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Republicans Who Voted for Trump’s Impeachment

Republicans Who Voted for Trump’s Impeachment

The ten U.S. House Republicans who voted for President Trump’s impeachment include Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney, who holds the third-highest position in GOP leadership team. 

The other nine Republicans who voted for Trump’s impeachment are Jaime Herrera Beutler (Washington), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), John Katko (New York), Adam Kinzinger (Illinois), Peter Meijer (Michigan), Dan Newhouse (Washington),  Tom Rice (South Carolina), Fred Upton (Michigan) and David Valadao (California).

Having a few legislators of one party vote with a majority of the other party is quite common.  It is usually not a big deal.  However, with the nation so stridently divided on partisan and philosophic battle lines, this becomes a noticeably big deal.

They say it was a matter of conscience.  Others say there was political calculus.  Why they chose to break ranks with the Republican caucus is immaterial.  More important is what will now happen to them – or should happen to them. 

Districts that President Trump carried by wide margins elected most of these legislators. That could portend political problems for them in 2022 – and probably will.  It seems likely that most or all of them may face primary challenges.

On the other hand, there are rumors that two or three of the group are considering retiring after their current terms.

So maybe the ire of their constituents is irrelevant.  Kinzinger has made no secret of his desire to run for the Senate – and since he is in a very blue state, the vote may be grounded in his future political ambition.

The first to feel the heat is Cheney.  In the unofficial rules of congressional politics, the leadership teams vote together on key issues – and impeachment is a very key issue.  Already, the conservatives in the Republican Freedom Caucus are demanding that Cheney either resign or be booted from her leadership post.  Right now, the odds are against her holding that position.

Back home, Republican voters are demonstrating outrage against these apostates.  Local political parties appear to be moving against future endorsements.  They have already thrown around names of challengers.

I will make a wild-a** prediction … that at least half of the tenuous ten will not be serving in Congress after the 2022 midterm election.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Ben

    Larry, so much for voting your conscious as opposed to Party line.
    Interesting article, but the question shouldn’t be what consequences these Republicans will have to deal with, but why so many of your own party are willing to risk the end of their political careers to make this stand. That should set off alarm bells for the right.
    It is said that Mitch McConnell is excited with the process of Democratic law makers Impeaching trump. It successfully distances the Republican Party from trump with out them having to do much.

    Only 5 more days for trump to unveil his Beautiful Health Care Plan, finish his wall, collect the check from Mexico, and eliminate the deficit. I’m pretty excited to see him pull this off!

    • Tom

      Ben, I agree with you fully. The reality is that the GOP says they want to “Make America Great Again” but the truth is when it comes to actually Making America Great Again they really just want to Make GOP Great Again. Their America only includes those that vote for GOP, not ALL of America. Thank goodness that the GA voters saw this and took a stand to Make America Great Again by taking power away from the GOP and giving America a chance to be a land of opportunity for all where all can equally participate. When the constitution that the GOP so professes to love says the word “People” I think it means ALL of the people. In my mind, the ten that broke from the GOP are heroes and I have faith in God that they will do well – because those brave ten are not afraid to do what is right for all of the People. Less than half of our citizens participate in the stock market. Hence the stock market is not a good gauge that ALL of America is doing great. You are right Ben, America has awakened to a new day where the GOP actually has to begin truly negotiating and working for all Americans or suffer the consequences of their party line. This whole contentious government attitude started with mush mouth Mitch saying the GOP was going to make Obama a one term president – and low and behold, it was Trump who ended up being the one term president. This is a stark rebuke of GOP tactics and policy. Mush mouth Mitch is loving the impeachment! We need to thank mush mouth Mitch’es wife and all of those brave cabinet members that resigned in disapproval of Trump because it finally woke-up Mitch. As an independent voter, Trump’s behavior during the debates is what caused me to go with Biden and cheer him on. I actually felt hope in my heart when I listened to Biden’s speech last night. His plans are good and will prosper ALL Americans. And in the last two months, the only leader preaching hope and peace has been Biden. Four years ago, Trump and GOP said we needed to heal and come together as a nation after the 2016 election. Now it is time for the GOP to put their money where their mouth is! Like you Ben, I look forward to Trump fixing health care, finishing the wall, eliminating the deficit, and getting that big check from Mexico. A country is only as good as how it treats its most vulnerable. Amazing how many people left both parties and re-registered as independents. As an independent I look critically at both parties, and I long for the days of the election winner and the loyal opposition – loyalty to the country, not party. And there ’tis.

    • Tom

      Ben, I agree with you. I wrote a comment in reply but it has been censored!!! Not sure why. Seems like GOP and Larry will complain about censorship of Trump by FB, Twitter, etc but is happy to censor comments they do not agree with. How pitiful is that!

