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McConnell stepping down is the right thing to do

McConnell stepping down is the right thing to do

It has been announced that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will be stepping down from his leadership post after the November election.  It is unclear as of this writing whether he will remain in the Senate for the remainder of his term – which ends in January of 2027.

Those on the strident right of the Republican Party will celebrate.  They have long considered McConnell to be a Republican In Name Only (RINO).  They see him as too much of a Washington establishmentarian – a leader who compromises too often.   McConnell has come under increasing fire from so-called MAGA Republicans following criticism by President Trump.

Personally, I think McConnell’s decision to step down is a good one, but not for the reasons claimed by the hardcore critics.  First of all, I do not surrender my judgment of various political figures to Trump’s pugnacious and inconsistent opinions.

I am of the opinion that McConnell has done a reasonably good job in the 17 years he has served as the Republican Senate leader – sometimes minority, sometimes majority.  Apparently, most of the GOP members of the Senate agree – since he has been re-elected to that post repeatedly without any serious competition.  For the most part, McConnell has won the support of the more moderate senators and most of those on the right.  A few exceptions, such as Texas Senator Ted Cruz, noted.

The far-right – and Trump’s — criticism of McConnell makes no sense.  No one is perfect, but McConnell has been pretty damn good.   In a demonstration of spine and political daring-do, McConnell confirmed three of Trump’s conservative Supreme Court nominees against an enormous political headwind.  On that alone, Trump and the Pro-Life movement should be eternally grateful.

McConnell was able to thwart the Democrats’ efforts to force Trump from office with two highly politically motivated impeachments.  McConnell made a mockery of the second impeachment by pushing the Senate trial – constitutionally designed to remove presidents from office — to AFTER Trump left office.  

McConnell was at the helm with occasional slim numbers when many of Trump’s legislative proposals were enacted – including the tax cut.  McConnell shepherded a lot of good legislation for Republican Presidents.  All-in-all, I think McConnell did a pretty good job under some of the most difficult of circumstances.

So, why do I think McConnell stepping down is a good move?  I would sum it up with “it’s time.”

There is the aging thing.  McConnell is essentially the same age as President Biden – one year older.  He is starting to be afflicted with the same issues of aging as Biden.  McConnell has had his health problems and his “senior moments.”  He seems more physically challenged – beyond his faulty gait resulting from childhood polio. 

The ravages of time may differ from one person to the next, but they will not be denied.  In general, folks over 80 do not have the physical stamina or mental acuity to take on highly demanding critical jobs.  It is time for McConnell to pass the torch – as it is with Biden and others.

And that is the other reason for McConnell to step down.  The Republican Party and the Senate need a fresh voice and an invigorated spokesperson and political tactician.  It will enable the public to take a fresh look at Senate leadership – breaking old opinions and attitudes that stifle the political process.  A new leader will not be weighed down by old perceptions and long held opinions.  A new leader comes with a clean slate in terms of public opinion.

Between now and November, several senators will be vying for the job.  At some point, McConnell may make an endorsement – or not.  But it will be several months before a likely successor will emerge.

Republican members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) were unnecessarily nasty in reacting to McConnell’s stepping down.  In an X posting, they added “(D-Ukraine)” after his name because of his support for military aid. (Personally, I think McConnell is 100 percent correct on that issue.)

Virginia Congressman Bob Good, chairman of the HFC said that “Mitch McConnell stepping down provides a great opportunity for true conservative leadership in the Senate.”  He recommends that McConnell step down immediately and that Florida Senator Rick Scott should be chosen as the replacement. 

