The more I hear of Congressman George Santos’ lies, they all seem to have one purpose – to make himself more important … more involved … more relevant … to others.
It is obviously to impress people. As I followed his story in the press – I suddenly realized that there are a lot of George Santoses in the world – but they usually do not gain the kind of positions that draw media attention to their prevaricating habit.
They lie to connect to others and to draw attention. I have known a number of such people.
We had a candidate for mayor of Chicago who claimed to have seen the alien bodies at Roswell. He said he was picked up while hitchhiking by President Kennedy – in the presidential limousine, no less. He claimed to be a multimillionaire businessman and would make major donations to other candidates. He made none. He once told me that the several “Remington bronzes” in his office were originals worth hundreds of thousands of dollars each. As a one-time antique dealer, I knew they were reproductions worth a couple hundred bucks, if that. Of course, he was a descendant of royalty. His fabrications were endless.
My son had a friend. A nice kid by all measures. But he told endless lies about himself in order to relate. No matter what subject you raised, he would tell of his experience – all made up.
I am not talking about a person telling a lie now and then. These types tell lies now AND then. And in most cases, their lies are easily disproved or absurd on the face of them.
I have come to appreciate that these types are not evil. They are pathetic. It does not take a psychiatrist to know that they suffer … really suffer … from low self-esteem. The lies are pathetic attempts to inflate their importance and/or to establish personal connections based on shared experiences, even if they are invented experiences. Ironically, those who create these lies are trying to be empathic – reinforcing or validating the other person’s statements.
The lies are not always for monetary gain. In the case of my son’s friend, he was eager to give people money or gifts – often picking up the tab. It was always a matter of ingratiation. He wanted people to like him for his generosity and his tales.
If confronted or challenged about the disinformation, I have found that the response is often merely a shrug, as if the lies are not important. Never an admission.
The phenomenon of serial lying among some folks has been captured in literature. The story of a fictional comedic German character, Baron von Munchausen, was based on his outrageously notorious lies about his exploits and accomplishments. There was also Walter Mitty, who placed himself in imagined situations completely out of character. These were fictional characters founded on human reality.
I think folks who are victimized – yes, victimized — into such creativity are more pathetic than sinister. The habit is founded in mental issues – and is almost always self-damaging.
Based on everything I have read about Santos – and all my experiences with such pervasive liars – I believe he is the victim of his own mental condition – a self-image and self-esteem he cannot live with. Ergo, the creation of the fictional person.
Having said all that, I am not saying that Santos’ lies should be ignored. Lies must still have consequences. And on any occasion where his lies were more malicious and may have led to criminal activities, the law must be consistent.
If Santos has violated the campaign finance laws … has embezzled or stolen money … the issue goes beyond chronic bullshitting. He must be held accountable. Those are separate issues from the constant fibs.
We will have to see how the various investigations play out. Personally, I do not believe that he should be forced out of Congress. I have never liked political leadership nullifying the manifest will of the people – even if that will of the people was arguably based on deception. It is more likely, however, that voters supported him for his stand on the major issues – not his biography. That is almost always the case. Unfortunately for Santos, it is the lies that make the biography relevant.
However… I do believe he should resign his seat. He can still vote according to the wishes of the folks who elected him. His staff can still perform constituent services. But … he has lost public confidence. The voters should get another chance to elect a replacement. Upon resignation, the New York Governor would have 10 days to announce a special election. That would be the best outcome for all concerned.
In the meantime, we should pity Santos as a person with obvious mental issues.
So, there ‘tis.