      • Tom

        Well for some reason my responses were put back. So I guess I am not being censored now. LOL

        • Larry P Horist

          As I understand it, there was a hack which was quickly corrected and comments restored…. but you and Ben had already jumped to your knee jerk uninformed reply based on your political bias. That is what is pitiful from people who SAY they are independent and objective. Really?

    • Atina

      These ten are dead in the water, will never get voted for again.

    • jdendy

      You are a ignorant fool. I hope you are happy with the illegitimate pretender you idiots put in the WH. You will come to regret this day.

  2. StLouisSteve

    As with all Democrat accusations, truth is starting to emerge and we know the riot started 20 minutes before Trump started speaking. A BLM terrorist from Utah has been arrested.

    There were no investigations and there no due process – just the typical Democrat and MSM lynching.

    For the stupid Republicans participating in this, McCarthy ought to remove them from all committees and position of power.

    Kinzinger run for Senate in Illinois – I will be donating to Duckworthless.

    • Larry P Horist

      I can never understand the benefit of letting frustration empower the other side. Even when given the choice between tow evils, I will vote for the lesser of the evils. I might vote against Kinzinger in a primary, but if a choice between an errant Republican and a far left Democrat, I will lament the choose and vote for the beset policies.

  3. Ben

    I was wondering if you wanted to reconsider your assertion that the MAGA ( My Ass Getting Arrested) crowd isn’t a cult?
    These people are facing loss of jobs, federal crimes, voting rights, ability to own guns, and even the loss of life all at the behest of their leader.
    They killed for trump. They set up gallows to execute the Vice President and Speaker of the House. They had zip tie handcuffs to take hostages. They tried to destroy our democracy all because they believed trump wanted them to.

    Your blog of complaining of not being a cult isn’t really holding up well. I am pretty excited about the 50 planned armed protests at the State’s Capitals this weekend. I guess you guys really do support the troops, hopefully they get some hazardous duty pay for this weekend.

    • Tom

      Ben, after Larry’s post regarding cultism, I did a deep dive into the definition of cult as compared to GOP Trump ardent supporters. I found that the second definition of cult, “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.”a cult of personality surrounding the leaders”” is met by Larry and all of those that willfully believed Trumps lies and were willing to sacrifice their livelihoods for Trump-ism. I knew I was correct in my assessment when Dan actually admitted in one of his posts that they are a cult. Just as the cult that followed Jim Jones and drank his Kool-aid and died at Guyana, so to, these poor misguided souls who have been searching for a movement since the end of the TEA Party have been guzzling the Trump sinister Kool-aid for four years now. We must have pity on these misguided souls and provide budget and accommodations for them to be re-educated in civics and civility. They are still our brothers and sisters, and I was in the military for all of them. We must help them heal and know that we still want them to participate in making America civil again, and prosperous. We must find a way of helping them realize that they have been heard – along with all 330 million Americans. We must help them realize that there is no shame in turning from their ways and becoming a part of the greater good. Trump abandoned them yesterday in his speech saying that there was no room for violence in his movement and denouncing them. If Trump can pivot, so can Larry and others that read his articles. Maybe Larry can write a few articles that might help them in these realizations. Larry can be a voice for unity if he musters the courage of the ten GOP heroes and cabinet resignees. Larry, I call upon you to lead the way to healing, unity, and prosperity for all Americans by using your writing gift. Larry, I hope you will have the courage to do so!

      • Larry P Horist

        Tom. You seem to thing anyone who has anything positive to say about Trump is a member of a cult. I have been very objective in my praise and condemnation of Trump. On the other hand, you smear is the mark of a cult person. You seem to have lost your objectivity — your mind to one set of narratives. Maybe you are among the cult of MSNBC. You say you want unity but only offer submission to your very biased and narrow view of reality. I have criticized Trump on many occasions. No see if you can tall me at least five things that Trump did that you thing were good for America. Every time I pose this challenge to folks on the far left, all I hear are crickets. If you cannot, then how should one think of you as a person who can hold an intelligent conversation?

  4. Chris Hedges

    Donald Trump is the worst “leader” in US history. What are you personally getting out of his racist hype and his absolute fleecing of your “backward facing” (MIS-lead w lies_ patriots, Larry?? Liz Cheney – daughter of Dick Cheney – who I’m sure you admired in thee day has MUCH bigger BALLS than you Larry!!

  5. Joe S Bruder

    I’ll make another wild-@$$ prediction – half of all the Republicans in Congress will lose their next elections. And I would hazard a guess that there may not even be a Republican Party by the next election. All it will take is a few high-profile Senators and Reps to disavow Trumpism and create a new political party, and the GOP will get cut in half by resignations, and again in the next election by votes. Trump is toxic now – the GOP is no longer the “Party of Lincoln”, it’s the “Party of Traitors”.

