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Swalwell: ‘Stupid’ to want to Control your own Health or your Children’s Education 

California Rep. Eric Swalwell (D) is catching some serious flack for suggesting that parental control over education is like giving patients control over surgery. 

“Please tell me what I’m missing here,” tweeted Swalwell. “Putting patients in charge of their own surgeries? Clients in charge of their own trials? When did we stop trusting experts. This is so stupid.”  

His comment was a direct response to Republican Senator Tim Scott’s promise to ‘put parents back in charge of their kids’ education.’ It was posted one day after a landslide victory for pro-parent school board candidates throughout the nation.

The post immediately garnered 1,400+ comments, most of them critical:

“‘Experts’ who taught our kids to hate their white classmates and hate their own bodies? Who engaged in school-wide conspiracies to secretly change our kids’ names and gender identities? Who shut down in-person learning for two years? Tell us more about the ‘experts’ you trust,” wrote Wall Street Journal contributor Abigail Shrier

With education a major topic for voters this year, Swalwell’s idiotic tweet could have a real impact on Democrats’ performance during the midterm elections.

As we have seen in recent years, more and more schools are infusing traditional subjects like Math, History, and Literature with “woke” propaganda. Rather than study the US Constitution or learn basic math, today’s Democrats seem to prefer the fostering of while guilt and the questioning of gender identity. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law earlier this year prohibiting teachers from discussing sexual orientation and gender identity with children grades K-3. He defeated Democratic opponent Charlie Crist 57-42 last week.

What’s really funny about Swalwell’s comment is that it doesn’t even support his own argument.

 “Parents choose the medical procedures their child will undergo, which doctors will perform it,” argues criminal defense attorney and political activist Marina Medvin. “Clients choose which lawyer will represent them, whether they will go to trial, etc. This example [from Swalwell] is a perfect one for why parents should choose schools, teachers, and even curriculum.” 

As noted in a snarky op-ed by Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley, informed consent laws actually prevent doctors from making certain decisions while a patient is sedated even if that decision is in the patients’ best interest. 

Just as a patient has the right to know what a certain surgery aims to achieve, how it will be accomplished, and what risks may be involved, parents deserve to review and comment on the material being taught to their children. 

And when it comes to trials, a client always has the right to fire his attorney.


Eric Swalwell laments it’s ‘so stupid’ for parents to control their kids’ eduction 

Eric Swalwell’s ‘stupid’ education tweet may cost Democrats in 2024

Swalwell attacks Tim Scott for ‘so stupid’ support of parental rights in education

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