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Liberal Media Generates Yet Another Fake News Meme – When Will it Stop?

Liberal Media Generates Yet Another Fake News Meme – When Will it Stop?

The liberal media has again perpetrated a false new story in an attempt to diminish the Trump administration.  

Publications like The Huffington Post are claiming that “Trump Officials Tried To Stop Sally Yates From Testifying On Russia Ties.”

Allegedly, this was the secret reason she was fired. However, the Trump administration stated that this is 100% false.  

The White House said it “has taken no action to prevent Sally Yates from testifying and the Department of Justice specifically told her that it would not stop her and to suggest otherwise is completely irresponsible” in an official statement.

The Huffington Post and others claimed the White House purposely removed former acting Attorney General Sally Yates to try to halt her from testifying to the House Intelligence Committee about the administration’s connection to Russia.   

“In a series of letters last week, Yates’ lawyer, David O’Neil, accused the Trump Justice Department of trying to silence Yates by asserting that “all information Ms. Yates received or actions she took in her capacity as Deputy Attorney General and acting Attorney General are client confidences that she may not disclose absent written consent of the department,” writes The Huffington Post. “In particular, we believe that Ms. Yates should not be obligated to refuse to provide non-classified facts about the department’s notification to the White House of concerns about the conduct of a senior official,” he wrote. “Requiring Ms. Yates to refuse to provide such information is particularly untenable given that multiple senior administration officials have publicly described the same events.” 

The White House made it clear that they expect Yates to testify.

“There is no letter from the White House because Yates attorney’s letter clearly states a non-response will be seen as the White House not asserting executive privilege,” said a White House official. “So our non-response clearly allows her to freely move forward with testifying.”

“I hope she testifies,” said Sean Spicer, White House press secretary on Tuesday. “I look forward to it.”

“The report in The Washington Post is 100 percent false. The letters they frankly publish on their website all back up everything I just read,” said Spicer.  

“The letter that her attorney sent literally says, ‘if we do not receive a response by March 27 at 10 a.m., I will conclude that the White House does not assert executive privilege over the matters with respect to hearings or otherwise.’ I don’t think he can be any clearer than that.”

After Yates’ hearing was canceled this week by committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes, a California Republican, the liberal media created a new false narrative as an explanation.

However, all of the committee’s meeting have been canceled this week after Nunes announced, before consulting his other members, that the U.S. intelligence community had allegedly collected information on Trump and his team inadvertently. This was following an unscheduled visit to the White House the night before the announcement.

“That late-night excursion has led some Democrats to accuse Nunes of colluding with the White House on his announcement in an effort to vindicate Trump’s claim that his presidential campaign was wiretapped by the Obama administration,” writes The Hill.

Democrats are not demanding that Nunes recuse himself from the investigation regarding Russian and the Trump Campaign. House speaker Paul Ryan still supports Nunes.

“Speaker Ryan has full confidence that Chairman Nunes is conducting a thorough, fair, and credible investigation,” said AshLee Strong, Nunes spokeswoman.  

So again, Nunes is too busy dealing with the backlash from democrats and isn’t avoiding Yates’ hearing.

Not to mention, the fact is that Yates was rightfully fired for doing her predecessor, Loretta Lynch’s bidding and refusing to enforce the law.

Editor’s note: Yates was a leftover Obama appointee, fired for declaring she would not enforce the law (and who should have been let go when Lynch left). Everyone knows this, yet this story was carried by many of the major news networks.


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1 Comment

  1. Robert Morrow

    The Slime Fake so called News Media will only stop when they are out of Business. When all stop watching them and the Advertisers stop supporting them. Personally I have not trusted Any Slime Ball Fake News Media People in over 60 years, for they have Proven beyond any doubt that they are Traitors to the Country.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…