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The Second Rise Of COVID – It’s on Biden, Here is a List

The Second Rise Of COVID – It’s on Biden, Here is a List

Biden has failed on COVID. This is not a matter of a situation beyond everyone’s control, you can’t say he was a victim of circumstances and caught off guard. Biden was handed a vaccine and all of the tools to mitigate the infection rates. But more people in America have died from COVID under Biden than did under Trump, who started literally with nothing.

Biden fumbled the ball.


When COVID became recognized as an epidemic, Donald Trump signed Operation Warp Speed into law. He had a vaccine ready within months, where it used to take years. He cut through all of the red tape and made sure that it was available. He pre-purchased billions of dollars worth of doses, three different world class companies ramped up production.

We were poised to win.

So what are Biden’s failures?

1. Lack of Charisma, Lack of Leadership. With a vaccine IN HIS HANDS ramped up and available, Biden could not lead the American people to take it. Bottom line is that Biden does not have the charisma to convince people to get vaccinated, and he doesn’t have the organizational skills to get the job done.

The Democrats are claiming that the anti-vaxxers are Republicans, but Democrats love to re-write history. The Democrats are the ones who claimed, during the Trump efforts to save lives, that a vaccine produced so quickly was dangerous. It was Donald Trump who cut through the medical bureaucracy to get the vaccine out and save lives.

2. Poor Organization, Laziness. He could have been a lot more proactive and organized in marketing and making the vaccine available. In my case, I got a text from my doctor. I was told that it would be charged to my insurance. What? Not free? I could sign up at Publix, but that was for an appointment, I couldn’t just walk up and get it. What? I have to jump through hoops of bureaucracy to get a crucial vaccine?

The standard marketing practice would be to go where the people are and make it simple. Set up at ballgames, set up mobile vax stations like ice cream trucks. Set up a hotline, vax people in their homes when they ask for it. Be all over the place, all over tv, radio, internet. This would have been much cheaper than keeping the country in lockdown. I know examples of each of these suggestions were done, but a concerted effort on the ground requires a concerted effort at the leadership level. Big fizzle.

All of those Democrats down on Madison Avenue in New York (ostensibly the top marketing people in the world), should have come up with a plan, set targeting, talked about how many touches would be required to get such and such number of people vaccinated, and then planned strategy to identify, reach and persuade the stragglers. This is SCIENCE, every bit as much as the medical science it would have supported (more so, in the case of the advice given by certain medical professionals).

It’s much easier to pretend you are a king and give orders from on high. Unfortunately, that doesn’t work well in America, especially when you step beyond your authority and piss off the people you are trying to help. The Administration didn’t “follow the science.”

The approval for children to be vaccinated should have come 10 months ago. Every child, with his/her parents’ permission, should have had the opportunity to be vaccinated.

Mandatory vaccinations were never necessary, and in fact, mandates galvanized the resistance against it. Not against the vaccine, most people don’t know the science. The resistance was and is to the Biden Administration, their bungling and their flaunting of Constitutional rights.

We needed effort and innovation from the most innovative country in the world. We could have saved hundreds of thousands of people around the world who follow our examples. But we didn’t get Trump’s innovation, we got Biden’s bureaucracy.

3. New treatments are stuck in FDA approvals. Everyone knows by now that COVID is not going away. We are getting better and better at treating it, as is evidenced by the fact that death rates are not rising as fast as infections rates. The vaccine is working to a great extent.

But come to find out, a number of new treatments for people who already have COVID, that might save a great many lives right now, are going through the old bureaucratic processes for FDA approvals. They may not emerge for a year or more.

When people are dying it is time to shortcut the bureaucracy, as Trump did with Operation Warp Speed. For some reason, the Biden Administration seems to think that the vaccine was the end of the problem. Biden should have embraced operation Warp Speed and expanded it by a factor of 10, working on better follow-on vaccines, treatments of people who are sick, and new ways to reach people at risk (without violating their Constitutional rights!).

This is much like my other recent article on COVID. Hindsight is 20/20. The big difference is that in this case, it is not too late. Biden could actually do better starting now.

But while I am less informed and get my information from news sites and Facebook, I expect the most powerful man in the world to be more on the ball. I expect him to have the access and know-how to use all of the resources available. Think what you want about Trump, he is not shy about using resources, and he knows how to use money to make the world move.

