In a seemingly anticlimactic turn of events, the House Ethics Committee has wrapped up its two-year investigation into Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, leaving many questioning the motives behind the probe.
The investigation focused on Swalwell’s interactions with Ms. Christine Fang, who was suspected of being a Chinese spy and had allegedly targeted multiple Bay Area Democrats, including Swalwell himself. It was reported that Fang had worked to establish close ties with Swalwell’s office, even assisting in placing an intern there, and that he and Fang were having an affair, before the FBI alerted him to her behavior in 2015. Immediately after learning of her suspected affiliation, Swalwell severed all contact with Fang.
Despite the committee’s acknowledgment of the allegations and its scrutiny of potential House Rules violations, the investigation concluded without further action. Such a decision raises profound concerns, particularly when one considers the gravity of the situation.
Imagine, if you will, the fate that would befall any government employee with a security clearance who became the target of a foreign spy—or any foreign national, for that matter.
In that less privileged world, that employee’s security clearances would swiftly be revoked, their employment terminated, and an arduous and extensive investigation would ensue. Alas, it seems that we are reluctant to hold our elected officials to a higher standard. Let us contemplate the perils that this leniency entails.
Given Swalwell’s involvement in sensitive Congressional committees, one cannot help but envision the extensive and stimulating conversations he would have engaged in with Fang. Naturally, the FBI found no tangible evidence, for Swalwell would certainly never admit to discussing classified information. In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if Fang herself guided him on how to respond to the FBI’s inquiries.
This implies that Swalwell is now susceptible to blackmail by the Chinese. The Ethics Committee’s proclamation of “no further action” becomes a lamentable farce, highlighting the inadequacy of their response.
I shall make no pretense of concealing my lack of admiration for Swalwell. His intelligence, in my estimation, falls far below the average mark. Moreover, his extreme partisanship renders him a bigot, and his ego dwarfs that of U2’s Bono.
However, let us be clear: this entire investigation has been a charade. Speaker McCarthy made the prudent decision to keep Swalwell off the Intelligence Committee, where any compromise on his part could inflict severe damage upon America. Swalwell has unequivocally demonstrated his foolishness and gullibility.
Swalwell can never be trusted again.