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Muslims Boycott Biden’s Ramadan Dinner over Israel Policy

Muslims Boycott Biden’s Ramadan Dinner over Israel Policy

In an early election headache for Biden, the political alliance between Democrats and Muslims in America remains strained as many in the Muslim community leadership are angry at Biden’s support for Israel’s war in Gaza. Most Muslim community leaders refused to attend Biden’s White House special dinner for Muslims – the Iftar – held annually to recognize Muslim Americans during the Islamic month of Ramadan.

The Associated Press reported that the leader of Muslim advocacy organization Emgage and others refused to attend Biden’s Iftar dinner because of Biden’s support for Israel’s siege of Gaza. Accordingly, Biden’s White House scaled down its list of guests and included only those Muslims who worked for his administration.

The rejection of invitation by Muslims led the White House to repurpose the event to a general “listening session” as Rolling Stone termed it on Thursday (April 4), adding that it was a disaster. The event had only six attendees and the only Palestinian-American attending the event, a medical doctor, stormed out of the room while the session was still in progress. Dr. Thaer Ahmad later appeared on CBS News and said that Biden is not doing enough to help the Palestinians in Gaza. 

Leftist daily The Independent wrote on Thursday that Biden failed to hold Israel accountable therefore “his chickens are coming home to roost.”

Simply put, Biden has offered zero response or consequences for Israel.

Commenting on the story of Muslims in America jilting Biden over Israel’s Gaza war, Ben Kew wrote on the conservative news site The Gateway Pundit that this boycott indicates the growing anger among Muslim Americans against Biden’s lukewarm stance on Israel’s operation against Hamas in Gaza. Kew pointed to the notable drop in support for Biden in the Democrat Primary this year while Biden promises Muslims to make efforts for ceasefire, but no such real effort is visible yet.

Meanwhile Biden’s Israel policy continues to hurt him among Muslims in the ongoing primaries for 2024. In New York, an estimated 12% of Democrat voters shunned Biden on Tuesday by casting blank ballots, as reported by Tribune News Service on Thursday.

Since the start of Israel’s military crackdown on Hamas in the wake of the October 7 attack on Israel, the Biden administration has vetoed multiple UN resolutions demanding immediate ceasefire in Gaza. However late last month, the US switched gears and led a ceasefire resolution in the UN to “protect civilians on all sides.” The resolution was vetoed by Russia and China arguing that it failed to urge an immediate ceasefire in clear terms.

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  1. RobL

    Maybe if they don’t like it here, and want to be as one with the gazans, they ought to give live there. Just sayin’.

  2. Flashfly

    Biden got lucky this time!

  3. KawikaFiftySix

    If your ‘religion’ requires you to hate and kill everyone who is not of your ‘religion’, then you need a new religion… See (TRUTH #4.) and (Man’s Inhumanity to Man)
    Islam is all LIES from the FATHER OF LIES!
    The koran is certainly unworthy of its alleged “Divine” Authorship!
    Islam was dreamt up by an insane con man to inflate his ego, have plenty of sexual access to women, and fill his treasure chest.
    There are just four basic truths that people must learn about Islam.
    (TRUTH #1.) Everything that Muslims claim concerning Islam, is a LIE!
    (A.) There is no “Revealed Truth”!
    (B.) The Moon-god “Allah” was originally the Head ‘god’ of Mohammad’s Meccan, Quraysh Arab tribal pantheon of about pagan 360 idols, and had been worshiped for over a thousand years before Mohammad was born. Each Arab Tribe had its own assorted pagan deities that they worshiped. Allah had previously been known as the pagan moon-god Baal. The ‘worship’ of Baal or Moloch goes back to the Phoenicians and others around 9,000 years B.C.
    (C.) Islam has no legitimate proof of any pre-history that they claim.
    (a.) No proof of descending from Abraham or Ishmael.
    (b.) However, there is plenty of proof refuting those lies.
    (D.) There are no predictions in the Old or New Testament concerning Islam.
    (a.) If they were a ‘successor’ religion then they would necessarily have to fulfill and complement the prior religion. Jesus and his Ministry were predicted many times in the Old Testament. However, there is not a word in the OT or the NT concerning Islam or Mohammad!
    (E.) Why would an all-knowing “god” not get everything RIGHT the first time?
    (a.) Nearly everything written in the Koran for the first thirteen years during Mohammad’s peaceful Meccan period was abrogated (overturned) after he started his Medinan period as a Barbarian Warlord. However, they were retained as part of the Koran.
    (b.) Moslems will tell you that both conflicting passages are TRUE because they are all in the koran, even though they totally contradict each other.
    (c.) When something disagrees with earlier Meccan passages, the LATER passages prevail as the superior “TRUTH” to Islam.
    (F.) Islam has been practicing Jihad, fighting against the entire world for 1400 years.
    (G.) Muslims are incapable of “Assimilating” it violates the Koran and Shariah Law… to do so, causes heads to roll…
    (H.) Speaking of ‘Heads rolling’ that is what is supposed to happen if you leave Islam.

    (TRUTH #2.) Much of the Koran was plagiarized from other sources then rewritten.
    (A.) Mohammad was an illiterate and originally, he and his tribe were Moon-god ‘worshiping’ heathens. Mohammad then used a mashup of his pagan tribal beliefs, plagiarized oral accounts from some of the Apocryphal books, including some of the false teachings of heretical ‘christian’ and ‘jewish’ sects, as well as oral accounts of actual Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, and Zoroastrian beliefs and writings to flesh out his koran. He also plagiarized some of the faulty ‘science’ from other cultures, such as Ancient Greek “medicine”, by plagiarizing Doctor Galen’s (circa 150 AD) absurd description of how babies are formed in the womb. (The bones are formed first, then the bones are then ‘clothed’ with flesh…) among many other absurdities!

