President Biden has taken a deep dive into name-calling rhetoric when he attracted what he called “MAGA Republicans.” That is a fictional brand being promoted by Democrats to smear Republicans. It is a variation on Hillary Clinton’s description of Republicans as a “basket of deplorables.” And Clinton’s verbiage was an escalation of President Obama’s pejorative reference to folks who “cling to their guns and bibles.”
Biden has been using propaganda techniques to malign millions of decent Americans. And he does not stop with the MAGA references. In a recent speech, Biden labeled Republicans as “quasi-Fascists”. (This from a guy who campaigned on uniting the nation and claiming he would work cooperatively across the aisle.)
At the same time, Biden was pointing an accusatory finger at Republicans for being a threat to democracy, his political ally, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was at an election night celebration screaming (yes, screaming) “SOCIALISM WINS!! She went on to say that they (Democrats) will “not stop until America is a socialist state.”
Socialism and fascism are the Siamese twins of political authoritarianism. Both are strongly rejected by conservatives. The authoritarianism of all varieties is anathematic to conservative ideology – which favors limited government and free-market capitalism. Since socialism and fascism have never succeeded in the long run — and have only brought oppression, misery, suffering, and death to the people – it should be an easy choice. Socialists and fascists peddle romantic visions and myths while the people live with the horrible reality.
While Ocasio-Cortez embraces the failed ideology of authoritarian socialism, Biden uses references to authoritarian fascism as a political attack.
This manner of stereotyping is not the historic standard in political discourse. Both sides often attack the leadership and the policies of each other but refrain from using mendacious fearmongering narratives against an entire class of people. That is hateful prejudice. That is the way of authoritarians.
If you want to see how wrong the Biden attack on generic Republicans is, just change the term from “MAGA Republicans” to “Jews” … or “Blacks” … or “Muslims.” Unless you are an intellectually dishonest or stridently partisan, you will get the point.
While politicians play a game of nuances, the truth is much simpler. Socialism and fascism (and throw in communism) are bad. Free market capitalism is good.
Biden knows this – so he uses fascism dishonestly to attack and malign Republicans. Ocasio-Cortez actually promotes socialism – and her political ideology has gained dangerous influence among Democratic Party leaders – including Biden.
So, there ‘tis.