StemExpress cuts ties with Planned Parenthood as sixth video is released
StemExpress, one of the companies involved in the procurement of fetal body parts with Planned Parenthood has decided to end its relationship with the organization. This comes in the aftermath of the Superior Court of the State of California decision that StemExpress has no rights to the material produced by the Center for Medical Progress in its undercover investigation.
StemExpress has not publicly stated a reason, however speculation is the heat is too much and StemExpress is suffering from the association. While the Center for Medical Progress and abortion opponents still claim these organizations are guilty of the federal crime of trafficking in human body parts, both Planned Parenthood and StemExpress deny any wrongdoing or illegal acts.
In the meantime, the Center for Medical progress has released a sixth video of a former StemExpress procurement technician talking about the process and procedures for facilitating the purchase of human body parts.
Author’s Note: We are not sure how many more videos will be released, however the pressure on Planned Parenthood and proponents of the organization have been enormous. Their strategy has been very well executed.
Even more pressure is being put on Republicans in the House and Senate, who are in turn looking for leadership from the presidential candidates. A lot is at stake – do any of these candidates have both the power and the guts to get the funding pulled from Planned Parenthood? Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have perhaps the most to lose if Planned Parenthood remains funded.
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