    What’s sad is that many Republican Congressmen are saying that they should have voted for certification, but they “honestly” felt that their and their families’ lives would be in danger if they did. They claimed to be scared of Trump and his followers. That’s exactly how Hitler came to power and took complete control of the German legislature – he parked his Brownshirts at legislators homes, had them crowded around the building, and even had some inside the legislative chamber until the vote was taken to make him the absolute ruler and dissolve Parliament. Again and again, Trump follows Hitler’s playbook to steal power – fortunately, Trump is incompetent at everything he does, and Hitler spent 10 years of manuevering to get into power compared to Trump’s 10 minute attention span.

    And you, as a conservative editorial writer, are doing Trump’s bidding by proxy – calling out and publicizing Trump’s detractors for him. You should be calling out the members of Congress that were involved in planning the attempted coup-d’etat, the members who voted against certification of the election results, and the members who are STILL saying that Trump won the election. They are traitors. And of course, all of the House and Senate members (except Romney) who let Trump slide on his Ukraiian attempted bribery/extortion scheme, and chose Party over the country should be called out for their roles in everything that’s happened since. They could have short-circuited all of Trump’s crimes, saved a few hundred thousand people from COVID deaths, and still possibly rehabilitate the GOP by this election.

    • Larry P Horist

      Joe S. Bruder. Your venom is warping your mind. As I recall, the predictions of the left was that the GOP would be wiped out in 2020. The loss of the Senate was predicted with certainty — and that came up split. The House Dems were predicted to win at least 10 more seats. Instead they lost more than that. The GOP picked up another governor and a few state legislative chambers. Every Republican member of Congress running for re-election won. That almost never happens. Democrats failed to flip a single congressional seat. Even Biden publicly admitted that the Dems lost badly below the presidency. It has been reported that Pelosi is extremely worried about retaining control of the House in 2022. It is easy to speculate about the future, but I am seeing a strong showing for the GOP in 2022. I have spent a lifetime predicting election outcomes for clients … mostly correctly … but you seem to predict based on political bias and wishful thinking more than intelligent analysis. We have a bit less than two years to find out.

      • Joe S Bruder

        Trump and his minions just tried to overthrow the system of government that we’ve enjoyed for almost 250 years. There’s gonna be some blowback from that!

        And typical from Trumpers is the tried-and-true retort, “you hate Trump so much you’ll say or do anything against him”. First of all, it’s pretty easy to see that he’s a con man. He incited a riot, wound up his toy soldiers, and aimed them at the Capitol. Said he’d be there with them, then threw them under the bus. Hard to believe that a so-called “patriot” wouldn’t see that as an attack on our system of government.

        It’s also hard to fathom that you can’t see the Trump family’s level of criminality, especially since Trump is either too incompetent incompetent to hide it or just doesn’t care what people know. He’s spent his lifetime getting away with crimes, and bullies his way out. I think this time he’s gone to far, and it will all come back on him.

        And from the party of Reagan, the virulent anti-Communist Party that war-mongered at every chance from Vietnam to Iran to fight against Russia, how do you just roll over and let Putin rub your belly every time Trump gives him your bone. How can you not see Trump in bed with the Russians?

        I was never interested in Trump as a TV personality, just thought he was rude and obnoxious. I had no reason to hate him. I knew he would be a disaster as a President, based on his business dealings and personality, and I was right. But with the evidence thrown in your face multiple times, you still don’t see it.

        A reckoning will come in about, ohhhh, 3 days,,,

      • Joe S Bruder

        Trump and his minions just tried to overthrow the system of government that we’ve enjoyed for almost 250 years. There’s gonna be some blowback from that!

        And typical from Trumpers is the tried-and-true retort, “you hate Trump so much you’ll say or do anything against him”. First of all, it’s pretty easy to see that he’s a con man. He incited a riot, wound up his toy soldiers, and aimed them at the Capitol. Said he’d be there with them, then threw them under the bus. Hard to believe that a so-called “patriot” wouldn’t see that as an attack on our system of government.

        It’s also hard to fathom that you can’t see the level of criminality, especially since Trump is either too incompetent to hide it or just doesn’t care what people know. He’s spent his lifetime getting away with crimes, and bullies his way out. I think this time he’s gone to far, and it will all come back on him.

        And from the party of Reagan, the virulent anti-Communist Party that war-mongered at every chance from Vietnam to Iran to fight against Russia, how do you just roll over and let Putin rub your belly every time Trump gives him your bone? How can you not see Trump in bed with the Russians?

