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Passive Aggressive President Obama Encourages anti-Trump Protests

Donald Trump’s “surprising” victory set off a chain of uprisings and protests across the nation. Instead of calling for unity and peace as he prepares to leave the Oval Office, President Obama has actually encouraged anti-Trump protestors to keep at it. 

“I suspect that there’s not a president in our history that hasn’t been subject to these protests,” said Obama during a joint interview with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “So, I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign…I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.”

The president tried to justify his inappropriate words by equating the violent anti-Trump protests with voting and “being informed on the issues.” 

Kellyanne Conway, former campaign manager and current head of the Trump transition team, called Obama out for his immature attitude: “I am calling for responsibility and decency,” she told Fox News. “I hope President Obama says, ‘Cut it out.’” 

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest exercised considerably more tact in his response to the anti-Trump demonstrations. The freedom to protest should be “exercised without violence,” he said. “But it’s important for us to remember…after the election, that we’re Democrats and Republicans, but we’re Americans and patriots first. 

President Obama is responding to Hillary’s defeat with passive aggression. He’s giving up on some things but being underhanded in others. As we wrote in a previous article, he has already stated that he doesn’t plan on keeping quiet after he leaves the office. Is this a sign that Obama is not going away?

Editor’s note: It appears that Obama will not be transferring power with grace and dignity as other presidents have done. His divisiveness and pettiness will carry forward. This is his true legacy.

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