrant class because their ancestors were brought to the New World forcibly long before there was an America, and were the subjects of the worst from of prejudice … slavery and racial segregation.
There was a bit of a Polish migration, creating the iconic image of the Polish cleaning lady. A surge of Pilipino migrants filled many of the nursing jobs. The iconic image of Italians and Greeks were as restaurant owners. The later migration of Vietnamese opened nails shops.
When first arriving in America, migrant groups most often assembled in “their own neighbors.” It was largely due to the desire to live among folks with common language, food and religion. It was also necessitated by the greater culture that kept them isolated so that “unwashed” newcomers would not marry their daughters.
This clustering of immigrants gave Chicago the reputation as a “city of neighborhoods” that were based on ethnicity. That is also true of most other American urban giants. And much of that exists today – imposed by racist policies imposed by urban political machines.
But except for blacks, virtually every migrant population successfully assimilated into the American culture. They embraced what they saw as American exceptionalism – personal freedom and rugged individualism. They came to seek opportunity. Consequently, they believed that “living off the government” was an indication of failure – acceptable only in the most extreme cases. Welfare was the responsibility of family, religious institutions and private charities.
Because they were anxious to become productive Americans in every way, they had the zealous patriotism of a convert. They saluted the Star-Spangled Banner and stood reverently for the National Anthem.
The immigrants of the past were the ingredients in the American Melting Pot – adding elements to the American society even as they “melted’ into the greater culture. Food is one of the iconic gifts of immigrations. The popularity of Chinese, Mexican, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese and Middle Eastern restaurants all sprang from immigration.
And, for the most part, those leaving their positive mark on America came here legally.
It was also a time that America had standards — and enforced laws covering immigration. Those wishing to become part of the American Dream were seriously vetted – whether they were part of a humanitarian-driven mass migration or an individual applicant.
America wanted immigrants, but only those who would be a positive contribution to the nation. When we reflect on the great accomplishment of immigrants that benefited America, those are the immigrants we talk about.
Those seeking asylum often had to have “sponsors” – family or friends – who would take care of the initial needs of the new arrival.
But that was then … not now.
When America lost control of its borders is difficult to pinpoint. But for most of the 21st Century, the entire concept of vetting migrants against positive standards has vanished. Open borders – yes, open borders — have completely dissembled any concept of immigration control and proper vetting.
One result has been the admission of thousands of undesirables – basically criminals whose sole purpose to come to America is to engage in criminal activities. And let me be clear, I am NOT referring to the hundreds of the millions who are currently living in America illegally. It is not a racist issue unless you consider the fact that the criminal elements are setting up operations – and committing their crimes – mostly in black and Hispanic communities. Some of that is reflected in the crime wave that is sweeping the major cities today.
Many … maybe too many … of today’s immigrants see American opportunity as instant welfare benefits. It is a matter of what they can get without consideration of what they can contribute. That does not make them bad people since they are rationally responding to America’s idiotic policies and lack of enforcement. The problem is in Washington – not in the states or even in those who take advantage of lax border enforcement and an array of freebies upon arrival.
There is also another difference between traditional immigration policies and enforcement and what we have today. Many migrants are not seeking to be part of the American culture but to bring their own tribalism into their new home. In many ways, they are responding to – and exacerbating – the growth of domestic tribalism in America. Unlike the melting pot assimilation, the authoritarian left sees the nation as a bucket of rocks never to meld – a white rock, black rock, brown rock, yellow rock and red rock.
Millions of blacks are kept segregated and impoverished. They have not been allowed to assimilate. Many Muslims insist that they be allowed to live under Sharia Law – in which women and homosexuals have no rights and in the extreme “honor killings” are acceptable.
The fracturing of the national common ground based on common beliefs is evident in the disrespect for the flag, the National Anthem and the Founders of the American Republic – not necessarily by the migrants but by the America-hating globalist radical left. For the left, American unity is to be displaced by the manipulation of ethnic interest groups with no overarching common bond.
Martin Luther King had a dream of a nation where the color of the skin was less important than the content of character. Today, the color of the skin is the dominant issue in establishing and implementing policies – even to the point of adjudicating alleged crimes in courts-of-law.
