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North Korea – Why we need Trump back

North Korea – Why we need Trump back

Trump was a great President.

I say this time and again, he was great because he knows how to wield power. And he knows how to forge relationships.

And most of all, he knew that he didn’t get a choice as to who the other leaders of the world were. He built his relationships with the people actually in charge, not just who he wanted to be in charge.

You learn this kind of thing in business. Goals must transcend personalities, dealing with obnoxious people, respecting them, genuinely finding something to like about them, despite other unpleasant qualities is a skill most people don’t have. But if you don’t do it, then business doesn’t happen. You can’t win the game unless you are in the game.

In politics, if you don’t do it, then wars start. More on that later.

Trump built a relationship with Kim Jung Un, the leader of North Korea. Kim is not a nice guy, he has many bad qualities. But Trump first chided him, then offered an olive branch, and then built it into a personal meeting. He became the first President to set foot on North Korean soil.

That is one HELL of an accomplishment.

Think about the last several Presidents. Could Biden have done that? Sad and Laughable. Obama? No. Bush? No. Clinton? Maaaaybe.

At the moment, we see North Korea threatening its whole region, they are firing missiles, they are flying fighters. The Japanese issued evacuation warnings. This was apparently in response to U.S./ South Korea military exercises. Who knew the North Koreans would be pissed? The threat of war is clear and present.

If Trump were still President, what would this be like? The dialog was underway, we had some fits and starts toward normalizing the relationship between North and South Korea. If that relationship could have been maintained, we wouldn’t have needed the exercises. And we wouldn’t be on the brink of war with North Korea.

But Biden lost that relationship, his incompetence left us with no communications channels, no ability to negotiate, no ability even to start a dialog with Kim. Thousands of North Korean artillery pieces are pointed directly at Seoul. If war starts, hundreds of thousands of people will die within days. And that is not counting the nuclear weapons.

But this isn’t the only instance where we needed more Trump.

Trump built a relationship with Putin. Part of this relationship was a certain respect for Putin, who is certainly powerful and capable. Trump could speak with him peer to peer. Biden can’t do that, Biden can needs cue cards to know when to sit or stand.

I will say this with absolute conviction – If Trump has remained President, there would be no war in Ukraine.

This is the consequence of electing someone like Biden, who has no idea how to lead and no idea how to show the power of the United States in a light that deters bad actions.

And yes, the world is paying for it in blood and treasure. We have war. And we will have more.

SKorea Responds as 180 NKorea Warplanes Approach

About The Author


  1. frank stetson

    Ask yourself: why does Trump have to be President to serve the nation and use these great relationships to benefit the nation and the world.

    I mean, like, he can’t do anything about the Russian carnage in Ukraine just because he can’t be President? Somehow, as a citizen, his foreign relationships mean absolutely nothing?

    Just saying it seems a bit unpatriotically self-centered that he has to be selected, resurrected, and elected President before he saves us all from doom using his fabulous personal relationships that he has already established.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Are you really serious?

    • Debbie

      Your ignorance is your downfall in seeing the long term pic in all this. Trump will win again in 2024 & again will have to again undo all the bad dealings & upsets Biden & Democrats continually do to our own American People. Democrats care for their own pocket to fill, not mine yours or even their own family.
      It has proven time & again they stop @ nothing by twisting turning, creating lies, destroying our Country for the sake of them being in power. WAKE THE HELL UP & READ BETWEEN THE EVERY DAY MOVEMENT & WRONGS THEY PUT UPON THIS U.S.A. PEOPLE.

      • Debbie

        Wake up America!! Trump 2024

    • MSGLeo

      Have you ever heard of the Hatch Act?

    • Lou

      And I guess you really like the shape our country is in now with a dementia patient for a president? Trump is the ONLY one that can and will get us out of this horrible mess we’re in
      Get your head out of the sand and look around. We’re in a recession and who knows how bad we’re gonna suffer.

  2. Feank stetson

    No. I would never imagine Trump helping anyone, much lss so a stranger or fellow citizen, unless he gets something more in return. It’s the art of the grift.

    • MSGLeo

      So I guess you never heard the story that his limo was broken down and someone stopped to help him and after that Trump paid that person’t mortgage off for him.

