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Listen to the Doctors and Scientists

Neuroscientist Shruti Muralidhar, front left, and microbiologist Abhishek Chari, front right, hold placards and chant during a demonstration by members of the scientific community, environmental advocates, and supporters, Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017, in Boston, held to urge the administration of President Donald Trump to recognize evidence of climate change, and take action on environmental concerns. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

The headline mantra is heard every day over and over … and over … on all the news platforms.  As a simple cliché, it makes a lot of sense.  But there is a problem.  The doctors and scientists are giving out mixed messages.  And then when the messages go through the biased filters of the Fourth Estate, they are further garbled.

To make it clear, I am not talking in support of those nonsensical theories that permeate the interactive social platforms.  I am referring to misinformation doled out by the iconic brands in journalism.

There is another evergreen bit of advice that addresses the medical profession.  Get another opinion.  It is good advice because doctors and scientists are a not always correct.  Remember, a couple of the most common words associated with medicine are “misdiagnoses” and “malpractice.”

I can speak to that personally.  On two occasions, I was pulled back from the doors of death by two brilliant doctors.  BUT … I was put in that condition – in both cases — by two incompetent doctors.

I have not been a detractor of Dr. Anthony Fauci – until now.  He has been wrong several times.  Most notably, he predicted early on that Covid-19 would not impact significantly on the United States.  He said that it would be years before a vaccine would be in use.  He flipped and flopped on the benefits of masks – initially saying that those without symptoms need not wear them.  I have seen the videos of him making each of those statements in case you think I am passing on bad information.

Recently, Fauci made a Louis XIV-style statement.  You may recall from your world history lessons that the French King was condemned for his expression of authoritarianism when he said “L etat c’est moi’ — “I am the state.”  Fauci is a scientist with a learned opinion, but he is not an infallible source of information.  He is also a highly paid bureaucrat.

In response to the rising tide of criticism of his more recent statements or misstatements, Fauci arrogantly claimed that criticizing him is “criticizing science” – ergo the Louis XIV reference.  That is simply wrong, but unfortunately, a lot of folks in the media – including their hired medical media consultants –have that same “I am always right” attitude.

The problem for the folks who get virtually all their information on Covid-19 from reporters and television doctors is that the messages are mixed and often conflicting.  It is not a matter of listening to doctors and scientists, but a question of which doctors and scientists do you chose to believe – and are their statements backed-up by the data.

Even the same doctors can give conflicting opinions within the same 30-second interview.  Recently, Dr. Leana Wen — one-time medical commission for Baltimore and former head of Planned Parenthood — praised the efficacy of the vaccines, claiming that once vaccinated a person’s chance of getting Covid was EXTREMELY low.  A few seconds later, she was encouraging everyone – including the vaccinated – to wear masks indoors.

Television doctors have called for wearing masks even outdoors if you are in an area with higher numbers of people with Covid.  So, what happen to the claims – and the statistics – that show that a vaccinated person has an infinitesimally small chance of contracting Covid? And if they do, the case will be likely be asymptomatic or very mild. The death rate among vaccinated individuals is almost non-existent. 

Still, one vaccinated doctor said that he always wears a mask indoors because it is still “possible” to contract Covid.  Possible?  Yes. Likely?  Not even close.  It is less possible than my chance – as a conservative writer – of winning a Pulitzer Prize.  In case, you were not aware, that is a fraternity (or sorority) honor exclusively for left-wing journalists and writers.

It seems that no sooner than the medical authorities reassure us of the miracle of the new vaccines, that they resort to fearmongering again.  And then the media amplifies the fearmongering among the doctors and scientists.  Unfortunately, that needlessly scares a lot of people – especially those more susceptible to anxiety.

I fully support getting vaccinated but, based on my own research of the actual statistics, I see no need to wear a mask in public, in private or even in crowded situations.  That is not only the guidance from a lot of doctors, but it is consistent with the statistics.

The Pandemic is still on the decline.  There is a small uptick in cases among the unvaccinated, but the death rate continues to decline. That is because the Delta-Variant is more contagious, but not more dangerous than the previous variants – and the current vaccines are just as effective against it. 

The lower death toll among the un-vaccinated is largely because those coming down with Covid-19 are generally younger – and less susceptible to the more serious outcomes, including death.  If there is anything good to say about those refusing to get the vaccination – and are getting sick – it is that they are at least adding to the number of people with an immunity. That means we are getting closer to herd immunity.

Every day we disregard warnings – or simply do not consider them — to undertake activities that could POSSIBLY result in our death – everything from stepping on an airplane (and especially jumping out of one) to taking a shower.  There is literally no human activity that is absolutely death proof.

While nothing is impossible, the chance of a serious side-effect from taking the vaccine is so low that it makes no sense to refuse.  Once fully vaccinated, the chance of getting Covid is so low that masking up makes no sense unless you fear minimal risks.  That is what the doctors, scientists and statistics tell us.

I add “statistics” to the sources of information because they tell us something very important – which doctors and scientists are believable.  And as far as the news folks are concerned, you should ignore everything they say.  I mean … would you take their medical advice about having surgery on YOUR heart?  Of course not.  So, why listen to them regarding Covid-19 when we have far more reliable sources of information?

So, there ‘tis.

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