That degeneration of American democracy and common culture is exactly what is fueling the influx of millions of folks who are not even asked to be dedicated to America’s constitutional values of personal freedom, free enterprise and limited government.
Like a serious disease, there is no quick return to the healthy common ground of American Exceptionalism. The full recovery will take years – maybe decades. But a good start would be to re-establish the process and standards by which America allows folks from around the world to be part of a unifying American Dream.
Our dedication to the words inscribed on the tablet held by Lady Liberty – “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free …” – should never be compromised. But the privilege of admission to America and to citizenship should be America’s decision. Not the result the destructive policies of authoritarian political opportunists.
So, there ‘tis.
Don’t tell Larry but his entire story is premised on record-breaking APPREHENSION numbers coming from the border you know, people caught at the border, detained, and/or sent back. But his story talks about these numbers as if they are illegal aliens that have not been apprehended and are happily living in America, taking our welfare, education, and health dollars, working our jobs, and not learning our language and culture. Larry does not have a clue, not that there are any statistics whatsoever in his piece, how many illegals are actually entering our country right now. He just fear mongers by conflating apprehensions with undocumented illegals.
Which means Larry’s entire story is:
The US took part of Mexico by force, and until the 1960’s or so, Republicans encouraged farm workers to come to the US to help out ranchers. The borders were more or less open and free. The same with Canadian borders, until the GW Bush years, you could cross with a driver’s license, and movement from one side to the other was pretty easy.
Larry also leaves out huge immigrations from Europe – they were economic immigrants, spoke other languages, and were let in with no conditions other than a check for TB at the border. Traveling in the upper midwest in the 1980’s, there were still whole towns where German or Czech or Polish was spoken. It’s even more recent that neighborhoods in my state, which borders Canada near the French-speaking part, had French speaking neighborhoods, and even Polish neighborhoods because of an influx of mill workers. There was a vibrant Swiss and Austrian community because of an influx of ski-industry workers in the 1960’s.
What’s the difference between then and today? There’s a backlash (by primarily white Republicans) against people with dark skin and other religions. It’s not about “control of the border” – they’re being turned away at the border instead of allowed in, even if they have legitimate claims for asylum, and even though the country has a shortage of workers. Trump railed against people coming from “shit-hole” countries, and given all of his comments before and after that, it was clear that he meant non-white countries. On the other hand, if you’re rich and white, come on in!
What’s the difference today? Radical Islam. Internal threats to Americans. But idiots like you don’t understand that It’s a different world
Wow, so how many Radical Islamic’s did they get in those 1.6M apprehensions? 1,000? 100? 10? A converted Southern Baptist? I am betting not a single Islamic Terrorist has been caught in 2021 crossing the Mexican border into America.
Larry says: “Consequently, we are the most ethnically tolerant and welcoming nation in the world.” You start with a real leap of faith….
Well, two ways to view, quantity and quality. We don’t win on quantity: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/slideshows/10-countries-that-take-the-most-immigrants?slide=12 Just number 2. Amazingly, immigration is tied closely to GDP. Something about domestic bliss….
Then, there’s quality, which is what Larry seems to be targeting. Let’s try comfort level: nope. https://immigrantinvest.com/en/blog/top-9-countries-for-comfortable-life/ Well, let’s try quality of life: nope, again. https://reachimmigration.com/en/blog/here-are-top-10-countries-to-migrate-to
Sorry, Larry, we are usually in the top ten, but most welcoming —- never at the top anymore. Got more patina that the Green Goddess herself.
I think Republicans have pretty much ceded any high ground in principals over immigration, racism, and the politics of hatred. You really need to first clean out your own house or find a new house like Whitman, Cheney, Christie, Romney and others have found. You keep banging on the same old drums ignoring the corrupt actions of Trump and Trumpism on your party, and you. Yes, you. You can’t just hold your nose and look away any more. You need to stand up and say: “this will not be tolerated” or “I like separating mothers and babies and never putting them together again.” We need to stop talking about all this other crap until we finish with the shit still raining down as artifacts of the reign of Trump.
