Okay. Okay. The New York Times did not exactly report that Larry Horist was right in a recent commentary update on Covid-19. Even if they had read my commentaries, they would never admit that my analyses and projections were far better than the news reports. That is because I did not agree with their narrative-influenced reports. I looked at data and listened to the non-media doctors and scientists.
In past commentaries I had correctly predicted the course of the disease. Oh, I do not mean in exact numbers. I mean in general trends. There was a re-mergence of the virus in the Fall, then a spike at Thanksgiving and a spike during the Christmas, Hannukah, New Year holiday season. No matter how many times the media played the mask, handwashing, distancing mantra, I told those smarty pants that the American people were not going to become medical hermits.
In recent days, the same smarty pants were predicting a long, long siege with the virus. The most common summary was “the worst is yet to come.”
Conversely, I closed a recent Covid-19 update commentary with this statement.
“I personally believe that we are heading into better times a bit sooner than those doomsday prognosticators or political spinners would have us believe. If only the media and the politicians would allow it to happen – or at least give us ALL the facts.”
Weeeell … the New York Times has now confirmed my report. No, they did not give me any credit – or even a quote from my commentary. But I take the recent NYT report as an endorsement.
The headline over the article in their online publication, “The Morning,” produced by David Leonhardt boldly and definitively declared, “The Pandemic is in retreat.”
The first paragraph of the article summarized the facts.
“The number of new coronavirus cases continue to plummet, as does the number of Americans hospitalized with symptoms. Deaths have also begun to decline. And the number of daily vaccination shots has nearly tripled over the last month.”
As an aside, I should note that the tripling of the vaccinations is the result of the measures that the Trump administration put in place. It scheduled 100 million doses in the arms of Americans in the first three months. Biden plagiarized that claim in his announcement that came shortly AFTER the same number in the same time period was made by Trump officials. He promised that HIS (Biden’s) administration would achieve 100 million doses in its first 100 days – essentially three months.
While Biden is talking about all he is DOING, the fact remains that the results of anything he DOES will not be seen for three to six months. In fact, virtually all his promised actions are dependent on money from the stimulus package. That is yet to be debated in Congress. What is happening today is the spillover from the Trump programs.
But I digress. Back to the Times’ article.
The normally unreliable publication went on to say that “It’s been a long time since the virus news was as encouraging as it is right now.”
As proof for my … I mean their … new-found assertion, they showed graphs of the most recent numbers. Under the headline, “larger than any of last year’s declines,” they showed the precipitous decline in the number of new cases – the graph seen atop this commentary.
This good news, however, has not permeated the impeachment obsessed Fourth Estate. Not a word on CNN or MSNBC about this good news. As the numbers improved, the news services that gave us hourly updates of their concocted bad news stories had nothing to say … nothing. They did not contact me for a single interview.
The graph shows a phenomenal 60 percent decrease in the number of cases. We went from more than 250,000 to a smidgeon over 100,000. The Times writing claimed that the decline is “probably somewhat smaller” because of a reduction in testing. “Fewer tests lead to fewer reported cases.”
Whoa! Did you get that? Fewer tests mean fewer reported cases. Am I mistaken, or was it not the left-wing news media that rejected the argument – which I made on a number of occasions – that the INCREASE in cases was partially attributable to increased testing?
In my commentaries on Covid-19, I often noted that the number of cases was less important – maybe even deceptive – and that the number of hospitalizations and deaths were the key statistics to know if the virus was spreading or we were just finding more mild or non-symptomatic cases.
Contrary to the predations of the politicians, the biased news media and the agenda-driven television doctors – who predicted a surge in hospitalizations and deaths in the coming months – both hospitalizations and deaths have declined significantly. Hospitalizations have dropped almost 50 percent – and daily deaths are down approximately 20 percent.
That trend is likely to continue – and accelerate. More folks are carrying anti-body protection from having recovered from the virus, and more folks are receiving the vaccine. As of this Covid-19 update, we have approximately 17 million recoverees. And 27 million arms have gotten the first dose and 6 million both doses.
It is amazing what one can learn if they do their own research and not rely on the so-called news services – especially not the left-wing propaganda press.
So. There ‘tis.