I do blame Biden for failing.

Will Biden turn the corner and do better on COVID? Doubt it.

About The Author


  1. Ben

    Goddamn Joe, that’s a hell of a reach! I’m used to PBP being a hyper partisan radical right rag, but this is ridiculous.

    I’d like to personally thank trump for operation warp speed. I never understood why Trump didn’t brand his greatest accomplishment better. In fact he went so far as to say, he would NOT be getting the vaccine that he himself helped to rush to the market. It seemed like a missed golden opportunity. He could have changed a LOT of minds with a steady leadership throughout. Instead he waited until last month, where he got boo’d by his cult when he urge his minions to get vaccinated.

    The week before I was supposed to get my booster, I caught Covid from work. Because I was double vaccinated it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but still way worse than the flu. A buddy of mine, a couple of yrs older, a MAGAt, and antivaxxer, got it about the same time. One of us died, the other was vaccinated.

    I’m not sure how you can say the present surge is Biden’s fault, with the exception of a hyper partisan slant. Approximately 85% of democrats are vaccinated with trumps vaccine. Only 45% of republicans are vaccinated with the trump vaccine. 6 of every 100,000 unvaccinated people contracting Covid sue from it. While e only .1 of every 100,000 people that are double vaccinated and boosted die after contracting Covid.

    I believe trump is doing the democrats work. By casting doubt on his own greatest accomplishment, he is intentionally killing off his base. I see this as a win.

    • Clyde

      Biden is a failure. Get over it

  2. frank stetson

    I agree this wave is on Biden’s watch although as to where we draw the line is difficult, it certainly can’t be 1.20.20; it has to be later than that.

    As far as vaccine acceptance, I think you are just trying to make yourself feel better for the fools you Republicans be. Some simple facts to prove my point: according to KFF, as of October 2020, the unvaccinated consisted of 17% Democrats, 60% Republicans, and 17% Independents. This should come of no shock to you if you have been reading my posts. Amazingly, the more we vaccinate, the greater this divide gets as Republicans dig in deeper and Democrats and Independents make the better choice to vaccinate to better protect America. According to Kaiser, the more conservative and younger you are, the worse this gets. Teach your children well.

    As to what and why they believe this, NPR has some answers: The bottom line: misinformation that they accept. Epoch Times is a major supplier. Just not sure how you expect Biden to fix what people learn from their own leaders. Is it your party or Biden who should take ownership? Maybe if you hadn’t become the party of the Liar-in-Chief; if you had called these lies, then you might be in a better place.

    God’s Tech support can help:

    The bottom line is we have a terrible pandemic, we have solutions, the solutions are pretty damned easy to use, and Republicans are refusing the cure choosing to vote for the disease. Even in highly vaccinated NJ, we are feeling the heat as vaccinated and unvaccinated contract and transmit omicron. However, the vaccinated are far less liable to go to the hospital, even less chance to die from covid, and just have to suffer living amongst these unvaccinated fools.

    Biden has reached everyone who is listening. Your party neither speaks nor listens, two deadly sins during this pandemic. And how do you expect a Democrat to tell you that your leaders and your press are misinforming you any louder than we already have? We all have failed here —- you too.

    Now, I have shown you this before, but as expected, hospitalization and death follow the same trend as vaccinations. Go figure. I posted a similar story before, the tale is always the same. Trumpers die more often than liberal voting areas. Death curves follow the vaccination curves. What is more notable is when you take this down to a county level where the differences gain further visibility between the red and the blue.

    Sure, you blame Biden for Republicans not getting vaccinated and therefore dying needlessly in far greater numbers. I don’t really think Biden owns it alone. Your leaders are literally killing you. Your Falun Gong MSM is literally killing your party with its continued misinformation. Yes, omicron is more transmittable, probably less deadly, but given the vaccination rates, that may not matter much to Republicans as a smaller percentage die, but a larger percentage get infected meaning the party will continue to shrink by shooting itself in the foot.