    • Lou

      Such a LIE!!!!!! Trump used his own wealth while he was President and wouldn’t even take pay as ALL other presidents did. Where have you been, in the basement asleep??

      • Frank stetson

        Trump is not the first Pres to donate salary.

        Hell, they have to donate because the codified pay to force Washington to take it.

        Trump has raised hundreds of millions of other peoples money.

        Trump has made hundreds of millions by people buying access by getting memberships and staying at his hotels. He had to sell his marquee DC Hotel right after he lost the office. No Presidency, DC Hotel goes broke.

        Probably have Russians, Chinese, etc joining Mara Loser just to use the Reading Room. It’s all declassified 🙂

  3. frank stetson

    I can see where one might conclude that Trump would do absolutely nothing for his fellow citizens unless he got more in return. It’s the art of the grift. But if I had this great personal relationship with Putin, yeah, I would be on the phone trying to get him to back off. I would offer my services, based on my great personal relationship with these leaders, to the current leader, Joe Biden. Real Presidents do that all the time.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      And yet for some reason he interrupted his business, forwent massive amounts of profits and put up with a huge amount of BS to serve his country. You pretend like you know what goes on in Trump’s mind, but you are really just listening to Hillary’s propaganda.

      He is not the President now. You do know there are laws against doing what you are suggesting right? You can’t unofficially represent the U.S., that is forbidden by the Hatch Act.

      • Mack ewing

        Weaker men would have been crying for their mommy

      • frank stetson

        Spoken as a true magarat who believes all things Trump as told by Trump. You should know that he does lie. A lot.

        No one knows if Trump made money or lost money on the Presidency. He does not disclose, there is no oversight, and what he says about it is a lie. We know he sold his marque DC property right after he could no longer house Trumpian access seekers there. We know he no longer charges $1,700 night for what Don Jr said should be $50 charges to hoards of Secret Service.

        But he has pulled in hundreds of millions based on losing the Presidency from his donors which he freely uses to fund his opulent lifestyle while they can only afford a generic six pack in their double wide. All based on The Big Lie created during, and because of, his Presidency. How much did you fork over?

        Hillary? Wow, stilled scared are we? I don’t even know what forum Hillary would have to tell anyone anything…. You are showing some paranoia on that wow. How scared of her are you?

        I don’t think the Hatch act applies. I think you got this one wrong too. Not sure they are any prescriptions against what you say it’s against, whatever that is. It also especially excludes the President and Vice President from most of it’s provisions.

        There are books written about ex Presidents continuing to serve the nation. Many have contributed beyond their Presidency to our foreign relationships. It’s all documented, most of which starts in the mid 1900’s.

        Beyond that you were spot on. (now that’s sarcasm)

        • Mark

          Biden has lied all through his fake presidency

          • frank stetson

            He was elected by the people and the electoral college, duly confirmed as such by Congress and you can not prove anything but. Not for the lack of trying. Lying all the time? NBL, not bloody likely. Except in your opinion, not based on facts.

            Can’t believe you would write something so stupid and not be able to back it up.

        • Debbie

          Never once accepted payment for helping his country while President, never once used Air Force 1 for his own agenda unlike ALL BEFORE & AFTER HIM HAVE DONE & DO TO THIS DAY. He didn’t spend tax payer monies on bulls..t as the Democrats STILL do to this day!! He created jobs, brought back companies fr overseas & economy was at an all time LOW. EVER!
          He had relations with other leaders that couldnt fit the bill nor ever tried. He is an American, for the American People & is a legal U.S.A. CITIZEN. Finish the WALL, close all the BORDERS & stop the disease destruction & giving away of what should be for the American people & not handed over to illegal immigrants or aliens. Sorry it is UNFAIR, we have HUNGER, HOMELESS OF OUR OUR PEOPLE THAT NEEDS THIS HELP FIRST & FOREMOST.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Fortunately for me, I read more than just the daily kos like you do. And I don’t drink nearly so much.

          And yes, the Hatch act applies.

          • frank stetson

            You are a very rude person.

            How many times will you accuse me of drinking alcohol a substance that has KILLED many in my family. It’s ever so nice your constant reminder of what finished off my old man at an early age. That, and protecting your sorry self-centered selfish ass in WWII from NAZI’s who liked putting pain into strangers too.

            I do not drink, want to guess why?

