Jill Stein's Green Party – Progessive, but with Genuine Heart
Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein held a rally in Miami Friday evening to a crowd of about 400. This small but enthusiastic group rocked the house, took selfies with Jill and spoke about a variety of issues, including climate change, LGBTQ issues, the military occupation of Palestine, Black Lives Matter, the Urban Pardise Guild and much more. The strength of convictions was palpable and optimistic, despite their polling only 1% to 2% in recent polls.
The Green Party’s agenda begins with “Climate Action: Protecting Mother Earth and Humanity” and moves to a great many social justice issues. Stein has declared a climate change emergency and stressed the immediacy of the threat.
I hadn’t had much exposure to the Green Party before this, but they share a great many issues with the Democratic Party, especially with the principles of Bernie Sanders, but with a distinct emphasis on climate change, ecology and conservation.
But make no mistake, this is NOT the Democratic party. These people are pure.
They are honest about the issues they are working on, I felt none of the narcissistic character of the Hillary Clintons of the world. You got the feeling that, unlike with the major parties, the people were dedicated to their beliefs and willing to die for them if necessary, the true American spirit. Would Hillary or Trump do that? Doubt it. If I were a Democrat instead of a staunch Republican I might have been persuaded to switch.
Punching Bag reporters managed to snagged a brief interview, encountering an elegant but earnest Stein. She spoke about a “people powered” democracy and the failures of the Democratic party to come through on their promises, and of course, how Hillary Clinton’s climate change agenda was merely lip service. She emphasized Hillary’s stance on fracking and her links to the oil industry. Her “Protecting Mother Earth” agenda is comprehensive, you can see it here.
Author’s note: Ironically, if Jill Stein and her Green Party were to move boldly, they have the opportunity to make their climate change goals a reality (yes, the worldwide solution to climate change, starting now!). Unfortunately, when I asked for an extra 3 minutes with Jill to explain how a strategy might come about, her gatekeepers shut me out, apparently the schedule could not suffer another 3 minute stretch.
Oh well, maybe we can save the world some other time…
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And your daughter
I am not sure what you are saying AF. Got examples?