    Am I pissed about Biden’s Administration readiness and response on this surge. You betcha. Just not for your reasons. He had freakin 11 months to fix testing, he did not. This should have been testing-normal, not testing-surge. More testing, easier testing, ahead of xmas could have helped. People waiting for hours, people passing out in line, that’s complete bullshit this many months in. The messaging and investigation on this also sucks. Why didn’t we airdrop army medical on South Africa to know transmit-ability and test how virulent this variant was. There were sick people everywhere to test. Why this wait and see crap. And WTF with the new CDC guidelines for quarantine that even CDC veterans and other DRs say are bogus and political in nature. Biden saying this was up to the States and “we have your back” couldn’t be walked back fast enough. Biden messaging was not good, again. Hey, Murphy in NJ even worse. I gave him a Mulligan in the Spring/summer of an election year, but he won, he can’t run next term, so WTF is he in hiding in Costa Rica, doing nothing, while we hit our highest numbers ever. He has the balls to say “everything is on the table” while we spike 5 times our record cases and he stays silent. Do you know that legally I can go unmasked to a gym in NJ to workout —- that’s utter bullshit. As far as I am concerned, Murphy will never hold a national office, at least no support from me, he has torched it on the omicron surge.

    But no Joe, I can’t blame Biden for what the Republicans decided on vaccinations. The leadership pushed back on masking, mandates, and the vaccines by themselves. Your and Larry’s voices were too low, too late; the die was cast when the Don decided to hide his vax marked as shame. Remember, Republicans chose to be free to infect the rest of us. You just want a bogyman man to blame for your party’s bad choice to weaponize medicine for political gain.

    • Jack bower

      Nobody’s weaponizing anything except damned democrats. I blame China for this shit and I also blame the good ol’ usa for not making them pay. No, we can’t get this shit figured out because of God damned finger pointing. And the greatest number of it comes from the left. You people only want to use the pandemic to trample the rights of people. When I say hold China accountable I say freeze all that they own here. Including their properties and money. Or would that be too fucking racist?

  3. Lowell

    When the full extent of the failings and dangers of the “vaccines” are revealed President Trump will be blamed for following the advise of the “scientists” and pushing through the “dangerous” drugs. It will be used against Republicans in the 2022 and 2024 elections. President Trump needs to distance himself from the vaccine situation NOW!!

  4. frank stetson

    I agree that this wave is on Biden’s watch although as to where we draw the line, it certainly can’t be 1.20.20; it has to be later than that.

    As far as Warp Speed, yes, on Trump’s watch and he beat the British and Chinese for speed with the American/German product. Then China, then England, then China again and then Moderna. Then EU (but US company), then India, and then J&J. So, basically we matched the world development….

    As far as vaccine distribution and acceptance, I think you are just trying to excuse yourself to make yourself feel better for the fools you Republicans be. Some simple facts to prove my point: according to KFF, as of October 2020, the unvaccinated consisted of 17% Democrats, 60% Republicans, and 17% Independents. Fools all who don’t take this simple solution to the pandemic. This should come of no shock to you if you have been reading my posts. Amazingly, the more we vaccinate, the greater this divide gets as antivaxxer, unpatriotic Republicans dig in and Democrats and Independents make a better choice for America. According to Kaiser, the more conservative and younger you go, the worse this gets. Teach your children well.

    As to what and why they believe this bullshit, NPR has some answers:

    Just not sure how you expect Biden to fix what people are being told by their own Conservative leaders not to believe. Is it your party’s responsibility to fix stupid or Biden’s ownership on this? Maybe if you hadn’t become the party of the Liar-in-Chief, maybe if you believed that lies are bad and maybe if you had called this shit out for what it is, you would be in a better place. Sure, you can say you got the vax, you told people you got the vax and they should too and then you continue to publish misinformation enforcing people’s disbelief of the vaccination, through lies on your very website. Over and over. Repeatedly. Without pushback. Printing obvious lies with impunity.

    And now you have the chutzpah to blame Biden for your party’s message.

    God’s Tech support can help: The bottom line is we have a terrible pandemic, we have solutions, they are pretty damned easy to use, and Republicans are refusing the cure instead voting for the disease. Even in highly vaccinated NJ, we are feeling the heat as vaccinated and unvaccinated contract and transmit omicron. However, the vaccinated are far less liable to go to the hospital, the vaccinated have even less chance of death from covid. We just have to suffer living amongst these unvaccinated fools who listened to Republican leadership’s lies.

    Biden has reached everyone who was listening. Your party neither speaks nor listens, two deadly sins during this pandemic.