It would be a pity if McConnell’s departure is on a wave of acrimonious and unjustified criticism – especially by people whose interests and beliefs he served.  As a conservative in the classical tradition, I salute McConnell’s decision and compliment him on a job well done.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Mike f

    Larry, More BS from the master of such at WindbagPost. McConnell continually used his post to thwart the norms of governance in the US, and has succeeded in moving the Republican Party from one of the two virtuous political parties we had 50 years ago, to one that will say or do anything to stay in power. No, he was not alone in this effort (Newt immediately comes to mind), but to praise McConnell shows you have no regard for basic fairness in government, and only care about electing people with an ‘R’ next to their name (of course we knew that). To call the two impeachments “politically motivated” continues to reduce your credibility-what was politically motivated were Trump’s actions-and the Republican Party continues to pay the price for McConnell failing to be an honest broker and convict the orange asshole. In the first impeachment you had trump leaning on a foreign country to benefit his reelection-now if that isn’t politically motivated (and given trump’s position as president a high crime I don’t know what is-even if there wasn’t any quid pro quo-which there was). In the second impeachment-if McConnell had done his job-republicans would not be dealing with the bastard-again not a politically motivated impeachment-majority voted for conviction, just not a sufficient majority. I could go on with McConnell’s actions with Supreme Court justices-actions that democrats never would have taken in the past, but might in the future since McConnell has made this ‘acceptable’-clearly not a good precedent for our legislature to follow….

    • Tom

      I agree! I have always said Reid, McConnell, and Pelosi collectively have done more damage for this country. I really liked your two statements about McConnell, ” ….moving the Republican Party from one of the two virtuous political parties we had 50 years ago, to one that will say or do anything to stay in power….” AND “Republican Party continues to pay the price for McConnell failing to be an honest broker….” AND I liked your statement about McConnell “McConnell’s actions with Supreme Court justices-actions that democrats never would have taken in the past, but might in the future since McConnell has made this ‘acceptable’-clearly not a good precedent for our legislature to follow….” Personally I am in favor of term limits for SCOTUS, strict ethics rules, and that they should run for office and be voted on. SCOTUS judges should be divorced from party. We vote on our local and state judges, so why not also vote on our federal judges. And they also ought to have to write a “Frank Stetson Resume for Justices” so we know about their political leanings and their significant decisions. What McConnell did to the SCOTUS was criminal!!!

      • frank stetson

        “I have always said Reid, McConnell, and Pelosi collectively have done more damage for this country.” I think there’s a “than” statement missing here, but no matter, I really don’t agree.

        Yes, both sides have transgressed with “the nuclear option,” the current filibuster and cloture rules, the new “no high-level court assignments in the Presidents 4th year.” And even when to majority vote versus super majority versus extra super majority votes required. And each time there is a transgression, it’s like raising the stakes in the arms war given the other side free reign to transgress more egregiously the next time.

        But I think we’ve seen the difference between experience, savvy, and skill of those like McConnell, Pelosi, Reid as well as the inexperience of disaster that is Johnson with McCarthy. And Schumer, all who had has plenty of seasoning time, but lacks skills and savvy with a “meh” result.

        The founders wanted law, any law, to be the most difficult thing to accomplish. They architected the government that way and the government, both sides, took that strange, arcane, football and ran with it all the way. The House is hard enough, but the Senate cranks that up, procedurally, about ten notches. It’s no place for a newbie unless extremely smart, savvy, and a #*#O$ of a lot of patience before stepping into the limelight. That’s why I have no issues with term limits in the House but suggest serious consideration for the Senate. If I was a Republican, I would not like McConnell to be forced out for age if he’s good to go.

        I do not like McConnell’s politics but I admire his skills. He runs circles around Schumer and Schumer may never reach those levels. Reid did. He knows and follows the complexity of the rules, he knows the informal processes. I guess one could call it “tough but fair.” But the founders architected this, it is really complex and complicated with more wormholes that a Swiss cheese. For the reason to make creating law very difficult. And I like that. Law should be tough to do. These folks should really think about it. And then think some more.

        And in the house, and I know you guys think she’s the devil, but there has never been one as good as Pelosi, and may never be. The current duo of failures are bozo’s compared to her skill set. I wanted her to pass the mantel before Trump and I was never so wrong. She was a beautiful thing to watch goring his ox.

        I would love to nuke the nuclear option, quit the silly filibuster and get us the real thing – Jimmy Stewart style, and rollback Citizens United. Citizens United did more to ruin our politics than any Trump election cheating. Kill it yesterday, it’s not even human. I do not mind 2/3rd’s and 3/5ths votes. Matter of fact, do more of them. I like it tough. Just like McConnell: tough but fair.

