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The Chinese Government is Harvesting Organs from Religious Captives

The China Tribunal on Tuesday told the UN Human Rights Council that China regularly harvests organs from religious minorities and prisoners of conscience.

This shocking practice has been going on “for years through China on a significant scale,” said Tribunal lawyer Hamid Sabi. Those targeted are “primarily people who practice Falun Gong but also Tibetans, Uighurs, and House Christians.”

Sabi described forced organ harvesting as “one of the worst mass atrocities of this century” and told the UN that its members have a “legal obligation” to act.

After hearing evidence from medical experts, human rights investigators, and witnesses, the Tribunal concluded that China has been removing organs from the Falun Gong group for at least 20 years.

Victims were “killed to order…cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea, and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale,” said the Tribunal.

“Organ transplantation to save life is a scientific and social triumph, but killing the donor is criminal,” added Sabi. 

Last year, the UN said it had evidence China was holding up to 2 million Uighur Muslims in secret camps.

China has described the camps as ‘re-education facilities’ necessary to eradicate religious extremism. Detainees say they were tortured, brainwashed with Communist doctrine, and asked to abandon their faith. 

The Tribunal claims the camps are also used as organ banks. The detainment of minority groups for this purpose is a “possible charge of genocide,” said Sabi, comparing China’s behavior to the Holocaust. 

The China Tribunal is an independent organization backed by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China.

Editor’s note: The absolute horror of this is such that I thought would never be seen in the world again.  We are actually talking about harvesting human parts from live human beings. This is not some evil secret organization working out of the public eye.

This is the Chinese government.

We are talking about a country that encompasses almost 20% of the world population having no concept of human rights, human dignity, individual liberty, nor the preciousness of human life.

Without an inkling of conscience.

And there is nothing we can do.

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