Kamala “Wins” Debate With Help From Biased ABC Moderators

The ABC Moderators at the presidential debate fact-checked, asked stunning follow-ups, and otherwise held the debaters’ feet to the fire – but ONLY if your name was Donald Trump. Otherwise, you could pretty much rely on them to let you say whatever you wanted and provide even cover for you!
Did Harris “win” the debate? It’s hard to say that she didn’t.
However, her “victory” was not without help. She had an obvious assist from the biased ABC moderators. They were on her side and let her get away too many times without responding to their questions.
She consistently gave speeches instead of answers, yet the moderators didn’t press her for a clear response to their questions as they did with the former president.
“So when Trump doesn’t directly answer the question, ABC points it out. Kamala will NOT directly answer a single question, and they let her off the hook,” Outkick host Tomi Lahren pointed out.
Asked, for example, how much responsibility she had for the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, she never answered except to say that she supported President Biden’s decision.
She then turned to the Democratic talking point that Trump negotiated the original terms with the Taliban, and moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis let it pass. There was no mention of the 13 dead American service members.
When it came to Trump’s answers, several times, the moderators insisted he was wrong and offered what can only be called corrections. They were way out of line and once again proved that mainstream media outlets simply cannot be trusted to play fair.
“The ABC moderators are fact checking- incorrectly!- and in such a shockingly obviously one-sided way, that Trump enduring the ambush as well as he has is a win,” conservative radio host Buck Sexton reacted. “This debate has been a total sham, questions are all attacks on Trump, it’s 3 on 1. Outrageous.”
Some critics specifically called out Muir for his multiple spats with Trump.
“David Muir is criticizing and attacking Trump more than Kamala is,” journalist Glenn Greenwald said. “Kamala can relax because the ABC ‘moderators’ are handling the debate for her.”
Will There Be a Second Debate?
Will we ever see these two face off against each other once again? That remains to be seen.
The Harris campaign called for a second presidential debate almost immediately after Tuesday night’s wrapped up. As to the former President. He initially said during a live post-debate interview on Fox News that he’d “have to think about it” and that Harris wanted a second debate “because she lost,” but when host Sean Hannity pushed him on it, Trump said, “Maybe if it was on a fair network.”
Hannity then suggested he could moderate a second debate, which he suggested could take place in October, “like I did” with California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.
“I think it would be fair. You would be fair, actually, you want to know the truth,” Trump said.
You got to ask yourself, Trump says he’s our savior. How come:
– ABC pulls one over on him — couldn’t he know it was coming?
– Harris pulls one over on him —– she boned up on the issues and practiced. How could he blow that one?
– Trump says DOJ, FBI, the election officials, they’re all weaponized against him, but he can’t prove it in four years of Comer/Jordan trying with all those resources, and Trump can’t fight them off even though he says he knew it was coming, just like this election.
– ABC calls him a liar, but not Harris and therefore he’s not a liar. But how could he let that happen?
Come on man, he talked over the moderators again getting extra time all the time. He got called on lies, she didn’t for a reason. Tell me any lies she told that were even close to the magnitude of his lies. And yes, you can let the dogs out. Let loose the dogs of war. And remember, now we know why RFK Jr. is on the Trump campaign —— it’s the cuisine! Bring on the bears!
Ask yourself: if he’s the smartest, strongest, savviest deal-making, businessman politician ever, why does he keep getting his ass handed to him by incompetent idiots as he brands them? What’s up with his fucking up all the time?
Not to worry, he’s says it’s his best debate ever, so there it tis. You just gotta believe.
The moderators didn’t call her out on her lies because they incorrectly believe those lies are true too.
BWH: got evidence or even a specified Harris lie worth calling out? Must be easy to find.
Actually BWH, media fact checked both on CBS. Trump 33+ lies, Harris 3 part truths. She was amazingly clean in her facts and delivery. Its just hard for you and other MAGAs to admit your hero was beaten by a DEI minority selection. Sad for you. But there is hope. You can turn the page and join our multi-cultural society that is here to stay! 🙂
Trump has the truth on his side. I still say that if that cunt wins she will never govern me. And I know that with voter fraud it’s possible. But many of us have plans and it doesn’t include attacks on the capitol. That shit was rigged and carried out by the left.
Are you heading to your White Supremacy Meeting tonight?
Trump can’t spell truth. You have been governed by Obama. You’ve been governed by Biden. There is no plan to escape governing by our president unless you plan to leave the country. As to what goes on in your mind, we’re not going there. There was no fraud at significant levels in either the 2016 or 2020 elections and there will not be for 2024. We both are governed by the constitution and the rule of law. If your plan is to transgress against either of them, you know our plan.