        But damage the country? Pretty sure we are still standing and still in pretty good shape for the shape we are in. Still numero uno last time I checked, in many if not most things. And we like to point fingers, fix things, and make life better for all Americans, and the world. It’s just who we are. Yeah, we fuck up all the time, we hurt others to get ahead, or just for fun, but in the end, we find the problems, fix em, etc.

        Vote Haley. And I don’t mean Barbour. Hey if they got married and shared names, would she be Nikki Haley-Barbour? And would he be Haley Haley Oxen Free Barbour?

  2. Tom

    STS-2 (Stop The Slant rating)

    This rating of STS-2 is due to: 1) A mostly one-sided view of McConnell’s 17 years as Senate Leader; 2) The statement, “A new leader will not be weighed down by old perceptions and long held opinions. (This sentence is a lie) A new leader comes with a clean slate in terms of public opinion. THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! The three US Senators eying the position are: Cornyn (T) hard core Trump, Barrasso (WY) hard core Trump, and Thune (SD) hard core Trump. With GOP Senators being so gutless and not opposing Trump by voting against an impeachment trial in early 2021.

    Here is the other side of what McConnell (ole mush mouth) will be remembered for that the article does not state:

    1) Senate Minority leader when the great economic crash of 2009 occurred.
    2) October 2010 statement about Obama, “We will work hard to ensure President Obama is a one-term president. Beginning of hyper partisanship that we all suffer from today!
    2a) Largely responsible for eight years of Federal Government grid lock during Obama years, and now during Biden years. Owns half of the current border issues!!!
    3) Led the GOP in a unanimous vote against the Affordable Care Act
    3a) Led the GOP in a successful effort to kill the long term care component of the Affordable Care Act that would have help seniors get affordable nursing home care at the end of their lives.
    3b) McConnell consistently sided with Big Pharma and Insurance companies from which he got big donations.
    4) Hundreds of bills that were tabled under McConnell’s lead such as bills on government spending, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement, an infrastructure bill, a parks bill, minimum wage bill, and some environmental issues, just to name a few. He torpedoed the Dreamers Act, all three versions which would have given illegal migrant children now adults hope for college educations and contributing more to society, and this has also caused the rise of MS-13 and lack of hope high school kids feel when they join the gangs.
    5) Voted against Trump impeachment even after his statement “Trump was “Practically and Morally Responsible” for January 6 Attack on Capitol”
    6) Voted against government waste but voted for the infrastructure bill that sneakily tucked in a Brent Spencer Bridge System reconstruction in Kentucky that they had allowed to degrade to the point of dangerous and never supported with their state tax funds. He had previously tabled an infrastructure bill calling it wasteful. He is a flip-flopper, or what Larry would call a “vote-for-benefits” kind of guy!!!
    6) Pushed through Trump tax cuts that did little for the average American, and did much for corporate greed.
    7) Responsible for the imbalance in the Supreme Court that most recently gave Trump a lifeline, the delays he needs to survive prosecution. Found a legal loop hole to delay an Obama appointment until Trump could be elected.
    8) Stacked the Supreme Court with anti-abortion conservative judges that overturned Roe vs. Wade and has led to many GOP state court cases and limits of the sensible reproductive freedoms for women, including IVT, in those GOP state with no federal protections for those rights, and where 84% of Americans favor some form of abortion and almost all favor IVT. (Note: Larry is anti-abortion but pro-Israel which has the most liberal abortion policy of any country.)

    But lets face it folks, football referees are only ever 50% correct in their calls. And no long term leader in Congress escapes without some tarnish on their shining armor. But McConnell has consistently leaned for corporate and against what would benefit the average American, nor does he believe in “Give me your poor, your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses….” McConnell should have showed much more empathy, compassion and understanding of the condition of many average Americans, but those darn donations got in the way.

    McConnell could have stayed in and undone some of the damage he did. He could have lobbied for some of those tabled bills. He could have called for a yes vote to the border bill to supply more resources to the border. But his power has been diminished by Trump. The GOP is now firmly in the hands of Trump and Trump’s lack of civic duty and lack of morals.

