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The EU Declares ‘Power To The Kids’???

When my publisher first alerted me to this tidbit of last week’s EU news, I thought he was joking. Or maybe he didn’t realize this report came from The Onion, and it wasn’t really true, that it was just a wacky and satirical look at the European Union’s history of idiotic and uncontrolled “progressivity.”

Well, I’m not a huge fan of modern-day texting acronyms, but “OMG!”

EU nations must now empower children to participate in decision-making and policy development at both the national and European levels. The declaration was adopted at the first ever Children’s Summit in Bucharest (Romania just took over the rotating EU presidency), in order to “guide European leaders” in putting structured mechanisms in place to ensure that young minors’ right to influence public policy is respected. The argument is that children should participate in political decision-making “to build a stronger European Union.”

While it could reasonably be argued that a 5-year-old could do a better job than many current EU leaders and representatives, can we get a little real here? What is the point, where is the logic, of giving children influence on the political stage? Is it truly for a stronger European Union, or more likely, just a stronger liberal philosophy?

“Free candy for everyone! [What mommy? Okay.] Free candy, free housing, free health care, higher wages, and Death to Israel too!”

Just as Hitler had his Nazi Youth, the EU will soon have its own version, pushing the liberal agenda. (UK, you’re getting out just in time. Run, don’t walk!)

Kids do what you tell them (sometimes anyway), and they think how you tell them to think, until they reach a certain age and are determined to think for themselves. EU liberals, however, can’t take that chance, and want their kids to get a vote now before they come to their free-thinking senses. Although the EU is probably long past any salvation anyway, and many of its educational systems don’t allow for free market capitalist theory, independent thinking, patriotism/nationalism (they don’t like that), conservatism (they hate that), etc., this latest development certainly represents one of the final nails in the group’s coffin.

The EU now represents a One World Order, one every bit as dangerous as that One World Order threatened by the U.S.S.R. and/or China. It is the same socialist enemy; it just looks a little different and appears a bit friendlier and less menacing. This latest EU declaration is a warning to the rest of the normal-thinking world that they are not to be taken seriously, and it provides a very valid reason for those of us here not to do so. The United States fought a Civil War and shed blood to unite a nation, yet still respects individual state rights and differing opinions, cultures, and subsequent localized laws.

Can the EU hope to become a meaningful world power by refusing to do the same, by forcing all member nations to conform to just one homogenized liberal agenda, without asking the people themselves?

Of course not, which is why the citizens of the EU never got to vote on this child inclusion nonsense in the first place, and why the liberal leaders are bringing in the kids to unfairly tip the scales in their favor and assure that their damaging liberal agendas march on.

It’s time for them to grow up, or at the very least, learn that when it comes to politics, children should be seen and not heard.

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