        I was never interested in Trump as a TV personality, just thought he was rude and obnoxious. I had no reason to hate him. I knew he would be a disaster as a President, based on his business dealings and personality, and I was right. But with the evidence thrown in your face multiple times, you still don’t see it.

        Trump’s day of reckoning will be here in, ohhhhh, about 3 days.

        • Joe S Bruder

          sorry about the double post… the reply interface REALLY sucks.

  6. Kenneth C Reilly

    These clowns are in danger of being voted out of office? For jumping on the
    band wagon, to hurry up embarrassment for their Pres, who served an HONORABLE four years ?
    Why not get on Romney’s case, or George W ? These Rino’s should be shown for who they
    are, the ones to jump over to the other side, when their party has a turmoil, even a mild one.
    It is time for the Republicans to come together, not strutting their stuff to play patsy for the
    Dumbocrats. THE LEFT WILL NOT SAY THANK YOU, for the turncoats flipping around.
    I had once thought highly for Romney or George W. I wish I could stick it in the face of
    either jerk how I feel .

  7. Bob Boland

    No wonder 3 are considering retiring, they all should as I and my wife will not ever vote for Tom Rice again. I would not use his law firm for any reason, he is dishonest.

  8. george a eifler

    It looks like most of these turncoats are from democratic States. For those it looks like they trade their search for power for dealing with caution until the facts are all known. Pelosi rushed this action in part because she knows many of the more aggressive rioters are well known to law enforcement/FBI as members of BURN LOOT MURDER and ANTIFA not PRESIDENT TRUMP’S supporters and it will blow up the
    democratic narrative. These turncoats have placed a target on their back in the next election and they will be primaried by the Republican party. Talk about RUSH TO JUDGEMENT this is a case study in this subject.

  9. StLouisSteve

    Posted a comment a couple of hours ago – it was censored on this site

    • Ben

      Steve, I have a hard time believing that! Larry has several articles on this blog about the evils of censoring free speech on the internet. I know he believes in your right to speak your mind. Must be a tech glitch.

  10. russell remmert

    how much were these rhinos paid

  11. Dustin Smith

    They should be applauded for trying to impeach a tyrant!

    • jdendy

      You are as dumb as a bag of hammers.

  12. Ronald L Gibbs

    I keep telling myself that the Voters in America will eventually wake-up to the massive corruption of ALL Politicians in Washington, DC. There is only two ways to fix this massive problem for the Nation. Vote out every last one of the members of the House and Senate when they come up for re-election. There are some of these people I don’t feel so bad about; however, to fix it there will be collateral damage. If you dion’t vote them out and the voters give a pass to the new Communist Party that stole the election, they can continue to put up with the same nonsense until Hell freezes over. There is no longer a Democratic Party in this Nation. We have the Republican Party, filled with RINO’s (Republicans in Name Only), and the new Communist Party of the United States. We are all about to subject ourselves to the take-over of our Government by an Illegitimate President and the members of the Communist Party. If We The People are not prepared to Stand-Up and Fight to Save our Democracy then we Do Not Deserve to have it any longer

    • Joe S Bruder

      Show your evidence that the election was stolen.

      As for Democrats being Communist, Trump had connections to Putin during his campaign, he blurted out military secrets both in person and on his twitter account, he defended Russia and Putin at every turn, he withheld money from Ukraine (to fight the Russians) in order to blackmail Ukraine’s President into creating dirt on Biden, he handed Syria to Putin on a silver platter, he ignored when Russia paid militants to assassinate American soldiers and more recently when Russia hacked US government agencies, and he was known to not only ignore any Russian intelligence in his briefings (when he occasionally had them) but also got upset if Russia was brought up. Trump was basically a Russian asset before and up to the end of his term.

      You can’t say that ALL politicians are bad – most go in with good intentions, but have to spend all their time chasing donations. The current crop of Republicans shirked their duty the first time that Trump was impeached, and we got mishandling of COVID and AN ATTEMPTED COUP-D’ETAT because of McConnell’s corruption.

      Don’t worry, Biden is prepared and actually put qualified people in charge of his Cabinet and institutions. Welcome back to a normal President.

  13. Maqqty

    They need to be primaried and voted out also no campaign donation. Because if they can do this to the head of their party and the 75Million people that voted for Trump, Also they can at any point change their party. They are cowards

  14. Gerald D Son

    all needs to be black balled from ever holding another office, even if its for dog catcher

    • Joe S Bruder

      That’s what impeachment will do to Trump.

  15. Maple Lappi

    It is really a great and useful piece of information. I’m glad that you shared this helpful information with us. Please keep us informed like this. Thank you for sharing.

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