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The Punching Bag Post

Over Counting Covid Deaths …. Cost Us Dearly

The medical establishment is finally admitting that the number of Covid deaths has been greatly overcounted.  At the height of the Covid Pandemic, I wrote commentaries detailing the overcounting – but in those days, making such documented claims got you knocked off social media for spreading disinformation.

(The fact that they are now admitting to overcounting should be a warning of the danger of playing censor of information that does not agree with the establishment view of the moment.  It is VERY dangerous to a free society. 

We saw that same reversal in the case of the Hunter Biden laptop and the Trump “Russian conspiracy theory” theory.  That is why I am a First Amendment extremist.  Let all voices be heard, and the FACTS – not the political narratives of the moment –lead us to the truth.   But I digress.)

The potential of an overcount of Covid deaths is not marginal nor insignificant.   In my previous writings, I noted that 60 percent of the deaths in a New York nursing home were determined to be from Covid even though patients were tested for Covid.  In another commentary, I wrote how the official government statistics even had a category for deaths that were “assumed” to be related to Covid.   Those “assumed” victims were included in the official death count, however.

There is a problem between the difference between dying FROM Covid and WITH Covid.  Folks dying from many other things – terminal diseases and accidents – who tested positive for Covid were often listed as Covid deaths.

Dr. Leana Wen — former Baltimore Health Commissioner, Washington Post columnist, and CNN medical analyst – conceded in a recent editorial that the medical community has been overcounting the number of Covid hospitalizations and deaths – and not by just a little.

Wen claimed that MOST patients hospitalized for Covid were actually admitted: “for some other illness.”   In her editorial, she cited reports from Massachusetts that claimed 90 percent of patients hospitalized FOR Covid were actually admitted for other reasons.  That is a remarkable revision of history.  That means the statistics about hospitalizations due to Covid are wrong … wrong … wrong.  

More seriously, the death toll is also exaggerated – and not by a small amount.  Some analysts indicate that more than half the deaths attributed to Covid were folks who died WITH Covid – but of other causes.  Many would have died with or without Covid.

Part of the problem – and perhaps a big part – was government funding being provided to hospitals and communities based on the number of Covid patients and Covid deaths.  You know what that means.  There was a huge financial benefit to maximizing the number of Covid deaths.

The overcounting of hospitalizations and deaths had an enormous negative impact on the country – and the world.  Did we really have to take such extreme measures as shutting down the American economy … putting millions out of work … destroying innumerable small businesses … depriving our children of education.

It may be that the cure was worse than the disease.  Yes, it was a serious health issue. If Wen is correct –and I think she is – the problem was grossly overstated for political and economic reasons.

We have been living with a narrative that centered on Dr. Anthony Fauci as the number one authority and official spokesperson on all things Covid.  Did he lie to the American people about the source of Covid?  Did he push hospitalization and death numbers that were grossly exaggerated?  Were his statements designed to inform the public – or gain more taxpayer funding for his industry?

Not surprisingly, Wen’s editorial got very little attention from the mainstream media.  It should have.  If her contention is even partially accurate, it is a blockbuster story.  It is putting into doubt or dispute virtually everything the American people have been told for the past three and a half years.

So, there ‘tis.

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