    Now, I have shown you this before, but as expected, hospitalization and death follow the same trend as vaccinations. Go figure. I posted a similar story before, the tale is always the same. Trumpers die from this more often than liberal voting areas. Death curves follow the vaccination curves. What is more notable is when you take this down to a county level where the differences gain further visibility.

    So, sure, you can blame Biden for Republicans not getting vaccinated and therefore dying needlessly in greater numbers. I don’t really think he owns it alone. Your leaders are literally killing you. Your Falun Gong MSM is killing your party with its continued misinformation. Yes, omicron is more transmittable, probably less deadly, but given the vaccination rates, that may not matter much to Republicans as a smaller percentage die, but a larger percentage get infected meaning the party will continue to shrink by shooting itself in the foot.

    Am I pissed about Biden’s Administration readiness and response on this surge. You betcha. Just not for your reasons. He had freakin 11 months to fix testing, he did not. This should have been testing-normal, not testing-surge. People waiting for hours, people passing out in line, that’s complete bullshit this many months in. Plus 6 months since needed for Delta. The messaging and investigation on this also sucks. Why didn’t we airdrop army medical on South Africa to know transmutability and test how virulent this variant was. There were sick people everywhere to test. Why this wait and see crap. WTF with the new CDC guidelines for quarantine that even CDC veterans and other DRs say are bogus and political. Saying this was up to the States and “we have your back” couldn’t be walked back faster, Biden messaging was not good, again. Hey, Murphy in NJ even worse. I gave him a Mulligan in the Spring/summer of an election year, but he won, he can’t run next term, so WTF is he in hiding, doing nothing, while we hit our highest numbers ever. Do you know that legally I can go unmasked to a gym in NJ —- that’s utter bullshit. As far as I am concerned, Murphy will never hold a national office, at least no support from me, he has torched it on the omicron surge.

    But no Joe, I can’t blame Biden for what the Republicans decided on vaccinations. Remember, their choice to be free to infect the rest of us.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Joe Biden is the President of all America, not just the Democrats. Read the article again, marketing is an easy thing if you take the time to do it. The Democrats made it a partisan issue. Some Republicans decided that constitutional rights were an important issue.

      • Ben

        The democrats made it a partisan issue?
        The democrats took trumps vaccine.
        I live in a red state that was among the first to lock down. It wasn’t the democrats that marched on the state capital and issued death threats to the governor and the director of public health.

        • frank stetson

          If Democrats made this a partisan issue, boy, did they do a great job at pulling the wool over Republicans eyes. Nicely played Madam, nicely played.

          Gotta love PBP for printing: “When the full extent of the failings and dangers of the “vaccines” are revealed President Trump will be blamed for following the advise of the “scientists” and pushing through the “dangerous” drugs.” Because there’s plenty of proof of this……NOT


          “You people only want to use the pandemic to trample the rights of people.” Yeah, that’s the ticket…..trample you right into not taking the vax. Trample, trample, trample all the way to ER and the ventilator…..

          or , the best yet

          “Some Republicans decided that constitutional rights were an important issue” to avoid the vax, infect as many as possible, overwhelm the heath system to the point we can’t treat sick people anymore, roll out the mobile morgues for all the bodies, go to ER and the ventilator and die just to prove a Constitutional point of our bodies, our choice, unless of course that’s abortion —- that’s a death that matters. Not like covid where it’s important to die to be able to defend the Constitution.

          Of course, Joe does not push back on any of this. Nor can he tell us what exact Constitutional right these fools are even defending as that most important issue. Sure the fuck was not important to George Washington and the Founding Fathers. They slapped that vax mandate on as soon as they saw the public health issue.

          The problem is easy to define: covid The solution is there, it’s ez to do: vaccines, masks, distancing. Who has the problem is evident: Republicans. Joe wants you to blame Biden. Joe, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Be free not to take the vaccine but don’t complain about what happens next. And it will be very, very bad soon. Best luck because that’s all you got at this point. But, given the path you set us on, there may be a next time and you might blunt that if you actually change, made the decision and get er done.

          • Tom

            If you like mandates go find a man and date him. Faggott!!!!

          • frank stetson

            Tom, did you just call me a “Faggott!!!!” Wow, how 1960’s of you. Can’t you come up with something more interesting than looking like a total homophobe with a hint of closet case?

