As part of my job, I scan a number of news sources each morning. When it comes to the elitist east coast media cabals and bias, I refer to it – and not facetiously – as the “Hate Republican Reports.” What started out as an anti-Trump movement has now become an authoritarian effort to expand the Democrat’s one-party governance policies beyond the major cities and a few states to a national reality.
It is no longer a matter of left-wing media bias.
The folks at CNN and MSNBC – and all those panelists from the New York Times, Washington Post and uber-liberal activist organizations – are engaging in nothing less than an unrelenting propaganda campaign that they maliciously designed to promote hatred of Republicans — and especially conservative Republicans.
Virtually every story has a subtext of Republican demonization – even the weather reports. The storm that devastated Texas is the result of Republican rejection of the radical Democrats’ Green Energy Agenda, they allege. According to reporters, the crisis in Texas is the fault of “the State’s Republican leadership,” sayeth Ali Velshi on MSNBC.
Of course, the media ignores any culpability or deficiency attributable to the Democrat mayors of Texas’ hardest hit cities with vapid claims that THEY are doing the best they can. And they could do better if it were not for all those incompetent and evil Republican leaders in Austin.
The media gives stories of Republican officeholders overwhelmingly extensive negative interpretations. And negative and failed actions of Democrats get little coverage – if any at all.
Senator Ted Cruz’ one-day trip to Mexico with his family – escaping from a home with no heat or water – had hours of lambasting.
In my opening reports, it takes the top of the news over the Covid-19 pandemic and the crisis in Texas. The media reports Republican leaders – such as South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham – meeting with former President Trump at Mar-a-Lago in Florida as if it is tantamount to treason.
The media gives every action taken by President Biden high praise. And almost always compared favorably to the past activities of Trump and Republican congressional leaders. The once ubiquitious so-called fact-checkers and lie-counters have disappeared from the news-sphere when it comes to Biden and Democrats. For the most part, the fact-checkers of yore were merely one-sided propaganda platforms.
To the extent some still exist – such as John Avlon’s grossly misnamed “Reality Check” on CNN — they operate as a weapon in the hate campaign against the Republican brand and Republican supporters. All day long, CNN and MSNBC and their panelists of New York-oriented print media compatriots, universally engage in anti-Republican commentary.
As one example of how fact-checkers have changed, Biden said there were no Covid-19 vaccines available until after his inauguration.
That is a whopper. The Trump administration produced and distributed fifty million doses – and injected them into arms. They did so more than a month before Biden’s inauguration. The Washington Post’s fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, dismissed Biden’s lie as merely a “verbal stumble” – and a “typical Biden gaffe.”
Was it also a “verbal stumble” or a lie when Biden promised to deliver 100 million doses in his first 100 days AFTER the Trump administration had already announced that the U.S. would administer 100 million doses in the first three months of 2021 – approximately 100 days? No one fact-checked that bit of disinformation, either.
The elitist news media and its bias is leading the cancel-culture madness that is embracing America.
Republicans and conservatives – especially those who can objectively point to positive accomplishments of the Trump administration – are mocked, ridiculed and shamed as evil knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who need to be driven out of society. Their (our) voices are to be censored from the platforms of public communication – booted off social media and denied access to the so-called news platforms.
Even worse. The entertainment and movie industries are to blacklist Conservatives. Barred from speaking at universities and colleges. Denied jobs in business.
The campaign of hatred against Republicans is not new. Uber left-wing writer Clint Willis penned “The I Hate Republicans Reader” back in 2003. Then came “Why I Hate Republicans” by Randy Howe. Anti-establishmentarian Bud Meyers wrote a similarly titled book, “Why I Hate Republicans – and the Fox News Channel.” A blood-splattered cover featured images of one man stabbing another in the back (pictured above).
It is getting scary. American conservatives – Republicans — are beginning to relate to European Jews in the early days of German Nazism. They are seeing all the social and political elements of society being used to demonize them as a threat, a danger, an enemy of an increasingly authoritarian state – seeing their legitimate and productive role in society being disregarded, disparaged and displaced with a malignantly contrived negative image advanced for political ambition and power.
So, there ‘tis.