Second Attempt on Trump’s Life – The Connections of the Would-Be Shooter

It hasn’t been a week since President Trump floored Kamala Harris and her two aides from the ABC News in the presidential debate and another attempt has already been made on his life. Is the Deep State desperate to defeat the impending victory of the conservative candidate that they can’t own? Whose invisible hand is perceptible behind the would-be assassin this time? And how aggressive will be the cover-up in the federal investigation this time?
These and many more questions surround the latest case of the anti-MAGA cabal’s attempt to murder President Trump. On Sunday, Ryan Wesley Routh from Hawaii was arrested after he made it to the International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, armed with an AK-47 with the plan to shoot President Trump. But the Secret Service responded in a timely manner this time and fired at Ryan before he could shoot at Trump from across the fence.
Ryan fled the scene but was arrested on I-95 after the police got his picture and vehicle details from a witness. He was held at the Martin County Police Department before being presented at the court on Monday for charging him with a series of crimes.
So who is Ryan Wesley Routh and, more importantly, who or what drove him to the attempted murder of President Trump?
Media has by now widely reported on the brief history of Ryan Wesley Routh as seen from his appearance in media and his social media footprint. The 58-year-old is originally from North Carolina and recently moved to Hawaii. According to Breitbart and other media sources, he had donated exclusively to Democrat campaigns since 2019. In 2022, he visited Ukraine, where he was interviewed by Newsweek.
Routh’s social media profile was removed both by Facebook and X (Twitter) soon after he was identified as the would-be shooter. However, independent researchers and social media sleuths were quick enough to record his posts before they were removed from the public eye; and they reveal his possible suspected motives as well as the possible connections related to his motives.
Routh’s tweets and messages on X reveal that he was a chronic Trump-hater and advocated against Trump’s presidential bid, even urging other Republicans to challenge Trump. Ryan has been passionately active in advocacy for Ukraine in its war against Russia. He vigorously advocated for American soldiers to be allowed to go to Ukraine as civilians and also invited foreigners from poor countries to move to Ukraine.
In one such exchange from June 2023, which has attracted a lot of attention from conservatives and independent journalists, Ryan told an Afghan man named Hameed that he can help him get to Ukraine to fight against Russia. Hameed asked him how he can get to that path and Ryan asked him to text him on his whatsapp number. In the same exchange a little later, Ryan is seen telling Hameed: “we are getting close the pentagon has agreed to help….wait a little longer.”

The message indicates Ryan was in touch with Pentagon over recruiting foreign fighters to move to Ukraine. The full history of Ryan’s exchanges on X, recorded as a video, has been posted to X by many conservative and independent researchers.
By now conservatives have widely rejected the idea that the FBI will conduct a fair and honest investigation. Independent journalist Kyle Becker posted on X that Jeffrey Veltri, the head of FBI Miami Field Office, is a notorious Trump hater and added: “Veltri was so outspoken about his Trump-deranged Facebook posts that agents were ordered to scrub them before he could be promoted to head the Miami field office.”
Independent researchers have also been wondering how Ryan could have known about Trump’s visit to the golf club since it was not made public and was a last minute decision. Mike Adams of Natural News and Brighteon posted on X that his sources point to the Department of Homeland Security as the hand behind the leak of Trump’s location. He wrote:
“Homeland Security is leaking location details to FBI, and FBI is running the assassins. The entire top leadership of the FBI is desperately trying to figure out how to eliminate Trump, while the loyal elements of US Secret Service are trying to stop it.”
Amidst widespread suspicion of the federal agencies as politically hostile to President Trump, Florida Governor Ron Desantis has announced a state investigation of the latest assassination attempt on President Trump. The Governor announced it on X on Sunday evening.
With cheers for President Trump surviving another attempt on his life and outrage over the Trump-hating narratives in media by Democrat and their allies, there were quite a few humorous takes on Trump defeating the murder plot. One in particular created a meme video showing Trump hitting his assassin with a golf ball – with Kamala Harris as the gunslinger knocked down by the ball.
On this one, I will comment later, but suffice it to say, with this one Dempsey has shown how twisted he is and to what lying lengths he will go to in order to turn American against American to further Dempsey’s real objective to destroy all Americans for some reason, perhaps his Pakistani background explains it all.
This one really has some twisted, terrible lies and complete fabrications. He must be frustrated with his results thus far.
I call on true conservatives to call this shit out.
This “journalism” is unethical, unamerican, and unmanly. If Gilbertson is the man I think he is with the character I think he expresses, he would retract this and fire this prime example of inferiority. When will he say enough, stop this shit.