Let’s talk issues, perhaps spice it up with a few facts, and feel free to leave an opinion or two at the door .
Stetson – yes, let’s talk truth….. no voter fraud? BS. Can you say socialist and commie??? That’s what these people are, there is no fair elections anymore, there is no freedom of speech, no republic governed by laws…. it has all been corrupted so that it falls in favor of the ruling party. If you wish to talk issues, please do tell me all the good benefits the Biden-Harris Administration has actually provided for the USA, for the citizens of America (not illegals), for our economy, for the good of our countries’ security, our armed forces, our schools, protection of our children (abortion? Gender transition for minor children?), disarm law enforcement, taking apart the Constitution by suppression of freedom of speech and gun control, healthcare benefits…. shall I go on??? Truth is, Biden-Harris administration has done nothing but enrichen themselves!!!
sorry maria, my free speech was banned again so I lost this one. will try to reclaim, replace, but not right now.
i really wonder what technical snafu does this. i would think Joe-the-software-engineer would want to know why his site is broken. Maybe he can get a refund…….
Ah, take it back, moderator timeout. Prob email typo.
Actually Maria, if you want to criticize someone, at least be accurate!!! Frank’s whole statement was, “There was no fraud at significant levels in either the 2016 or 2020 elections and there will not be for 2024. ” By significant, it was determined by Trump’s AG Barr that there was no significant fraud that would have changed the result of the election. Frank was repeating what Trump’s man said!
Now as an Independent, below is the list of some significant Biden accomplishments (good benefits are your words) that you have been asking for:
Now unless you have been living under a rock, here are some accomplishments of Biden Administration: ACA strengthened. Millions more have health insurance. Less home foreclosures due to medical debt. No wars involving American boots on the ground. Infrastructure bill passed that Trump could not pass. Wages outpaced inflation. Family incomes are up. More minorities gainfully employed!! Inflation is going down. Soft landing of the economy, no recession. No race riots like under Trump, no repeat of Charlottesville. Diversity in his cabinet. Over ten new highs in the stock / equities markets. Best economy with lowest unemployment since WWII according to the stats – beat Trump by a lot. Great focus on Covid vaccine distribution. NATO AND UN relationships that Trump destroyed are now repaired. U,S. Defense contractors are making lots of money due to arms to Ukraine. Ohio got its factory Trump promised. China kept at bay and has not invaded Taiwan. Inflation started by Trump and continued by Biden is coming down. Tech bill passed that will bring semiconductor manufacturing home again. More efforts towards green energy while we increased oil production! More oil leases granted than under Trump. Violent crime down 20% according to the stats. 14.2 million jobs created. AND lets not forget that the GOP led house needed the Dems/Biden administration to pass their budget and arms bills for Israel and Ukraine. And I am sure you will like that racial inequality is narrowing!!!
Freedom of speech has been preserved, as has the Constitution. I still have my guns and my bible!! Trump being convicted by a jury of his peers is evidence of Rule of Law despite all of the breaks he got from Judge Merchan like repeated gag order violations where the judge could have jailed him, evidence of past history of criminal activities not allowed into court, Hicks testimony under review, gag order partially removed, judge is examining case in accordance with the SCOTUS immunity decision. And if you want to talk freedom of speech, please go to youtube and look up the file where Speaker Johnson and his MAGA folks took a day off from their taxpayer funded jobs to go to Manhattan, NY to help Trump violate the gag order by being his voice and violating the gag order for him. None were arrested or jailed or even issued a citation!! That is freedom babycakes!!!
Here is where you can educate yourself with the truth at *https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/* I hope you will get reoriented with reality!!! You are not to blame. You are suffering from MDS (MAGA Distortion Syndrome). I wish you well!!!
I am sure Frank can list more “benefits” of a Biden administration.
And Maria, lets not forget the American Recovery Act and the Chips Act.
Maria: thanks for reading. Fair enough comments. Let’s talk truthfully. I say socialist. I say commie. But that does not make these people either. Got facts? Evidence? Even a definition. People? The article was about Harris, Trump, and the ABC moderators. You actually concluding the moderators are commie socialists? Come on, show us the truth.
You cannot prove unfair elections: 65 court cases, a half dozen recounts, no Italian satellite, and the Republican storming of the Capitol did not prove it. Quite the opposite.
No freedom of speech – got proof? Cuz me and PBP feel different
No Republic governed by laws — got proof? I know, the border, but got more?