Memories of McCarthyism evoked by Senator Kennedy just yesterday because someone is born in Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, attended some undergrad in Moscow. wrote a paper, is an American immigrant success story, and is a damn fine selection for Treasury. Not a communist, she ran from communists, the ideal immigrant you have been describing. Heck, if we defined everyone based on their college experiences, we would have Supreme Court vacancies. More important, Kennedy is a liar and he knew his lie before he said it. But he like saying it. It looked marvelous to the haters.
It appears that all you can see is Democratic shortcomings and all shortcomings are caused by the Democrats. Clean your own house, it stinks.
“I don’t know whether to call you ‘professor’ or ‘comrade,” said confirmed son-of-a-bitch John Kennedy whose stupid parents couldn’t even out a better name. Of course, he had no problem with Melania Trump, in the White House, privy to all those top secrets, born to a Communist Party Member, raised in a Communist Party Member’s house, living off Communist Party jobs, until she began digging for gold outside the Communist Bloc and found some moneybags who wanted to build a hotel in Communist Moscow. Nah, nothing there. But a rags to riches, well-educated, accomplished, immigrant, now that’s Kennedy cannon fodder. A Cornell Professor, orphaned when they sent her parents to Siberia, all her thoughts basically documented, we better stop the boat, got to bring out the torches, we have witches to burn!!!
Then we have murder-tape racist comedian Gosar, censured by the House, except for over 200 Republicans who don’t think his behavior is all that bad. Probably have signed copies of the clip. I mean it’s just a cartoon of him murdering another Senator. She’s a woman, immigrant’s daughter, so it’s OK for 200 Republican House leaders to approve. No need to step up for that one, I mean she has an accent.
Of course, only 13 Republicans voted for infrastructure improvements, over 200 Republicans did not want infrastructure improvements at this level. But they do love taking credit for the bill’s passage, they just can’t pass the bill. Who gets those jobs, immigrants?
I just don’t see how you can pretend to be a shining light upon the hill when your hill is just a pile of stinking, rotten, garbage like this. Don’t tell me about Democrats Larry, tell me what you are doing in your own house to prove those principles. In for a peck, in for a pound Larry. Your article rolls out the same old trope-like attitudes, it’s very sparce on actual facts, statistics, or even a number. Think you only note one number in the entire piece. That’s a lot of opine without any wood. All cow, no beef.
You conclude: “That degeneration of American democracy and common culture is exactly what is fueling the influx of millions of folks who are not even asked to be dedicated to America’s constitutional values of personal freedom, free enterprise and limited government.” I honestly don’t even know what you are talking about? Values of personal freedom. Constitutional? Where are those words even in the Constitution? Millions of folks not asked…..fXXXX Larry, they were apprehended and you want to ask them about personal freedom, free enterprise, and what they think about the constitution? Think about it man. That’s just crazy talk.
Earlier, you state: “Many … maybe too many … of today’s immigrants see American opportunity as instant welfare benefits. It is a matter of what they can get without consideration of what they can contribute.” Oh no, it’s the “many.” Oh God, oh God, we’re all gonna die…. Again, Larry, they are apprehended so what the Hell are you even talking about? Do you even know the welfare payments, education payments, and the tax payments to balance it out? Do you think it’s Federal Tax dollars that are being lost here? Social Security? Medicare? Housing? How many taxes do they pay? You bring up an interesting point Larry. But no facts.
How many Larry? You got a number of the teat-sucking illegal aliens who escape apprehension and get welfare?
Or the: “When America lost control of its borders is difficult to pinpoint. But for most of the 21st Century, the entire concept of vetting migrants against positive standards has vanished. Open borders – yes, open borders — have completely dissembled any concept of immigration control and proper vetting..” You can’t pinpoint the time, but you know it’s true…. What do you mean “open borders?” How does that work with all the apprehensions? Is it open apprehensions? How is the vetting improper? Again, lots of opinions, allegations, rumors maybe, very few actual supporting facts.
I can continue to pick away because there’s not much here except your conclusions without any apparent merit to said conclusions. Not that there isn’t merit, it’s just not shown here.