Ernest Dempsey, aka Karim Khan is a failed journalist from the nation of Pakistan whose mission here seems to be to turn us against each other by inciting us to violence via his fabrications, fake news, and fake conspiracies. He lies. A lot. So, here’s the proof, in his own words:
Dempsey starts: “It hasn’t been a week since President Trump floored Kamala Harris and her two aides from the ABC News in the presidential debate and another attempt has already been made on his life.”
Dempsey has no proof that ABC moderators were Harris aides. He lies. Every poll, every pundit, everyone except Trump and his true believers think “President Trump floored Kamala Harris.” For example, right here on PBP, Horist — the senior pundit here — does not agree.
There is no connection between the debate and the second attempt on Trump’s life that Dempsey can prove. Dempsey purposely misuses the conjunction “and” to link two dissimilar things, the debate AND the assassination attempt as if they are similar, or the same thing. He knows the proper usage, he is a writer, he has a master’s in English lit, but puts to different things together with AND in order to have you ASSUME they are linked. It’s a clever, but stupid little ploy propagandists use.
Going further down his rabid rabbit hole, he states: “Is the Deep State desperate to defeat the impending victory of the conservative candidate that they can’t own?”
WTF is he saying here, that the mythical Deep State he can’t even pinpoint a member is responsible for Trump’s assassination attempts? This guy cannot even define the Deep State yet offer even a scintilla of proof of his wild assed stupid claim intended to piss you off about us. All of us. Then he goes full conspiracy paranoia nutcase with “Whose invisible hand is perceptible behind the would-be assassin this time?” It’s the guy on the grassy knoll theory. Except no knoll. No man. It’s a nothing burger without any substantiation. The inferior, failed, lying journalist apparently can’t remember his previous sentence where he said the invisible hand was the Deep State. The man cannot spell LONE WOLF.
Personally, I think it’s the aliens. No, not the illegal ones, the interstellar ones.
And he closes with: “And how aggressive will be the cover-up in the federal investigation this time?” As if there was cover-ups in previous Trump assassinations? Demsey just wants to implant the thought that all US institutions are bad, all are corrupt and we have proof positive because we didn’t catch them. A ha! We didn’t even finish the investigation yet and he’s calling foul? Yes, the Secret Service messed up in Butler. It’s a dirty business and everyone will fuck it up at some point. But what coverup, where’s the beef. Why does Dempsey lie over and over? What is his goal? Why does he use disinformation to pit us against each other? Easy —- he wants to make us pissed at each other, that’s the goal of this man from the terrorist stronghold of Pakistan. Does he know Bin Laden? Was he in The Taliban? If he says no, that means yes.
But wait, there’s more: “These and many more questions surround the latest case of the anti-MAGA cabal’s attempt to murder President Trump.” Wow, now it’s the anti-MAGA cabal. I guess we have a cabal that no one can see who manages the anti-Maga team that we can’t identify. They have meetings and a secret handshake. And we get together to plan things against Trump. He’s got questions. Questions about his fabrications, lies, inuendo’s, rumors, and any other bullshit he imagines. BUT HE’S GOT NO PROOF, NO EVIDENCE, NO SOURCES, just bullshit.
The rest is about Routh, I will detail all the lies there, but the point is he wants to turn us against each other and he lies to do so while leveraging your assumptions and emotions about your citizen enemies who are also your friendly neighbors. We all want the same thing for self and family, we all believe in the American vision and dream, and Dempsey wants us to fight with each other over his lies. He sees YOU as the mark, but we are the ultimate target. So he lies to pit you against me. He has no skin in the American game, he is from the terror nation of Pakistan. His ultimate win is when you take physical actions based on his lies or we respond. Gilbertson should retract this story based on massive disinformation of incendiary hate speak and then fix this Dempsey issue. Cuz this ain’t free speech, this is bald-faced lies falsely pitting one group against another for Dempsey’s purposes, whatever those are. This is not conservatism; this is not Gilbertson, this is not even a native son, this is from Pakistan.
Why? Most of Dempsey’s article are excerpts of other people’s comments and even the article itself. Who is the twisted, terrible liar? Just because you want Trump dead, doesn’t mean we all do. No one should die by any means, and you need to learn that lesson. And don’s say you don’t want Trump dead because it permeates in everything you type in! I do not like Kamala, yet I do not want her hurt. Why do you feel that way? That is incorrigible. You could be in trouble for your own words! Don’t even say,” Where did I say I want Trump dead, either. We all see and hear your statements! Also, your bias against Dempsey, aka Karim Khan is disgusting. Do you know for a fact Dempsey is this Karim Khan? Where is that proof? I’m surprised He hasn’t sued you for slander!
We still have an FBI?
I thought Biden privatized that!