            Tom, at this point, it’s all over except the crying. For the unvaccinated, the die is cast, a potential hell is coming as for you, the disease is much more transmittable while probably packing the same punch as Delta. Even your children will take some hits this time. And by hit, I mean by the time you think you might be thinking about catching something —– they already got it from you. You win! There are not many mandates, you got your way, live with it and we will even pay the bill for your really poor decisions. At this point, anyone who dies of covid is either very unlucky with other medical issues, or really, really stupid not to be vaxed and boosted. ​

            Yesterday, the extreme covid case region reached from the East Coast just across the Mississippi with CA on top. The day before just the East Coast sans Maine and WV. Today, we go coast to coast plus Alaska and HI. Tomorrow we fill in the SW and Northern Plains States to cover the entire country. But not to worry if you are vaxed and have the boost. So far, death toll has been pretty low. But we are in the land of the vaxed, and Trump country is next and while we hope for equal or better results, we are pretty sure the death toll is about to rise again.

            Good luck Tom and may God bless you because the Devil is coming for his due.

  5. frank stetson

    Again…’s Republicans that are forgoing the vaccine, Republicans who are being hospitalized and dying. The majority. A huge majority.

    You say the Democrats somehow made it a partisan issue so Republicans would not take the vaccine so they could catch covid 19, get hospitalized and die while they convinced Democrats to take the vaccine, suffer some breakthroughs thanks to the unvaxxed Republicans, but not be hospitalized and die in great numbers. If that was Biden’s intent, wow, that’s successful.

    You say Joe Biden is the President of all America. I think many on your own site, commenting on your own threads, would disagree. Donald J. Trump has not conceded that Joe Biden won the election; I don’t see you pushing back on that. Matter of fact, you say you have the proof that Biden cheated, rigged the election so how do you reconcile that with your feeling he is your President..

    You seem very confused and conflicted.

    What is the Constitutional right that grants you the right to not take a vaccine that’s in the public health interest? George Washington issued the first vax mandate in the late 1700’d, but you know that. No Constitutional problem then, it was in the interest of the nation. Just like now. And if there is a Constitutional right, then what’s your problem with Biden’s messaging and the resulting current vaccination rates and demographics. It’s not that Republicans are stupid, they are just exercising Constitutional rights to get sick, infect the rest of us, take down the health system, and die. Just as Biden wanted with his messaging I guess. All part of the plan. Oh wait, suicide is NOT a Constitutional right. Or is it?

    Give it a break. You can see what the problem is. You can identify who has the problem. Biden didn’t, Trump didn’t, Republicans leaders didn’t issue any message to change their minds. But you just would rather weaponize it against Joe Biden because telling the truth that it’s Republicans being harmed and their leaders and pundits made this stupid choice when the solution is right in front of their faces.

    Why not just tell the truth. It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated, we can fix this, get vaccinated, wear a mask, keep you distance, everyone knows the drill. Be fast, if you thought the past was bad, this time pure hell is coming, the case loads are tremendous and the unvaccinated will fill the ERs.

  6. AC

    Hey Joe
    Sounds as if the Trump cult’s kool-aid you drink has gone to your head just as intended. The narrative you’re pushing falls far short of reality. Truth seems unimportant given the particular facts in the past 11 months’ events yield an entirely different story.
    An extremely complicated set of problems came with Biden’s assuming the responsibilities of POTUS. Trump, undeniably, left office with the country in a mess, divided and in conflict. The greater portion of national unrest is a direct result of Trump’s ineptness at managing the Presidency to the country’s detriment. Four more years of his non leadership style would hasten the downward spiral initiated by him.
    Biden took on a Herculean task on 1/20/21. Almost a year in at this point and he has done more than I anticipated, but less than Biden himself planned by this time. Given, the several heavy anchors dragging behind the ship of state’s progress forward. The anchors being Republican legislators’ doing Trump’s bidding and neglecting the official duties to the country as a whole.
    You say the presidency is a position responsible to all the people. That in fact is true, as it is the same true for every other elected official in Washington D.C. Then, as for the former president, Trump, what say you. In Trump’s own mind, do you believe he saw himself as that president you describe, for all the people? It’s doubtful. Good evidence from numerous speeches, as well as his attitude portrayal, prove he did not intend to be the everyone’s President. Trump does not have a democratic bone in his entire body. Only those he perceives as entirely personally loyal to him personally, are worthy of consideration for his favor.
    In the main, I am in agreement with Ben and Joseph with their critiques. Their points together are lucid and thoroughly intelligent on the matter you raised.
    In a past article you presented a resume you claimed was yours. The intent presumably was to show credentials in defense of your ability making particular assessments as the basis for your personal political opinion. Suffice it is you say that past experience qualifies making you an expert with authority. Not so, opinion commentators like yourself, are like every other person with an opinion, Credentials are no guarantee that the facts are actually true, not some illusory fabrication from your perspective’s bias.
    Chrystal ball visions are typical prognostications from the “conservative” right brand. The same becomes suspect immediately upon posting as the post will assert more disinformation propaganda.
    You may be the only one keeping score as the year progresses and Trump World loyalists grew another year older.