The biggest red herring and fear mongering tactic is that millions of illegal aliens are breaching our borders, taking our money via government handouts, and actively working against the American way of life disdaining and devaluing our culture. But, really, Larry, the only number (which you don’t even show) you can put a finger on is the number of apprehensions at the border. People caught. Not people getting in. Not how many get government payments, not even number of asylum applicants. All you know is how many are trying vis-à-vis the ones we catch.
And that’s a number that is about equal to the five years of 1993 – 1998 and about twice that of 2019, the last surge in the reign of Trump. But again, that’s who we catch, not who gets through to do all those heinous things Larry accuses them of.
Try a more factual view: “The Border Patrol recorded nearly 1.7 million migrant apprehensions at the Southern border over the past year — the highest number ever, eclipsing the record set more than two decades ago. But that doesn’t mean it’s the biggest number of individual migrants who’ve illegally crossed from Mexico into the U.S. in a single year.
In fact, it’s probably not even close.” https://www.npr.org/2021/10/23/1048522086/border-patrol-apprehensions-hit-a-record-high-but-thats-only-part-of-the-story
This does not say the numbers are good, they are bad. But Larry jumps-the-shark when he falsely equates border apprehensions with the decline of the American culture.
(think I would lead with snark Larry cuz on this one, you are BUSTED. Fact checkers finds ZERO facts)
Frank, I neither have the time nor the desire to respond fully to your long rambling and misinformed screeds. But I will point out at least one of you uninformed arguments. You cite the number of apprehensions at the border as an indications that the borders are not open. Perhaps you do not understand the reality. What happens to those apprehended? They wind up in America — often just falling of the government radar. Apprehension is merely a checkpoint on the way into the country. Remember how the Biden administration said they were going to deport those who were squatting under the bridge in Texas. A couple plane loads where sent back and the rest re-located in America. Of the 40 million who reside in America as undocumented (illegal) residents, the majority never had the qualifications for refugee status. That is also true with those arriving currently. Check out the law. And as far as terrorists. Check out the border patrol reports on the number of those on terror watch have been apprehended — with an estimate of how many likely slip through. You can also get the numbers for those who come from countries other than Central and South America. And of course there is the drug problem. The number one source of the deadly fentanyl is the southern border. I am not sure if you are just bad at research or you are like the prosecutor … using selective information to support your own preconceived point-ot-view. You need to do real research into the official numbers … not predicate your rebuttals on questionable news reports. You once complimented me as a person who does not simply cut-and-paste or merely regurgitate what others write. That is true. But you seem to have fallen into that trap yourself.
Larry says: “Perhaps you do not understand the reality. What happens to those apprehended? They wind up in America — often just falling of the government radar.” His point is that apprehensions are an indicator of increasing numbers of undocumented aliens in America. It’s a bogus claim IMO and I called him on his facts, or lack thereof. He asked me to research his point before refuting his point because Larry made it a point to not provide any facts, statistics, sources, or links. Larry, here’s my point. If you don’t know, don’t guess. It just makes you look stupid for not checking in the first place. You did not check….you guessed….BUSTED
According to PEW, “About two-thirds (66%) of all migrant encounters ended in expulsion between April 2020, the first full month after Title 42 was invoked, and September 2021, the end of the 2021 fiscal year. The remaining 34% resulted in apprehension. But the share of encounters resulting in expulsion has decreased under the Biden administration. In September 2021, 54% of encounters ended in expulsion, down from 74% in February 2021, the first full month after Biden took office.”
The point is most encounters end in expulsion, not in an undocumented worker “arriving” in America. The Biden slide is mostly due to backlog, not ultimate disposition.
Unaccompanied children are the only border apprehensions that Biden is refusing to expel, but I don’t think that’s who you are up in arms about.
For most apprehensions, Title 42 mandates swift expulsion to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Canada, and El Salvador In Texas, if caught you are left at the middle of a border bridge over the Rio Grande, you never even see a Border Patrol station.
If we look at October 2021, the first thing we see is 57% were classified for immediate expulsion under Title 42. FYI — this means there is a higher recidivism than without Title 42 immediate expulsions.
There is no orderly or legal way to claim asylum right now in the US; asylum seekers for the most part stay in Mexico, a few are allowed. So, the asylum seekers gain little by jumping the border.