    I do not expect much will be different from a new GOP leader.

    And there ’tis.

  3. larry Horist

    Tom … Most of your criticisms of McConnell are why I gave him a generally positive review. And your calling my opinion a lie is just another example of you insufferable arrogance and sense of superiority Your silly scale is another example …LOL. Your contention that a new leader is not a NEW leader, but merely clone of the old leader is prima facie nonsense. New leaders –even of similar philosophic views — are different. And the voters see that difference. And what in hell does abortion have to do with my pro-life stand and my support of Israel as an ally nation, Those are two unrelated issues. The war is not being waged over abortion. Geeez!! You are not making a lot of sense these days.

  4. Darren

    Take a good look at Biden and the Dem party, a very good look.
    And you speak of Trumps lack of Morals!
    That is a typical!

    • Tom

      I have Darren. As an independent I look at the morals and integrity of both sides. Biden has not done any pussy petting nor raped anyone. Biden is not an adulterer. As far as I know, Biden is not a tax cheat. Biden has not been convicted of any crimes. There will not be 91 indictments following Biden. His administration is relatively stable unlike the revolving door of people quitting Trump all through his administration. Biden has nobody doing jail terms for him. Biden has not thrown anyone from his administration under the bus as far as I can recall. Biden has not stated that anyone is unwelcome in his party like Trump did to Haley voters. Biden has not taken any rights away from women. While I do not agree with LGBTQ agenda, Biden has tried to preserve their rights. Biden has been slow to act but he has not pandered to Putin, Un, Mullahs and I am undecided on him and Xi – so Xi is a weakness.

      Now tell me where Biden has been “immoral” or showed lack of morals. Remember that the definition of “immoral” is to go against what society (not just MAGA but rather the big Society) considers decent moral behavior. Please cite Biden’s moral shortcomings???

      • Dan tyree

        Tara Reide would beg to differ Tom. But like Trump nobody proved it. But democrats rarely are held accountable But I believe her. And you believe trump’s accuser

        • frank stetson

          DT: you have got to be kidding, right? Trump’s case was in court, under the threat of perjury and he is guilty. HE appealed and it got tossed. That’s two strikes and I doubt he will appeal the case again. Maybe the money, but not the case. Tara Reid is in the press where anyone can say anything.

          Trump was held liable in court, for a jury of Trump’s peers, some of whom were Republicans and could have said no. The beleived Carrol over Trump. They believed the other witnesses over Trump. Trump appealed and countersued Carroll for defamation since the liable conviction was for sexual abuse and she said RAPE. The judge tossed that case telling Trump, on the record, he was a digital rapist and ONLY the NY law requiring a penis penetration for rape saved him from what any normal person, beyond you, would call RAPE.

          Here’s the rub in your view. IF Tare Reid had a case, why can’t she find a lawyer or the funding to find a lawyer to take the case? Don’t you think if she had a case, that Trump would fund her? Heck, he uses your donor dollars to fund his legal cases, why not use your money to fund Tara Reid’s case?

          Then she goes to Russia cuz some Republican said she was in danger. Yeah, that’s got to be real.

  5. frank stetson

    As he rides off into that Kentucky sunset I say goodbye Moscow-Mitch Turtle-Boy McConnell. I never thought I would say it, but compared with the current crowd, Mitch will be missed. A true player, savvy and experienced, he knew how to work the floor, the backroom, behind the barn and in the news. Sure, I didn’t often like the results, but I respect his abilities and wish Schumer had some of them.

    In leaving, Mitch noted it was time to turn the mantle over to the next generation. Turns out, Mitch sort of spun that given the next generation of the Senate is actually dead by now. He will hand the mantle a few generations away from his……. The question is will he pass on his secrets to a long life? Maybe hand down his Dorian Grey artwork….

    He noted his honor at being able to serve all Kentuckians which may be literally true as he is the only man that can say he actually DID serve ALL Kentuckians throughout Kentucky’s entire history. Ba dum bump…..

