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Stop with the election decertification crap

Whether you believe that the 2020 presidential election was stolen or not, there is one thing of which you can be certain.  The 2020 election is NOT going to be decertified.  The only way President Trump will return to the White House is by winning the 2024 election … period.

There’s no reason for the election to be decertified because the popular vote does not elect a president.  That is the constitutional role of the Electoral College.  They are not bound by the popular vote – or the individual state votes.  Once elected as Electors, they can put any American-born citizen who has attained the age of 35 before Inauguration Day into the Oval Office – even me.  Once they cast those ballots, Congress plays a ministerial role of certifying each state’s electoral vote.

There is some potential for Congress to not certify specific states.  Though some members of Congress have voted against certification in the past – including Democrats voting against the certification of Trump’s election in 2016 – but there are never near enough to even come close to a reject even a single state electoral vote, much less to overturn a presidential election.

Once the Electoral College has voted and the Congress has certified it is a done deal.  No matter what is later uncovered.  Those who think that some new discoveries about the vote count – or various audits will flip the election – are simply wrong.  It is over … over … over.

Why Trump, himself, would say he believes that the election will be decertified is disturbing.  He should know better.  And his claims only make him look foolish and provide fodder for his enemies.  There is no benefit to Trump in giving false hope to his followers.  It did not work in the period between the election and the inauguration.  Mike Lindell’s promise that Trump would be in the White House in August was nonsense – even if he did uncover vote fraud and questionable anomalies.

Based on my own research, I know that there was vote fraud and irregularities that benefited Biden.  The proof is there to be found.  There may be more.  There is nothing wrong with engaging in forensic audits to see if there was significant corruption – BUT that will not affect the outcome of the election.

I can create hypothetical scenarios by which the popular vote count – and even the Electoral College vote count – might be wrong – maybe even enough to flip the election.  But those are only hypothetical games.  The outcome of the election is not going to be changed.

There is no chance that the Congress would produce enough votes to decertify the election – and that opportunity is long gone.  There is no chance that the Electoral vote will be changed.  There is no chance that the Supreme Court will step in to overturn the election.  No chance … zero … nada.

So, my recommendation is that those who oppose the radical left-wing agenda concentrate your resources and energy on two activities.

Whether it will change the outcome of the 2020 presidential election or not, we should pursue every suspected incidence of vote fraud.  There should be no controversy about that – whether you think the election was rife with fraud or you believe that American elections have no fraud. 

Secondly, conservatives operating through the Republican Party should put our entire effort into taking the House and the Senate – and governorships and state legislatures.  THAT is the most critical activity of the day.

For too long, Conservatives have debated over how the pie should be prepared and divided without sufficient consideration of first getting control of the pie.  If you want secure borders, defeat the open-border Democrats.  If you want an America first foreign policy, defeat the globalist Democrats.  If you want to put an end to trillion-dollar social spending at the federal level, defeat the socialist Democrats.  Winning the academic argument is meaningless unless you win the offices to implement the programs.  Enough of the pissing contest over who won the 2020 election.

So, there ‘tis.

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