A large percentage are unaccompanied minors who are put in the system, into shelters. This could be up to 30% of the total — that leaves 13% left…..
Much of the remaining 13% will be criminally charged and will be put into the system. They do not roam the American streets looking for welfare.
FYI – the vast majority of drug seizures are at port-of-entries, not at the borders in between. So, apprehensions and drugs are basically two different locals on the border with little in common.
So, Larry, according to the process, I don’t know how and IF they wind up in America based on apprehensions which clearly do not. I am sure there are loopholes, including the use of title 42 which basically encourages repeat tries. No harm, no foul. Probably need to fix that.
Next we go to estimates for illegals in the US which has been at about 11 million, independent of source or year for the past decade or so. DHS, PEW, CMS, and MPI all pretty much agree — steady state.
And remember, ICE removes about .5 million every year of those who do get in illegally.
No, Larry, unless I am missing something the process of apprehension does not result in a wave of new illegals in America. And the total numbers have been steady for some time now; I would expect it to go up given our labor issues, but ….. not sure what you are pinpointing — does not seem to bear out in the light of day. Actually, the Biden process is pretty similar to the Trump process sans the cruelest parts. It even retains some pretty cruel parts, but he is attempting to end those as soon as possible.
This does not say we don’t have a huge issue at the border, we do have issues there. Given the process changes, our economy, you have to imagine more people trying. But I am not sure what picture Larry is looking at, one built on tropes not facts, and it’s time to talk turkey, not the same old, entrenched, unsupported, messages of fear.
See Larry, I did look it up :>) Been awhile. I’ll say this, Trump/Sessions certainly simplified the process by not caring about people as humans. It’s very streamlined now.
Anyone who is apprehended at the border and allowed to remain in the US is by definition NOT undocumented. They are given an immigration status and followed by ICE during a lengthy vetting process.
HumanRightsFirst, “According to DOJ statistics, between 2013 and 2017, 92 percent of asylum seekers appeared in court to receive a final decision on their claims. In FY 2018, 89.4 percent of those who applied for asylum complied with their court hearing obligations. Out of 66,592 final asylum decisions, 7,072 denials were the result of the asylum seeker failing to appear in court. 98 percent of mothers with children who were represented by legal counsel complied with court hearing obligations. ”
It takes 5-7 months to get a work permit, and that’s AFTER they have been accepted for asylum.
Larry writes; “ Frank, I neither have the time nor the desire to respond fully to your long rambling and misinformed screeds”…
Proceeds to write a long rambling response. Old people, fucking hilarious!
Frank I can see that you are full of anger. Good!!!! It shows that we are beating you socialist assholes. Senator Kennedy is doing a great job. I just wish that the majority of our country was made up of McCarthy types. Then we wouldn’t be under constant threats of communism from you born and bred Marxist bastards. The word is that the commiecrats party evolved from the anti federalists , but I think that satan squated and what came out of him was your party. It’s not our party who caused the divide in America.
Dan says I’m full of anger. Pot calling kettle black. Hate, name calk, demean, hate, stir, repeat. So boring, sigh.
You got hit with this, you suffered that, poor you, liberals so mean, you so martyred, poor you , victim, loser, lash out, call names…
Let us know when you want to have an adult discussion.
Larry, you might have a more harmonious outcome if would quit with this kind of opening: “Frank, I neither have the time nor the desire to respond fully to your long rambling and misinformed screeds.” Screeds….really? Just don’t get the point of the backhanded salute.