Biden by the numbers, and thanks for asking:
* https://www.factcheck.org/2024/07/bidens-numbers-july-2024-update/*
* https://www.vox.com/politics/24094752/biden-trump-strong-economy-2024-inflation*
The factcheck version looks pretty good for Biden versus Trump but VOX probably gets closer to what you are feeling and why. Myself, anecdotally, and just a datapoint, not a statistic, I have accumulated more personal wealth under Biden than ever before. I am retired and not working. The first time I did it was 2021 which is probably more of a Trump effect and equity based. But Trump’s tax-cut-and-spend free money economy scared me so I moved from equities to fixed assets and while the market gyrated up and down, currently way up under Biden — I was steady on making interest and dividends while avoiding the market roller coaster as free money Trumpeconomics turned into free money Bidenomics turned into post-pandemic roller coaster. I realized that Trump/Biden’s free money would result in inflation so I capitalized on high interest rates for a low risk success.
So yeah, I can survive and I thrive under Bidenomics while Trumpeconomics was a chaotic time that did not serve me as well, financially.
Glad you asked, hope you like the clips. Oh yeah, show me where Biden or Harris profited from his Presidency. Won’t need receipts, but specific, documented, examples would suffice.
Why these’ll does the GOP allow this to even happen Trump needs to see that debates are neutral or do not participate and yes the 2020election was stolen but why did GOP allow The machines and all those illegal mail in ballots and no ids I remember When you had to show an ID to even get ito a voting place seems the country is lost and cheating is in so. The GOP needs to start cheating also so if this the way this Aremica is going then it is Now Nazi Germany Damn Hitler told nothing but lies so they became the truth because no one challenged the stinkin asshole So who is challenging the demon rats.Reagan would never allow something like this to happen. Time for a revolution and why is fat soros or soreass allowed to commit espionage and even be in this damn country send him back to Hungary where the shit head will be shot on site
Tom and Frank are suffering from TDS. They are so biased, I really thought they could have been the moderators for ABC on that disgraceful debate. Tom and Frank always want everyone else to supply PROOF so they can tear everyone up that responds to them. When I ask them for proof, they go one thousand miles out of the way to NOT provide the proof I asked for, they give proof for what I did not ask for. Neither of them has one decent thing to say to anyone except to themselves. They definitely are not kind souls. I used to be nice on here, but they taught me well how to be just as nasty as the Deep State vermin that they always show they are. They tore me up so many times that I now think they are despicable traitors who do not appreciate America period! Tom evidently did not read my last post yesterday about my military family and the loss of my brother from agent orange from Vietnam. He would go out and have a party and celebrate my broken heart because that is the low-class insensitive ahole he is and always will be. Same for Stetson. They are the greatest haters in America online now. I wonder what happens to some people in their lives to make them so hateful. I am surprised to find they respect the military. they sure do not respect anyone else even if they are military or have military family. NCIS would love this case. I think both of them are in love with Kamal Aroush Harris. They sure do show their love for everything he/she says and does. Frank bemoans free speech when it is taken from him, yet he slams all of us for speech we have to say which is to get us the Hell off HIS website (or so he thinks it’s his) so he and Tom can have this site all to themselves. Their hate cannot be disputed anymore because it happens every single day with every single PBP email that comes out. They both tell us we need help yet go back and re-read ALL of their rhetoric and see who really needs help. Maybe they are autistic or even on drugs. Who knows? They, all by themselves opened up a giant can of worms and we are going to keep blasting both of them plus another hater that comes on here. I wonder what branch of the service they were in. How long or short did they stay and were they discharged dishonorably or honorable. Did they get out just before they had to go to a war like Walz did? Who knows? Be easy to find out. That (Joisy) Boy is so full of himself! I also will bet one or both of them hate white people, too. Enough for now. I am waiting to be destroyed AGAIN!
AF. I am sorry you feel bad. You complain about our constant requests for facts, evidence, and supporting sources. It’s how we move a discussion forward in a mature, genteel fashion with decorum and respect. You seem to choose another path which seems more accusatory and combative.
While you weaved about, i can answer one question. I did not serve. I was the last draft lottery, didn’t matter much, and I was so far down the list that burning my draft card was silly. No one cared.
I did have a college friend born in NV, he pretty much showed me how hard it would be to win. His family had money and they went South with the bombing and just kept going. I did volunteer to help Vietnam paraplegic vets find the joys of skiing for a few years. And I protested some, but mostly Nixon, I was a bit too young for the huge marches. We did host some campers for the big ones for my siblings generation.