  7. AC

    BTW as a fully vaccinated and boosted individual and mask donned person in public spaces my contracting COVID can still happen. My spreading the virus I believe is not likely. Personal precautionary measures go both ways. Vaccination for me means less severe symptoms if infected and less threat to others. Masking is another level of protection for others and myself.
    Receiving the three shots was entirely voluntary for me. I chose the shots for the same reason I receive both flu and pneumonia shots on schedule.
    Physical wellness happens to be a priority in my life. Doing whatever it takes is the intelligent thing.
    Public Health, also, has been another of my priorities, Vaccinations, masking, hand cleansing, social distancing are done together to endure both personal health and community health.
    It’s a personal quality of life choice and something I enthusiastically endorse.
    All who are eligible persons should be vaccinated for reasons both personal and others centered.
    A sad commentary you is on our country that vaccinations needed for health in general is any thing other than a no-brainer choice. Those who are vaccinated under threat as the result of mandatory vaccination have a very low bar for self health and no regard at all for others’ health.
    You mentioned your objection to making an appointment for the shot. At present most places are covered if anyone eligible wants the shot they can on a walk-in basis. The circumstance you base your complaint on was a time when demand for the shot far exceeded initial supply. Vaccination production at the time had not yet reached needed capacity. Biden. president at the time, can not be faulted for circumstances beyond his control. This complaint is irrational.
    A waiting list placement is consistent with hours available in health providers’ schedules be over taxed during the pandemic. Additionally payment arrangements policy through government sources happened to be just beginning. That, too, was not Biden’s task in the minutest of details.
    The COO of a multibillion dollar corporation does not see to purchasing supplies and implementing distribution in the micro sense.
    How is any reader of PBP to take posts seriously if its material content lacks serious truth? Wild thrusts into dark future’s perilous potentially existential reality in inappropriate joking and mean.
    Wrongly assuming the past year has been the scene of repeated failures which it is not. Additionally, those happenings you perceive as failures on the Democrats’ watch Republicans must see their true responsibility sharing the job the country elected them to carry out. Republicans conveniently dodge the very problems created under Trump’s weaknesses and lies. These past months the right’s misdeeds they fail their responsibility and own the truth of the election 2020. Which is the first of many misinformation conspiracies the Truth GOP must back track.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      I think I take your point, that people should be interested receiving the vaccinations and should do what they can to get it. But in a free country, perspectives are respected, information is imperfect, and people are allowed choices. You don’t get consensus by mandating it. You get people to do what is best for them by persuasion, and removing barriers.

      Joe Biden had the opportunity with the vaccine in his hand to lead this country and save a lot of lives. He screwed it up because he is incompetent.

      And as for Trump’s “weaknesses and lies.” You were able to get vaccinated because of his strength, determination and intelligence in getting the vaccine to the people.

      Perhaps you should rethink your opinion of Donald Trump, since potentially he directly saved your life.

      • frank stetson

        Joe, yes, Trump got us the vaccination and then proceeding to tell his base it’s up to them. If Trump got the vax, he did it in secret he was so ashamed. It got to the point where, when he finally figured out that getting the vax developed was actually one of the only good things he did, and he tried to take credit, Team Trump dumped on him booing all the way.

        Some people continue here to say it’s too soon to be safe: how many billions of shots too soon? How many “flavors” of vaccines across the globe? What’s the history of long-term vax failures? All of the answers here confirm the fact that the vax is safe, probably very safe long term, and these people have only to fear the fears they themselves have imagined.