            I have told you repeatedly to cease and desist.

            Why do you enjoy so much putting pain in a stranger. Is this just what Trumplicants like to do?

        • Sam

          The Washington post and cnn have acknowledged that Biden lies daily

          • frank stetson

            Funny, nothing like that can be googled. Do you find it on your page?

      • B

        Trump’s business was failing, and the only reason he could pay the bills was because of Russian “loans”. He made millions of dollars by golfing at his own club every weekend and overcharging for Secret Service personnel. He also had income from his hotel in Washington, where foreign visitors could legally bribe Trump by renting whole floors. He never put his company in a blind trust (as he promised), nor did he show his tax records (also as he promised, and is still fighting their release).

        Trump’s evil spawn both carried on business and worked in Trump’s administration during Trump’s term. Between Ivanka and Jared alone, they managed to get some 2 Billion dollars out of the Saudis and the Chinese.

        And now that Trump is (thankfully) out of government, he continues a near constant drumbeat of asking for money for litigation costs and future campaigns. Because he hasn’t “officially” declared his candidacy, it’s a gold mine pulling in 10’s of millions of dollars a month, which goes directly into Trump’s otherwise empty pockets.

        Trump sided with Russia and Korea more often than with the US or NATO. If Trump were still President, there would be no war in Ukraine because Trump would just give it to Putin as a birthday gift. That’s what he did with Syria. And he would probably be sending aid to NK to shore up Kim’s popularity.

        And puh-leez, Trump and his family and staff violated the Hatch Act during his Presidency so many times that it became meaningless. All ignored, because of Barr in Trump’s pocket. But the Hatch Act is about political activities by government employees, and has nothing to do with Trump volunteering to work with an Administration that would want his help (but none do, as Trump will only do what benefits himself and everyone knows it).

        The only reason Trump’s business is still afloat is because he became President. And it will also be his downfall.

        • Frank stetson

          Not sure we know Trumpco failing, there are no records and he lies. His property sales would say cash flow issues. He does not get his money from the Russians, but from Douche Bank, where the Russians bank and launder their money, have been caught at it before. Douche Bank managers say they can’t understand why the bank continues to give him funding so one can surmise it’s Russian pressure but it’s smoke, not a smoking gun.

          A failure of Mueller for some reason, scope or he was called down. He had the experts but backed off.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Trump’s business was not failing. And he never took any “loans” from Russian.Everything you just said is from far left conspiracy propaganda.

          And you clearly do not understand the Hatch Act.

          • frank stetson

            I said “Not sure we know Trumpco failing, there are no records and he lies.” You show us where his business is not failing. You can’t know that either.

            I did not say he took loans from Russians. I said: “He does not get his money from the Russians, but from Douche Bank, where the Russians bank and launder their money, have been caught at it before.” That’s all just part of the public record.

            OK, you are batting 2 for 2 for misunderstanding, do you want to review your Hatch Act, how it applies here, and how it applies to a President here? Because, on my side of the answer, I have books written about many ex-Presidents doing exactly what you propose is illegal by the Hatch Act.

      • B

        My reply deleted… must have pissed off the poor snowflakes…

        • frank stetson

          Where’s Ben, seems to have been disappeared too. Guess speech ain’t so free amongst the free speech at any cost boys.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          Loose nut behind the wheel. Nobody deleted your post. Yet.

    • Debbie

      Never once accepted payment for helping his country while President, never once used Air Force 1 for his own agenda unlike ALL BEFORE & AFTER HIM HAVE DONE & DO TO THIS DAY. He didn’t spend tax payer monies on bulls..t as the Democrats STILL do to this day!! He created jobs, brought back companies fr overseas & economy was at an all time LOW. EVER!
      He had relations with other leaders that couldnt fit the bill nor ever tried. He is an American, for the American People & is a legal U.S.A. CITIZEN. Finish the WALL, close all the BORDERS & stop the disease destruction & giving away of what should be for the American people & not handed over to illegal immigrants or aliens. Sorry it is UNFAIR, we have HUNGER, HOMELESS OF OUR OUR PEOPLE THAT NEEDS THIS HELP FIRST & FOREMOST.