My family has served a lot, but in talking with my dad, he convinced me Vietnam was a loss post 1970 and so I made my choice to protest and go to jail if called. Not a big deal, not many volunteers or draftees at that point. His experience was brutal and a bit of the Catch 22 experience. I still suffer his ptsd. Thank goodness did not face a real draft . My fil, who is a father to me, went behind the lines in Italy to help mother and five sisters. Another brutal story.
Sorry for your loss, have a few friends that way, and I hope you feel happier soon. I will answer specific questions but generally skip the generalities and ones laced with name calling, stereotyping, and branding. Think I answered your only specific question here.
As to your accusations, let me just summarize: nope, don’t think so Got examples?
Frank, you are NOT sorry. You do not have it in you for any compassion for anyone but yourself. In your first paragraph about facts and proof. You refuse any time I request YOUR proof so stop being a hypocrite and be a good little boy for a change. Own up to the fat you are a self-centered hateful nasty man. I would accept your condolence if you truly meant it, but you don’t. With all your past posts to me, you have shown your total distaste and hate for me plus several others that only try to post to the story, and you stick your nose in with horrible filth. Go stand in a corner, you naughty boy! then think about what you did. It is inhumane!
AF I am sorry you can’t accept that I feel sorry that you feel bad
What proof are you missing?
As to the rest of your name calling, that’s on you. I will not lower myself to play your game of demaning others. I will discuss the issues of the day, with facts and sources, and will answer most reasonable questions and requests.
Hey AF!!! Nice to see you little man!!! Nice that you crawled out of your mental institution’s hole to offer your usual goofy conspiracy ridden extreme right wing psychotic delusions that you call opinions!!
As usual, you failed to read my entire comment where I stated to Maria “Here is where you can educate yourself with the truth at *https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-opinion-biden-accomplishment-data/* ” All of the proof is there! Have a read and educate yourself for a change!!! And don’t forget to listen to your psychiatrists and attend all of your prescribed CBT sessions!!!
Now be a good little man and take your SSRI’s as prescribed!!!
Tom, my statement about proof was meant more for Frank, not you. How many times do I need to tell you I am a woman, not a man. I am NOT LGBTQ either. I have half a mind to get your information and expose you to some very fine individuals that will put you in your place in a heartbeat. VERY EASY TO DO! Keep up your filth, dirty man, Keep it up. Maybe you also need to stand in a corner. You really need it. I am fighting for America and our Constitution. You don’t seem to be doing that at all. Funny, the “Society” I belong to doesn’t think I need psychiatric help. One and a half million members all look up to me. I also have quite a following of people. BTW, just what have you done for America? Do you reach out to your representatives with letters or emails? Do you send donations? Do you volunteer help with anything for America? Are you really Patriotic? Or are you a traitor that looks the other way when you are needed unless, of course it is to destroy me all the time. AND you say I need help? Keep messing with me so others can see what you really are! I mean it, keep messing with me. I WANT EVERYONE to see you for who you really are and you are doing a great job of it so far!
Yes you speak the truth AF. I did not read your post yesterday. I often skip over your posts because I do not like ingesting garbage. Sorry for your loss. I lost many friends as well, including my next door neighbor whom I was very close too.
Oh by the way, you disagreed with me on the Section 60 issue with Trump taking a photo op for commercials at Arlington National Cem. Well he did not stop there. Today on the news, he was signing an American flag for a fan. It is illegal to deface the American flag, period. Just another example brought to you by the party that brags to be the party of Rule and Law of Trump trampling on our laws.
Tom, does it make you get off on destroying me? You are something else-a total disaster. Go ahead, show the readers on this site just what a piece of crap you really are. I am loving it. Give me more so those readers dee you in real time. My Mom had me first, a girl, then my brother and last my sister. She lost three more. That means two girls and one boy. My husband has been dead for almost 14 years leaving me in a distant state all by myself in a fifth wheel trailer with no truck to tow it with. He was nearly 23 years in the military. God, you do not know how much I hate you evil demon!
AF: I am sorry for your hate. Hate is so unproductive. But let’s see. I am guessing you are white. You say you live it a trailer. Come from a slightly larger than average American family. And you talk a lot of trash. Interesting.
Best luck with feeling happier. I find it makes for a more harmonious outcome.
AF that’s what liberals do. They try to tear down anyone who challenges them. But I will ask you to not get people’s information and destroy them. That’s another ploy of the left. Called doxing,if I’m not mistaken. Tom if you’re reading this know that I stood up for you a little bit. But you’re still a dumbass. I believe that you asked me earlier if I was going to attend a white supremacy meeting. Why would I do that? I don’t know those people. And AF I’m in your corner and standing for America first.