        You say Trump is great for the vax. I keep telling you yes, but it wasn’t like we got it and no one else did. Everyone developed the vax at about the same speed. Our second version came from a company based in both the US and Germany. Trump did the right thing, but it was a global effort and he didn’t exactly win my more than a nose. UK, China and India were close, and while we came in first, they came in second, third, and then us again in fourth position with our second US/German vax. So nice job, but not exactly a breakaway. Strength, determination, and intelligence? You do know this is a technology in practice for over a decade, that all the normal processes were followed, and yes, we through lots of resources at it, it was groundbreaking, but again —– four nations arrived at the same place in relatively the same time —– Trump was not unique in this —- the scientists were, across the globe.

        And I agree, free country, Just like it was free when George Washington issued the first vax mandate in the late 1700’s. Some say there would be no United States without the first vax mandate. We have seen, firsthand, the result of your freedom to choose. It has been a very bad choice. Fuck it —- I say let the unvaxxed pay the full freight for any ER visits that could have been avoided with the vax. We should be free to quit carrying these dumb bastards any more. There ER-welfare families. We need to really set them free, free, free at last to take full responsibility for their freedom.

        I am tired of people blaming Joe Biden because they got sick only because they decided to be free from the vax, free to catch the disease, free to spread it long and far. And then to blame China because when faced with the solution, they would rather vent their spleen about taking China’s assets as their own choices kill many more Americans every day. Look, a couple thousand more went yesterday. Wanna bet they were overwhelmingly unvaxxed, Republican, and voted for Trump? You betcha.

        “freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothin, it ain’t nothing, Honey, if it ain’t free.” Joplin.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          And I’m tired of people accepting Joe Biden as competent when he clearly is not. And I’m tired of people defending China which caused a worldwide pandemic. And I’m tired of liberal assholes treating our constitutional rights as if they could be withdrawn by liberal decree.

          And I’m really tire of people quoting clueless entertainers out of context.

          • frank stetson

            What Constitutional Right —- the right to infect others?

            The issue right now is not Joe’s ability to convince Republicans to vaccinate. The issue is Republicans not vaccinating.

            We could annex all the tea in China, will that make covid go away? Slow the surge? Decrease hospitalization rates? Why can’t you get your priorities straight. Don’t you get it? It’s not China causing people to get sick, hospitalized, and die right now —– it’s us not taking the vaccine. If it didn’t come from China, would chasing the next place of origin help anything? Delta was India — steal their money, feel better fast? Omicron is South Africa, grab a few diamonds, feel better yet? Of course not. The issue is defending the homeland once the invader has breached our defenses. And the answer will never be: “let’s get some revenge and steal their stuff, that will stop the problem in the present and for all time in the future…..” Yeah, sure, smart thinking.

            And did you just call liberals assholes? Can’t hold a decent argument for more than a moment, can you? Name calling is the weakest of arguments rendering the speaker a person who can’t muster more.

            So again —– what Constitutional right have we trampled? The right of free speech to say this problem is now one of the unvaccinated and those are mostly Republicans in Trump country taking us down, destroying our health systems and putting millions at needless risk due to their arrogance in avoidance of the very medicine that could save the nation.

            And people like Mr. Gilbertson needs a scapegoat for this abject failure of his party’s leadership within his own party. Trump may have invented it, but Biden made it available, for free, relatively convenient, and you made your choice to continue to infect your friends, family and fellow citizens.

            The numbers show it, you own it. Only a few hundred dying every day but more will be coming soon. And they will be mostly unvaccinated, mostly Republican while Joe whines that it’s Biden’s and the Chinese to blame for his Constitutional right that can not be defined.

            And the saddest part is that we are no more prepared today for the next one. Not one bit.

        • Harold blankenship

          There you go again. Bringing up Trump. You should really try to get a blowup doll that looks like trump. I really believe that you and Ben would like a threesom with him. You two are like two queers in a barrel

          • frank stetson

            And Harold knows queers, barrels, and dolls. I mean how else would he knows was two queers in a barrel is even like? Ben, threesome? Not my cup of tea, but hey, you’re the expert on such things.

            And yes, Bruce, we “bitch” about Trump because our duly elected, “so called” President is an embarrassment. Matter of fact, that’s exactly why we started our rants in 2016. Because we knew Biden was coming and wanted to bitch ahead of the curve……

            Great additions to the conversation, keep up your excellent efforts.

  8. Bruce

    These idiots bitch about Trump because the fool that’s the so called president is an embarrassment

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