At least you focused on a single point highlighting your mission by saying: “…..I will point out at least one of you uninformed arguments.” Oh my sweet Mother of Jesus, thank you Lord. And here we go. Focused. On point. The crux of Larry’s short and well-informed tirade: “….you do not understand the reality. What happens to those apprehended? They wind up in America” WOW, he’s cut through the fog, cleared up the smog. Unfortunately, we hit pause for awhile as Larry, takes a verbal cruise to Never Never Land :>) For those interested, and with (editors notes bracketed) ‘ “Remember how the Biden administration (biden, got it) said they were going to deport those who were squatting under the bridge in Texas. (biden’s bridge?) A couple plane loads where (sic) sent back and the rest re-located in America. (what, we got part of a bridge-full?) Of the 40 million (from one freakin bridge?) who reside in America as undocumented (illegal) residents, the majority never had the qualifications for refugee status.(ok, we can check that, but I think the word is asylum) That is also true with those arriving currently.(arriving? Is that arriving and apprehended, or just a weekend pass) Check out the law. (Law, will add to my new Larry’s teaching you to teach yourself checklist). And as far as terrorists. Check out the border patrol reports on the number of those on terror watch have been apprehended — with an estimate of how many likely slip through. (ok, one could check that. Check) You can also get the numbers for those who come from countries other than Central and South America. (ok, it’s on the list. Check, check) And of course there is the drug problem. (check. Don’t forget the drugs) The number one source of the deadly fentanyl is the southern border. I am not sure if you are just bad at research or you are like the prosecutor … using selective information to support your own preconceived point-ot-view. (selective, check. Rambling, check) You need to do real research into the official numbers … not predicate your rebuttals on questionable news reports.(check, no news is good news. Do check your work like you checked me with your checking up above. Check on that :>) ‘’You once complimented me as a person who does not simply cut-and-paste or merely regurgitate what others write. That is true.(This and that are true) But you seem to have fallen into that trap yourself.” (Hmmm. The check is in the mail trap?)
Tongue in cheek Larry. You wrote something. I said where’s the beef, you have no supporting facts, no sources no links. You gave me a research assignment to get the beef for something you wrote that was without the beef. All funning above, but hopefully you see the point.
I will look for the crux and maybe a few other check boxes, but the crux for sure. Think there’s a process there. But no Larry, you said some stuff, I said but no facts, you said, look em up, and I say —— don’t think so. Do you own work, show your work.
Larry often claims that he doesn’t insult his respondents, and gets all pissy when they insult him back, even in jest or with sarcasm (which he never understands). Don’t call him “old” or even make a joke about getting old, that REALLY pisses him off! This is a typical response from him, starting out with a few insults, and then continuing on with undocumented statements that supposedly support his position.
Oh yeah, the old comment does seem to strike a nerve. Guess he moved to the “Rat’s Mouth,” so he could feel younger. Don’t think he realizes what a horses ass he is with his backhanded comments, think he thinks it’s cute and endearing. But got to admit, when he says stop rambling, then picks a subject, then dances around it and says the reader needs to research his unsourced ascertains unsupported by any facts, statistics, usually just a couple of anecdotes, now that’s just funny. Hey, Larry, Reagan was a bum because my Aunt tells a story that says so…..and you prove me wrong because I am right until you do. Yeah, that’s gonna work :>)
He’s the new Charles Krauthammer, says one reader, and yet that does not make him seem any younger to the crowd that’s learning about the Beatles for the first time from the brand new Disney+ documentary :>) (You know, Larry, streaming…..Disney+ is streaming…..that’s like cable, but to your computer or internet TV. Internet TV? We’ll explain that tomorrow Larry, after your Chamomile Tea.
Larry, tell me about it! Preach brother!
It used to be if you were pretty, posed nude and sucked a mean dick, you AND your family would be granted Genius Asylum.
Now it’s like they want you to have an actual skill.
Not even having a skill works anymore. We have a large engineering group in India, and wanted to bring one or two of them over to help bolster our department. We’ve been looking locally (US wide) for about 6 months, and have gotten no qualified applicants. It will take 4-6 months to approve an engineer from out of the country, and the acceptance rate is only 25%. And if someone qualified applies, it cancels the application. So, if an engineer from India applies and makes plans to uproot his/her family to come here, somewhere during the process our company may have to tell them, “whoops, sorry, the offer is rescinded”. Good policy, huh? And Republicans wonder why businesses can’t hire enough workers.
A relative of mine often hires Mexican labor to do construction work at some of his rental properties. He raves about how fast they work, and how little they charge, and how great a job they did. Not to “out” my relative, but I’d lay odds that the workers are all undocumented. He doesn’t have much luck even finding local US citizens to do the work, much less good quality and a good price.
Would that be commie Melania? Took me a second….
Women does handle some mean duct tape clothes graffiti just like a hood rat.