    It’s not that Mitch is old, but his name is on the Declaration. He used his plantation name: Button Gwinnett. Check it out, it’s there. Mitch pushed the button YES on the declaration, one of the few times in his legistlative life he said yes.

    Mitch contends he’s better than ever. Today, he can multi-task and cough, fart, sneeze and pee all at the same time.

    Al Gore invented the internet. Mitch claims inventing the pencil; and he knows how to use it.

    Mitch always has hated social security even though it’s the only time he got to be number 1 as in 111-11-1111.

    Mitch has always believed we don’t need to teach history in school. After all, when Mitch started, there was no history.

    Mitch has a picture of Moses in his high school yearbook. It’s signed.

    Mitch’s favorite movie is Jurassic Park. It brings back memories.

    Mitch knew the Beatles when they were the New Kids on the Block. Mitch knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro. Mitch knew Gandalf as clean shaven.

    Mitch loves nature. He planted the first cherry tree on the DC mall after telling Washington to fess up for the fell.

    In closing, it is said that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. This may be true, but in the end — Mitch is still a dog. And a dog they have branded a RINO, as is their way to shun and dismiss their own if not in 100% alignment, 100% of the time, with the orange-hair demented one. There will never be another Mitch, thank God, it’s the passing of a generation. It will take a generation or more to find anyone as good, as experienced, as powerful as Mitch McConnell, from either party.

    • Tom

      I agree Frank! Mitch knew how to work the floor! I am glad there will not be another Mitch.

      Hey, do you get notices that “Your comment is awaiting moderations” when you respond to Larry’s criticisms? Here is what I wrote that is awaiting moderation:

      Yes Larry, I figured I could count on you to be against the people and for McConnell. The people in Chicago probably saw this when they did not elect you. Probably why James Merriner said of you, “The guy who lost and election to Spanky the Clown finds a new way to operate .” LOL

      Actually the three Senators eying the position all have well documented pro-Trump records that are known to all. I actually have been blogging on Barrasso’s website for a number of years! Its not a lie Larry, they are known to the voters. What you are calling arrogance, I call truth and honesty. It is your arrogance to assume that voters are stupid and do not know they Senators!!! By the way, I did not say “clone”, that is your wording. I simply said their records are already well known and easy to look up on line on any issue.

      And your arrogance continues as you call my scale silly, I call it necessary. Such a scale holds you accountable for the spin and lies (sometimes lies by omission) you publish and so often defend. The scale simply gauges how honest I feel you are being; such as in the recent article where you assert Black people in the 1930 voted for benefits without saying why they voted Dem. It was because of GOP policies keeping them in crushing poverty. So I feel you need to be held to a scale. Don’t worry, you will get used to it.

      I doubt seriously that the voters will see much difference except in the level of arrogance. But if we want more arrogance we can always read your article.

      Actually there is a tangential connection between McConnell, his pushing of anti-abortion supreme court justices and their GOP politics, your politics, and your support for anti-abortion while backing the country that has the most liberal abortion policy!!! You are a hypocrite!!! Anti-abortion in the USA but supportive of the most anti-abortion state in the world!!!

      But do not feel bad. McConnell made millions off of China which is also another very liberal abortion state during his tenure. You seem to be very anti-China yet you support McConnell. Maybe you did not know that McConnell made big bucks and donations from China!!! Here is something I read today:

      “The biggest evidence for this came in 2008. Just one year after James Chao joined CSSC Holdings, in addition to running Foremost, McConnell received a “gift” of $5 to $25 million from his father-in-law. As Politico reported, that payment significantly bumped McConnell’s net worth, which was measured at around $3.1 million in 2004, to between $9.2 million and $36.5 million in 2014.

      Several members of Chao’s family, including Angela and James, also contributed more than $1 million to McConnell’s re-election campaigns. In other words, the founder of an unofficial arm of our top adversary’s navy is helping keep McConnell in U.S. leadership. According to Schweizer, these kinds of payments could have been money designed to keep a favorable relationship between McConnell and the Chao family.

