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Pro-abortion folks cannot talk about the fetus

Memo to the pro-abortion community.  Abortion involves an evolving human life.  At some stage, it is called a zygote … then a fetus … and finally, a baby.  You can watch hours upon hours of news about Roe v. Wade and there will not be a single mention of the evolving human being in the womb of the mother.  Not one word.  In fact, CNN and MSNBC producers will not even allow pro-life individuals on their highly biased newscasts – individuals who would make a good case for the life of the unborn child.

That is because they know that they cannot win the argument over the right to life if the fetus is allowed a voice – even indirectly through those speaking on behalf of the unborn.  They know that the abortion-on-demand is a losing argument with honest, fair-minded people.

They claim that most Americans favor retention of Roe v. Wade, but never point out that 65 percent oppose abortions after the first trimester and 81 percent after the second trimester –especially those horrific “late-term” or “pre-birth” abortions.  

The only thing we hear is the so-called “right” of the mother to control her own body.  That is a bogus argument because the fetus is NOT an integral part of the female body.  It is not standard equipment.  It is not produced solely by the woman.

Abortion is such an onerous action that virtually no hospital in America — and very few doctors — will even perform the procedure.  That is why it is limited to very few “clinics” and an incredibly small number of doctors.  That is why states like Mississippi have only one clinic in the entire state that will offer that procedure.  That alone tells us that abortion is not a legitimate woman’s health issue.

What we have is a very real evolving human being that was created by TWO people.  The fact that nature assigned women the task of carrying and nurturing that person in the first months of his or her existence should not give the mother the right to snuff out the life of that being – to terminate a potentially long life on earth for selfish reasons.

There are justifications for abortions.  Most pro-life folks recognize the issue of incest, rape, and the life of the mother.  It is in those cases where the compelling right of the unborn is superseded by unique circumstances.  And even then, there can be legitimate debate about abortion.  But there can be no debate when an abortion is merely based on the arbitrary desire of the mother to end a life that she allowed to be created and belatedly finds inconvenient.

The pro-abortion community never questions the irresponsibility of the mother in causing a pregnancy that she does not want.  Is ending the life in the womb because it is inconvenient to the mother any different morally and logically than ending the life of a newborn for the same reasons?  The same rationales apply.  The only difference is that in the latter case, the child is “born” and bestowed with legal and constitutional rights.

But when is the moment that a fertilized human egg evolves into a human protected by a just society?  When does the evolving human suddenly acquire citizenship in the human race?  When is that dramatic event that suddenly transforms a piece of meaningless flesh into a person with rights?

That is the most critical question of all.  And yet that is the question no abortion advocate will or can answer.  They cannot only not answer the question, but they are unwilling to even ponder it.  They know that once they try to fix that time, their entire argument collapses.

No matter how many times the left claims that abortion is a health issue best left between a woman and her doctor, it is a lie.  They not only block out any consideration of the unborn child, but they disregard the responsibility and the rights of that other person involved in the creation of a new life – the man.

In a just society, a woman does not have a legitimate right to terminate the life of another human being – even if that human being is evolving in her womb.  By nature, the woman is the nurturer and protector of the life in her womb.  She is the moral and legal caretaker.  Providing her with the sole authority to determine whether that being should live or not based on capricious and arbitrary factors is an abomination.  

The pro-abortion folks cannot even talk about that evolving human being because they have no moral argument.  To recognize the very existence of that unborn human being undermines the exclusive woman’s right argument.

Those on the left argue that abortion is a matter of a woman’s health.  In fact, it is less about health than about a woman’s convenience.  Having a baby is not a disease.  Abortion on the other hand is a procedure that is virtually one hundred percent deadly for the victim.

Try it some time.  As a pro-abortion person when discussing that “thing” in the womb becomes a human being with legal and constitutional rights.  That is about the time you will hear, “I don’t want to discuss it anymore.”

The pro-abortion advocates often not that Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land for 49 years – as if that has any relevancy when addressing the life of a human being.  Should we not have abolished slavery because it has been the law of the land for 76 since the founding of the American Republic and more than 300 years after it was common practice in the colonies.

The most important consideration is the life of a developing human being … the fetus.  And when that life is determined by science and politics to be entitled to the rights of personage – foremost, life.  That THAT is what the pro-abortion folks want to keep off the public dialogue.  

By the way, the photo atop this commentary is a 12-week-old fetus.  Hardly an amorphous piece of flesh.

So, there ‘tis.

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