Kim Davis Released from Jail at the Start of Mike Huckabee's Rally
Rowan County clerk Kim Davis became famous when her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples landed her in court. She continued to refuse, even after the judge ordered her to ignore her religious beliefs during works hours. Kim was arrested and thrown in jail.
GOP candidates Mick Huckabee and Ted Cruz planned to pay Kim a visit on Tuesday, after hosting press conferences and rallies just outside the jail. To their surprise, U.S. District Judge David Bunning gave the order for Kim’s release just as the event was about to begin.
The focus of the rally was to use Kim’s arrest as an example of the worsening “criminalization of Christianity” in America. Huckabee followed Kim as she was released and invited her to stand beside him as he talked to the cameras.
“She’s shown more courage than most any politician I know and most every pastor I know,” said Huckabee. “Because she’s not only said something, she’s been willing to put her life at risk in order to follow the Christ that came into her life four years ago.”
Huckabee was overjoyed that everyone in attendance was able to watch Kim walk triumphantly out of jail. “We stand with Kim today with gratitude and appreciation,” said Huckabee, adding that he prays this country will find solutions that do not include locking people up for their beliefs.
Kim was told that when she returns to work she must issue licenses to every couple regardless of sexual orientation. When asked for advice, Huckabee responded: “I’ve already told her that if somebody needs to go to jail, I’m willing to go in her place and I mean that because I’m tired of watching people being just harassed because they believe something of their faith. And we cannot criminalize the Christian faith or anybody’s faith in this country.”
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