      So Larry, do you still support the abortion state of Israel??? Are you still support your leaders making money off of China??? :>)

      • larry Horist

        Tom … How long have you been opining on PBP? All comments have to wait to be approved. When ever I respond to you, I get the message about moderation until it is uploaded.

        In to your response to me, seems like you are taking childish and irrelevant nasty lessons from Mike….LOL And I know you claim to be speaking the absolute truth when you state an opinion. THAT is the arrogance I pointed to. And you think your silly rating system is “necessary?” LOL Necessary to whom … beyond you and Frank? Who even reads your stuff? The vast majority of folks who receive and read the commentaries do not read the comments. Just a fact. That is why I do not spend a lot of time engaging in long exchanges. For what? And mixing abortion in with broader foreign polices issues is just stupid. (Sorry, but I could not find a more appropriate word,). Should I never write about New York because they legalized abortions? Carry on … if that is what gives your life a sense of relevancy.

  6. t

    Yes Larry, I figured I could count on you to be against the people and for McConnell. The people in Chicago probably saw this when they did not elect you. Probably why James Merriner said of you, “The guy who lost and election to Spanky the Clown finds a new way to operate .” LOL

    Actually the three Senators eying the position all have well documented pro-Trump records that are known to all. I actually have been blogging on Barrasso’s website for a number of years! Its not a lie Larry, they are known to the voters. What you are calling arrogance, I call truth and honesty. It is your arrogance to assume that voters are stupid and do not know they Senators!!! By the way, I did not say “clone”, that is your wording. I simply said their records are already well known and easy to look up on line on any issue.

    And your arrogance continues as you call my scale silly, I call it necessary. Such a scale holds you accountable for the spin and lies (sometimes lies by omission) you publish and so often defend. The scale simply gauges how honest I feel you are being; such as in the recent article where you assert Black people in the 1930 voted for benefits without saying why they voted Dem. It was because of GOP policies keeping them in crushing poverty. So I feel you need to be held to a scale. Don’t worry, you will get used to it.

    I doubt seriously that the voters will see much difference except in the level of arrogance. But if we want more arrogance we can always read your article.

    Actually there is a tangential connection between McConnell, his pushing of anti-abortion supreme court justices and their GOP politics, your politics, and your support for anti-abortion while backing the country that has the most liberal abortion policy!!! You are a hypocrite!!! Anti-abortion in the USA but supportive of the most anti-abortion state in the world!!!

    But do not feel bad. McConnell made millions off of China which is also another very liberal abortion state during his tenure. You seem to be very anti-China yet you support McConnell. Maybe you did not know that McConnell made big bucks and donations from China!!! Here is something I read today:

    “The biggest evidence for this came in 2008. Just one year after James Chao joined CSSC Holdings, in addition to running Foremost, McConnell received a “gift” of $5 to $25 million from his father-in-law. As Politico reported, that payment significantly bumped McConnell’s net worth, which was measured at around $3.1 million in 2004, to between $9.2 million and $36.5 million in 2014.

    Several members of Chao’s family, including Angela and James, also contributed more than $1 million to McConnell’s re-election campaigns. In other words, the founder of an unofficial arm of our top adversary’s navy is helping keep McConnell in U.S. leadership. According to Schweizer, these kinds of payments could have been money designed to keep a favorable relationship between McConnell and the Chao family.

    So Larry, do you still support the abortion state of Israel??? Are you still support your leaders making money off of China??? :>)

  7. larry Horist

    Tom … You are really starting to say silly crap — drawing insulting comparison to my view of McConnell and an election that happened almost 30 years ago. I am sorry if my criticism of your writings has you unhinged. However, I got a kick our or your calling me arrogant so many times … in response to my referring to you arrogant…LOL. You remind me of that childish rant .. “I am rubber you are glue, what you say about me bounce off and sticks to you” LOL Come on, Tom, you used to be able to do better than that. Since it bruised you, I will not call you rating system as “silly” — just “meaningless.” That is a more appropriate word, I am just wondering why you think you are reaching a large and interested audience– that you are somehow influencing a lot of people. You seem to be offering a public service without a public.