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Please Not Hillary Again!

Please Not Hillary Again!

Rumors are starting to swirl regarding a possible 2024 presidential run for Hillary Clinton. 

The former First Lady and Secretary of State told reporters she couldn’t “imagine” launching another presidential campaign – but that was that was before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. 

“Now is her moment…The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade creates the opening for Hillary Clinton to get out of stealth mode and start down the path toward declaring her candidacy for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination,” writes conservative journalist John Ellis, knowing full well that a 2024 Clinton campaign could unite the GOP like never before.

Hillary Clinton has repeatedly stated that she will not compete against President Biden if he seeks re-election, though the possibility he will do so seems increasingly unlikely as his administration fails to make good on its promises. If Sleepy Joe does seek re-election, he will turn 82 shortly after Election Day. Clinton will be 76.

As many have noted, Clinton may find it irresistible not to launch a 2024 campaign if Biden decides not to run – especially if Democrats fail to produce a strong contender.

“Clinton is exactly the right person to put steel in the Democrats’ spine and bring attention to the reality that ‘ultra-MAGA’ Republicans, as President Biden calls them, are tearing apart the nation,” writes Juan Williams, a contributor for The Hill. “Keep talking and talk louder, Hillary!”

Another factor at play is Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. As noted by Financial Times US National Editor Edward Luce, Clinton admits to feeling somewhat responsible for Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election. Clinton believes Moscow’s meddling was “revenge for an ‘anodyne’ statement she had made as secretary of state in 2012 in support of the pro-democracy protests against his return to Russia’s presidency,” wrote Luce after speaking with the former First Lady.

It’s possible Hillary wants to be president simply in order to atone for her sins (or commit new ones).

“We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy, and everything that everybody else cares about then goes out the window,” Clinton told Luce. “Look, the most important thing is to win the next election. The alternative is so frightening that whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.” 

Author’s Note: Hillary Clinton likes to claim that she is the ‘most investigated innocent American alive,’ but this simply is not the truth. You can review some of her many misdeeds in our previous articles:






CNN: Growing Talk of Hillary for 2024

The Whispers of Hillary Clinton 2024 have started
Hillary Clinton: ‘We are standing on the precipice of losing our democracy’ 

About The Author


  1. Mack ewing

    That bitch won’t ever go away. But she’s not going to be president. Just another liberal loud mouth

    • Ben

      She’s too ugly to be president If my dog looked like her I’d shave his ass and make him walk backwards

  2. Ben

    Can’t even afford a double-wide, eh Ben?

    That was deplorable. A crooked, ghost- face, rotten joke. We should lock you up.

    Hillary won’t run, Alice just needed some column inches to make her rent.

    • Ben

      Lock me up for what?

  3. Ben

    impersonating a human….ba dum bump.

    third degree ugly… dum bump

    Once Ben saw two men wearing the same clothing and walking together. He said, “look, fags!” The policemen arrested him…..

    Once Ben was a guitar teacher but he got arrested for fingering A minor.

    Ben saw a prego the other day and he got arrested. Last heard screaming: “but babies kick them all the time….”.

    Ben’s mama so fat she got arrested for having a ten pound crack.

    In Soviet Russia, gay sex gets Ben arrested.
    In America, Ben gets arrested to have gay sex.

    Thanks for being the straight man, Mr Jack-off Ben-ny.
    Thank you ladies, gentlemen, and Ben’s gay friends
    Please tip your transvestite waiteress at the door

    Does that answer your stupid question, shit for brains?

    • Ben

      I love it!!! That shit’s funny. I’ll have to remember them.

      • Perry

        Ben’s mother was so ugly when she was born they rolled her in flour and waited for her to fart to see which end got diapered

        • beven nation

          Sung to “Every little breeze seems to whisper “Louise.”

          Every little breeze seems to whisper “Perry”
          Gays on the net like to twitter “Perry”
          Each little rose
          Tells me it knows……. men love you, love you.

          Every little beat that I feel in my heart,
          Seems to repeat, some joke about rubbers and farts
          Each little sigh
          Tells me that men adore you, Gay Perry.

    • James

      clinton needs to be in Prison for Treason and Sedition against the American People and the Constitution she is a crook.