    (TRUTH #3.) Adult Muslim males have no respect for women and children and act like male chauvinist pigs!
    Women are banned from receiving an education, working outside the home, except for selected female doctors. Male doctors cannot treat women. (BTW: Where do Female doctors come from, if they are disallowed an education or work outside the home?) Women cannot leave the home unless accompanied by an adult male relative or husband. They cannot drive a car, or deal with shopkeepers. Women must wear undecorated clothing that covers them from head to foot. Muslims believe that it is OK and permissible by the unholy Koran to gang rape any woman who is out alone, or out with a non-relative male. “She was asking for it”. “She is ‘uncovered meat’”. If raped, it is the woman who is usually found guilty… and often killed. If she is caught in adultery, she is buried up to her neck in sand and stoned to death. They will kill their OWN Mothers, Wives, and Daughters for the “CRIME” of getting RAPED! They call this an “Honor Killing”. In Islam, rape is considered a crime that the victim commits for luring the man to an act of fornication.
    The rapist is killed IF he is convicted by the women he raped, by having FOUR MALE witnesses testify against him. If there are other Muslim males nearby, they usually participate in the rape too, so where would the women get “Four Male Witnesses”?
    Male Muslims are legally able to sexually molest young boys under Shariah Law, what they call “Bacha Bazi” or Dancing Boys, where “Women are for babies and boys are for pleasure”. Boys are groomed as sexual partners and companions.
    Infant girls and boys are subject to ‘Thighing’ and other forms of LEGALIZED INCEST according to Shariah Law. The child’s legs are pressed together, and the abuser inserts his pe-nis between the thighs of the little boy or girl.
    (This listing of “legalized” licentious sexual crimes could go on and on, ad nauseam)

    (TRUTH #4.) They all despise, murder, and make war on all non-Mozlems and all other Mozlem sects too!
    Members of one Islamic group do not usually recognize members of other Islamic groups as valid or true fellow Moslems, and open conflict between sects has been a normal course of practice throughout Islam’s history.
    They all believe that anyone of any other Muslim Sect other than their own Sect, are considered to be hypocrites and apostates or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) Islam has around 73 different sects remaining in existence, and all of the different sects despise and murder each other and they all make war upon one another because: “They do not believe as we do”. They each have their own versions of Shariah Law. There were many hundreds more Mozlem Sects in the past, but Islam brought the “Peace of Islam” to all those ‘missing’ Sects!
    Islam has been AT WAR WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD ever since Mohammad invaded Medina. Moslems have been at war with themselves, ever since they broke up into different sects, shortly after its founder Mohammad died. It has been: Shiah vs. Sunni vs. Brelvi Sunni vs. Deobandi Sunni vs. Wahabi Sunni vs. Sufi Sunni vs. Twelver Shiah vs. Zaydi Shiah vs. Ismaili Shiah vs. Alawi vs. Ibadi vs. Druze vs. Ahmadiyya… and on ad nauseam!

    By Moslem Standards: Their “Success” is measured by what they have done to affect your “status” with them. “Muslims must fight against the unbelievers, first invite them to accept Islam, then if they refuse, ask them to pay the jizya which is a tax specified in chapter 9 verse 29 of the koran as a tax in tribute to the Muslims as a sign of one’s submission to the oppressive yoke of Islam, then if they still refuse both ‘options’ they will go to war against them.” This is the basis for Islamic warfare that has conquered a tremendous portion of the world.
    (A.) Whether they have converted you, by any and all means.
    (B.) Subjected you to a Dhimmi-Slave status and you have paid the annual 30% or more and it is called the Jizyah Tax: a ransom for your head as ‘Protection Money’, you will receive absolutely no benefit as a non-Moslem. It is imposed on non-Moslems who live under Moslem rule. (Dhimmis)
    (C.) Cut off your hand and foot on opposite sides, (the same as if you were caught as a thief).
    (D.) or enslaved as an actual slave.
    (E.) Killed you!

    Dhimmi: Non-Moslems living under Islamic law (Shariah), who enjoy legal status, but are subject to many oppressive restrictions and the Jizyah tax. Also described as humans of second class, referring to the ‘People of the Book’, i.e., Jews and Christians.
    The koran readily admits that it is a form of humiliation, meant to display the superior status of Moslems and the subdued state of non-Moslems. koran 9:29

    Man’s Inhumanity to Man
    Cruelty has been going on since Cain slew Able. However where can you find in a “religious” book, written instructions for committing atrocities: something that you MUST PERFORM to properly follow that religion? Islam has a book of required instructions to commit atrocities, it is the Koran!
    There are 109 verses straight from the koran, demanding ALL muslims to steal from, hate, murder, and commit terror against all people who will not submit to a Dhimmi status, or convert to Islam. This is NORMAL Islamic Extremism and Radicalism, following the koran to the letter, anything less, you are considered an apostate or ‘murtadeen’ (not really ‘Muslim’) and must be killed or converted.
    Mohammad is their example of the so-called “Perfect Man” whom Moslems are to follow! Whatever he did, you also must do. Islam is a clear and immediate danger to any other system of thought, government, or religious belief and must be fought by any means necessary and exposed for the pernicious and hate-filled ideology that it is.

    Islamic tactics: A political & military doctrine that comes wrapped in a barbed skin of piety.

  1. Nope, no egg on any faces other than the dynamic duo Trumuski. The flood of EOs Trump is pumping out…