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Jeb Bush's Strategy to Defeat ISIS

Jeb Bush's Strategy to Defeat ISIS

Jeb Bush appeared on Newsmax TV last Friday to discuss his strategies regarding ISIS, his controversial plan to abolish food stamps, and his recent anti-Donald Trump advertisement. 

When asked how he would respond to the recent shooting in Philadelphia that left Police Officer Jesse Hartnett wounded at the hands of an ISIS gunman, Jeb reminded hosts John Bachman and J.D. Hayworth that America’s police force is fighting on the front lines in this war on terror and needs more support from both the public and the federal government.

The former Florida governor said he would reauthorize the patriot act and improve relations between the federal government and America’s police force. In regards to ISIS, Bush explained: “Today, we have a leader that is feckless that does not believe America’s strength and leadership is appropriate, and he doesn’t have a strategy to destroy ISIS.”

“We have special operators in Syria, we have 3,500 troops in Iraq,” continued Bush. “What we need is a strategy with American leadership to forge that coalition.” Jeb’s strategy, first made public in August during a speech at the Ronald Reagan Library, includes arming the Kurds, infiltrating the Iraqi military with US soldiers, and re-engaging with Sunni leaders in the Anbar Province. 

“We need to restore at the core of our foreign policy, which is peace through strength,” Bush explained. “A strong military with a strong commander-in-chief that respects the military could solve this problem.” Jeb also highlighted the need to create a “no-fly zone in Syria and safe zones in Syria to deal with both the refugee challenge that the world faces to keep people there.” In addition, he would create “a unified army, Sunni-led by Syrians, to be able to ultimately create stability in Syria and to destroy ISIS.” 

Furthermore, Bush complained that our troops have been endangered by “additional requirements of war fighting.” The US should not “worry about the civil liberties of an ISIS sympathizer,” said Bush. “We’re at war and we should treat it accordingly.” 


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