      • Joe

        James it’s like she’s shielded from prosecution. I guess that suicide list keeps the law enforcement away. She’s not called killery for nothing

        • Ben

          Yeah, you can’t catch her. You can’t catch the vote cheaters. Sicking the IRS on McCabe and Comey didn’t stop us. Storming the Capitol hunting Pence and Pelosi, that didn’ stop us. We arrested 850 of you, threw many into jail where we will keep them for awhile.. Flynn guilty and jailed, Stone guilty and jailed. Manafort guilty and jailed. Bannon indicted and in contempt. Weissenberg awaiting his fate. Barrack, Broidy, Cohen, Nader, Gates, all guilty — one of sex crimes, all Trumpian associates. Great employer and knows how to hire? Icarus syndrome? We impeached him…..twice and then made him lost the incumbency with the hugest economy ever, how big of losers are you? You lost to Biden :>) And soon he will either be impeached or in jail himself.

          Sure, go after Hillary. Good luck with that.

        • Ben

          Yeah, you can’t catch her. You can’t catch the vote cheaters. Sicking the IRS on McCabe and Comey didn’t stop us. Storming the Capitol hunting Pence and Pelosi, that didn’ stop us. We arrested 850 of you, threw many into jail where we will keep them for awhile.. Flynn guilty and jailed, Stone guilty and jailed. Manafort guilty and jailed. Bannon indicted and in contempt. Weissenberg awaiting his fate. Barrack, Broidy, Cohen, Nader, Gates, all guilty — one of sex crimes, all Trumpian associates. Great employer and knows how to hire? Icarus syndrome? We impeached him…..twice and then made him lost the incumbency with the hugest economy ever, how big of losers are you? You lost to Biden :>) And soon he will either be impeached or in jail himself.

          Sure, go after Hillary. Good luck with that.

          • Jason

            Liberals love for their crooked comrades to get away with crimes. It speaks volumes about the character, or lack of character for the American communist party

          • Ben

            If you get away with a crime, is there a crime?

            Wow, then you got some volumes about your lack of character given how many crimes Trump is getting away with. Even if we only get 1 out of 10 cases currently active against Trump, TrumpCo, and the Trump Family, he’s going to jail.

            That’s some character.

            Hillary is free. Hillary is not indicted. Hillary is not being investigated. Your side is arrested, detested, molested, and suggested to be guilty 850 times, and counting. You even got a handful of “seditious conspiracy” that are already GUILTY and in jail.

  4. Robert l Knise

    My God , has every one forgot she and her crooks lost their security clearance over her e mail scandal. That can never be restored. You cannot be a sitting U. S. President and sit in on high level meetings without a proper security clearance. She will only be president in her dreams. She said our democracy is being threatened, wear was democracy in 1972 when Joe was first elected to the U.S. Senate with the help of Frank Sherrenn. Yea the guy who killed our beloved Jimmy Hoffa. Frank went around his area and intimidated news and radio and possibly tv not to run his opponents campaign adds. Joe kind of ran un opposed. Wear the hell was democracy then. I come home a year earlier with my hand ripped all to hell fighting for democracy in the Marines and this bum is aloud to run unopposed. No one did a thing about it.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Actually, whether you have or don’t have security clearance is irrelevant in this case. Biden could restore her clearances with a work, since the President is the ultimate classifying authority. I don’t know if she can be president, but I agree she shouldn’t be.

      • Ben

        OMG — I think there’s a better chance that Don runs than Hillary. There is nothing in the water that would make this time any different in outcome than last time no matter who the Trumplicants put up to run. Unlike Don, she has not figured out how to monetarize the election so there’s no $$$$ profit in it like Don needs just to keep the lawsuits and investigations at bay.
        How much of your over $300M donated to his war chest has he wasted on personal expenses by now? DeSantis, hell even Cruz, would probably beat her. She may be an influence, a talking head, but she will not be in public service again, IMO. I am guessing Bill is not 100% anymore and she probably is, but will spend some more time with him as his end nears.

        Don’t think anyone is asking that she run either.

  5. Terry

    Ben hates people who disagree with him and call out the crooked democrats. He hates us all. So I wonder who’s his least favorite person that he ever traded insults with on this site. He has to have one that he hates more than others

    • Ben

      I don’t hate anyone. I may disagree with their opinions, I may correct their facts, I may point out they offer no supporting evidence, sources, or anything else that would stand the light of day. But I am more than willing to toss some insults and names when pushed. And that happens so much since it’s part of Joe’s pecuniary plan and he doesn’t want to rock that cash.

      • Ted

        No. You just don’t like being wrong

  6. Ben

    Well, you are spot on with that one Ted. Can’t really imagine you like being wrong. But I don’t mind learning I am wrong. It’s just that most of youse guys start with demeaning names of which communist is the most tame. Then you tell me why I am wrong, stupid, blah de blah but offer little support, facts, or other evidence.

    Still haven’t tossed my burger into the wall leaving the mess for someone else to clean up.

    • Mike

      Someone probably tossed your salad

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…