  4. Mike

    What a bunch of BS! We do not need a President who coddles dictators who stroke his ego. Trump was the weakest president on foreign policy that we have ever had. You think it is “great” that trump set foot on North Korean soil? Not sure what party you belong to, certainly not the Republican Party (actually the answer to that is clear-you belong to the Trump Autocratic Party). What did he really accomplish with North Korea? The answer is a resounding “nothing”…. (However he did get some wonderful love letters that he saw fit to steal from the US government…)

    • Debbie


    • Joe Gilbertson

      So you would rather deal with someone with nuclear weapons from an adversarial position. How’s that working for you? Under biden we have missiles flying and fighter buzzing all over the place.

      What Trump accomplished was a relationship, good enough that he was able to step onto North Korean soil. That’s a step away from potential nuclear war, and toward something else. Unfortunately he didn’t get to finish, and Biden screwed everything up.

  5. Mike

    Joe, Yes I prefer that we don’t ass kiss our enemies. I prefer that we don’t say we trust a dictators word more than our intelligence agencies (on television no less). I prefer that we honor our commitments and show that we as a nation can be trusted. I prefer that we include our ally in a war when negotiating with the enemy. I prefer that we support our Kurdish Allie’s rather than withdrawing when the Turkish President desires it. I prefer that we are respected by our traditional Allie’s. You can lie all you want about how great trump was, but in the area of foreign policy the facts refute that. However, as a trumplican you don’t believe facts…. Disgusting!

  6. frank stetson

    Joe says the missiles are flying under Biden’s nose and it was so, so, much better when Don told us lies…..

    “What Trump accomplished was a relationship, good enough that he was able to step onto North Korean soil. That’s a step away from potential nuclear war, and toward something else.”

    Yeah sure Joe. You are apparently gullible.

    In 2017, scores of NK missile tests took place. “In repeated public remarks during 2017, Trump Administration officials, including the President, emphasized the possibility of launching a preventive military strike against North Korea.” Yeah, that’s better. Apparently Joe’s old-timers blocks the memories of the school yard screaming match tween Kim and Don.

    In 2018, Kim got friendly starting with five meetings with Jinping, not Trump. After that, one with Putin, three with SK, and finally, three with Trump. Kim promised to play nice, finally meeting in person with Trump in 2018 after all decisions made by Kim and shared with other world leaders before the Don. Don then screamed “mission accomplished” and nothing fucking happened. Nothing.

    In 2019, there were fruitless talks, and only one since June 2019 and nothing has happened.

    It’s been deadlocked since then, NK has increased, not decreased military activity, all under Trump’s watch. “ In February 2020 written testimony before the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Commander of U.S. Northern Command said “recent engine testing suggests North Korea may be prepared to flight test an even more capable ICBM design that could enhance Kim’s ability to threaten our homeland during a crisis or conflict.” President Trump has dismissed the significance of these tests.”

    “Kim in December 2019 announced that, due to the United States’ policies “to completely strangle and stifle the DPRK … there is no ground” for North Korea to continue to maintain its nuclear and missile testing moratorium. Kim criticized the United States’ continuation of sanctions, joint military exercises with South Korea, and shipments of advanced military equipment to South Korea. Kim warned, “the world will witness a new strategic weapon to be possessed by the DPRK in the near future.” The statement noted that this could be adjusted depending on the “U.S. future attitude.”

    In 2019, under the watchful eyes of Trump, NK had close to a dozen missile tests. He did nothing and apparently Joe did not know that. Including intermediate submarine missiles capable of hitting anywhere in the US. They continued in 2020 at lower levels. Joe did not know that.

    You just can’t believe Trump. He lies. A lot. Joe believes Trump a lot. Perhaps too much.

    It’s not that it has not accelerated under Biden, it’s just that it’s just more of the same thing that happened under Trump too.



  8. pOLLY

    RICHARD, …………..AMEN!

  9. Frank stetson

    I printed the truth about Trump’s lies that you believe. Didn’t see any Trumplicant prove it wrong.

    Just don’t believe this guys bullshit. Google it. His NK story is bogus. The missiles kept flying, the nuke programs were running, nothing better for NK civil rights, and NK remains a huge slave state, all under Trump.

    And now he runs again; be sure to donate. He needs your cash. He’s rich. He funds himself. He takes no pay, but reservations are OK. Memberships too. But he takes no money. Wink-wink, nudge-nudge

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…